August 2001
- [DGN] RP awards (was: Something in the water) Ananda Dawnsinger
- [DGN] RP awards (was: Something in the water) Matt Mihaly
- Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling) Matt Mihaly
- Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling) Hanz, Rob
- Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling) Travis Casey
- Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling) Dave Rickey
- Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling) Richard A. Bartle
- Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling) Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling) Koster, Raph
- Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)
- Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling) Daniel James
- CGMud testing Chris Gray
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Eli Stevens
- TECH: STL / Heaps, David Bennett
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Travis Nixon
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Vincent Archer
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Sean K
- TECH: STL / Heaps,
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Sean K
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Adam Martin
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Ling Lo
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Paul Schwanz
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Chris Jones
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Kwon Ekstrom
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: STL / Heaps, shren
- TECH: STL / Heaps, Jon Lambert
- Dictionary of Body Language
- Dictionary of Body Language Koster, Raph
- Where to go with the maddog page Frank Crowell
- Academic journal on computer games Jussi 'Sulka' Haro
- "The gaming situation" by Markku Eskelinen Jussi 'Sulka' Haro
- "The gaming situation" by Markku Eskelinen Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- "The gaming situation" by Markku Eskelinen Madman Across the Water
- "The gaming situation" by Markku Eskelinen Matt Mihaly
- "The gaming situation" by Markku Eskelinen Travis Casey
- Non-Linear Item Combination Systems... Justin Rogers
- Rats in a cage? J C Lawrence
- Rats in a cage? J C Lawrence
- ECTS 2001 & GDC Europe Adam Martin
- ECTS 2001 & GDC Europe J C Lawrence
- Java tidbits (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Ling Lo
- Java tidbits (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Bobby Martin
- Java tidbits (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Alistair Milne
- Player Types (Was Anarchy Online) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Korean marketing effort... Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Bruce Mitchener
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Federico Di Gregorio
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Bruce Mitchener
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Luke Carruthers
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Bruce Mitchener
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Robin Lee Powell
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Robin Lee Powell
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Bruce Mitchener
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Robin Lee Powell
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Bruce Mitchener
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Robin Lee Powell
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Bobby Martin
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Miroslav Silovic
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Kwon Ekstrom
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Skotos Articles: Why Marrach Isn't the Movies #1, #2, #3, and a Coda [LONG] Christopher Allen
- [BIZ] Job on a MMORPG Dave Kennerly
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Dave Kennerly
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Richard A. Bartle
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Ian Collyer
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Communit y Feeling)) Koster, Raph
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Ling Lo
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Richard A. Bartle
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Marc Fielding
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) John Hopson
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (wasCommunity Feeling)) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Adam Martin
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Erwin S. Andreasen
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was CommunityFeeling)) Dave Kennerly
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was CommunityFeeling)) Erwin S. Andreasen
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Brian Hook
- MudDev FAQ - part 1 Marian Griffith
- MudDev FAQ - part 1 Marian Griffith
- MudDev Faq - part 1 Marian Griffith
- Mud Dev FAQ - Part 1 Marian Griffith
- Mounts and Vehicles Greg B
- Mounts and Vehicles Justin Harvey
- Mounts and Vehicles Richard A. Bartle
- Mounts and Vehicles Ammon Lauritzen
- Mounts and Vehicles Koster, Raph
- Mounts and Vehicles susan wu
- Mounts and Vehicles Tamzen Cannoy
- Mounts and Vehicles J C Lawrence
- Mounts and Vehicles Richard A. Bartle
- Mounts and Vehicles (Lydia Leong)
- Mounts and Vehicles Frederick Nacino
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Trump
- Wilderness (AO) Peter Tyson
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Brian Hook
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / H eaps, etc.)
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Justin Rogers
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / H eaps, etc.)
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Bruce Mitchener
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Dave Kennerly
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Jeremy Noetzelman
- TECH: programming languages (was: TECH: STL / Heaps, etc.) Nathan F. Yospe
- small outfit is looking for computer game designers/programmers Frank Crowell
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Marc Fielding
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Kristen L. Koster
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Kwon Ekstrom
- Pocket PC Development
- Pocket PC Development Peter Tyson
- Pocket PC Development Frank Crowell
- Pocket PC Development Peter Tyson
- Pocket PC Development Frank Crowell
- Pocket PC Development Peter Tyson
- Pocket PC Development Paul Schwanz
- Pocket PC Development Peter Tyson
- Pocket PC Development Matt Owen
- Pocket PC Development Coyote
- Pocket PC Development Frank Crowell
- Pocket PC Development
- Pocket PC Development Peter Tyson
- Pocket PC Development Ling Lo
- Re[4]: d20 Travis Casey
- Re[4]: d20 Travis Casey
- Re[4]: d20 Michael Tresca
- Re[4]: d20 Travis Casey
- Re[4]: d20 Michael Tresca
- [TECH] [ObjC] : programming languages - Obj-C as opposed to Java Adam Martin
- [TECH] [ObjC] : programming languages - Obj-C as opposed to Java Bruce Mitchener
- [TECH] [ObjC] : programming languages - Obj-C as opposed to Java Brian Hook
- Chances of success (was d20 system) Bobby Martin
- Chances of success (was d20 system) Travis Casey
- Chances of success (was d20 system)
From: Travis Casey []
> On Wednesday 15 August 2001 05:42 pm, Bobby Martin wrote:
>> For example, in Cosm we decided we want the chance of success on
>> a skill to be proportional to the ratio (skill level)/(skill
>> level + difficulty). This way an increasing skill increases the
>> chance of success, but there is never either a certainty of
>> success or certainty of failure.
> Yep. I suggested exactly that on this list a few years ago. See:
> Shawn Halpenny replied back then that he was already using a
> similar system.
So have any problems come to light with this system after 3 years
usage? I like it although I'm not completely convinced as to how
easy it would be for a person with 50 skill to beat someone with 100
skill. Especially if the fight is longish which would start to
correct any statistical abberation. For me marginally long fights
are a necessity as quick fights are more likely to preclude tactics
and make healing spells etc. of negligable use in combat.
I do have one issue with the system proposed in the linked post
however, and that is with having the arbitrary hit point cap of
120. I've not thought about it too much, but it seems to me that by
putting a limit in you are setting yourself up for difficulty in the
future. Of course if you don't have it, then as people level, the
chances of David get vanishingly slim against Goliath. This goes
against my instincts though in that I think continual character
improvement is key to this type of game. Of course better armor will
factor into the original hp limited equation too I guess. Balancing
these multidimensional curves is truly a nightmare. Just because
computers allow you to make complex systems doesn't make us any
better at concieving and understanding the full ramifications of our
design decisions ;)
Another thing I've been thinking off is how to efficiently model dmg
curves for a weapon if I don't want to stick with a linear
probability or standard bell curve. I think it would be nice to
literally drag points on a graph. You could then have weapons with
a mean dmg of 20 but a potential dmg of 200 every 1 in 200 blows. In
fact if you had weapons that had negative points on the graph, they
could even dmg the user at times (well its a dangerous weapon /shrug
- hell I've smacked myself with a pair of nun-chucks :). With that
weapon that randomly does 200 dmg, you are also helping out the low
level player who wields it - if he gets lucky there, then he could
indeed take out a high level. This all takes me back to the
difficulty of working out all the compound probabilities of success
- especially as I don't want to sledge hammer the problem by capping
things at given levels.
P.S. As an aside I really like it when people link to previous
discussions as there is great info there some of which could be
further explored. Otherwise we tend to get the problem whereby the
old hands have no interest in covering old ground again and again
for relatively new people like myself. Whilst the new people just go
round in circles :)
Dan - Chances of success (was d20 system) Travis Casey
- Chances of success (was d20 system)
- Chances of success (was d20 system) Jon Lambert
- Chances of success (was d20 system)
- Chances of success (was d20 system) Kwon Ekstrom
- CoolMUD lives!, sort of. Robin Lee Powell
- CoolMUD lives!, sort of. Bruce Mitchener
- CoolMUD lives!, sort of. Dan Root
- CoolMUD lives!, sort of. Robin Lee Powell
- CoolMUD lives!, sort of. Miroslav Silovic
- CoolMUD lives!, sort of. Robin Lee Powell
- CoolMUD lives!, sort of. Bruce Mitchener
- CoolMUD lives!, sort of. Miroslav Silovic
- CoolMUD lives!, sort of. Robin Lee Powell
- MBTI vs Bartle Type (was: Personality Types) Ian Collyer
- Personality Types (was Anarchy Online (was Community Feeling)) Matt Mihaly
- Re[4]: Chances of success (was d20 system) Travis Casey
- Re[6]: d20 Travis Casey
- Re[6]: d20 rayzam
- Re[6]: d20 Bobby Martin
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #404 - 16 msgs Dr. Cat
- Personality Types Corey Crawford
- Chances of success (Bobby's algorithm) Bobby Martin
- SMAUG Code (was Personality Types) Kwon Ekstrom
- SMAUG Code (was Personality Types) Corey Crawford
- SMAUG Code (was Personality Types) Alistair Milne
- SMAUG Code (was Personality Types) Kwon Ekstrom
- SMAUG Code (was Personality Types) Miroslav Silovic
- SMAUG Code (was Personality Types) Kwon Ekstrom
- SMAUG Code (was Personality Types) Bruce Mitchener
- Re[6]: d20 Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Matt Owen
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Dan MacDonald
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Kevin Littlejohn
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Troy Fisher
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Chris Gray
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Matt Mihaly
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Lars Duening
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Dan MacDonald
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Chris Gray
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Dan MacDonald
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Kwon Ekstrom
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Jon Lambert
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Sean K
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic?
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic?
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Matt Owen
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic?
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Travis Casey
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Matt Owen
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Troy Fisher
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Matt Owen
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Dan MacDonald
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Matt Owen
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Bruce Mitchener
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Tess Lowe
- Writing a MUD Server in Visual Basic? Nathan F. Yospe
- TECH: .Net (was: programming languages (was: TE CH: STL / Heaps, etc.))
- Pocket PC Development Peter Tyson
- Mental Nudges (was Pocket PC development) Paul Schwanz
- Mental Nudges (was Pocket PC development) Frank Crowell
- Mental Nudges (was Pocket PC development) Ian Collyer
- MojoWorld, or a new product for generated content Bruce Mitchener
- MojoWorld, or a new product for generated content Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- MUDs as an educational tool in impoverished regions? Eric Rhea
- ColdC documentation (SMAUG Code)
- MUD to include space and more Daniel Bendiksen
- MUD to include space and more Brian Hook
- MUD to include space and more Andrew Norman
- MUD to include space and more David Loeser
- MUD to include space and more Phillip Lenhardt
- MUD to include space and more shren
- [DSN] Why Permadeath is Irrelevant Paul Schwanz
- [DSN] Why Permadeath is Irrelevant Robin Lee Powell
- [DSN] Why Permadeath is Irrelevant John Buehler
- [DSN] Why Permadeath is Irrelevant Paul Schwanz
- [DSN] Why Permadeath is Irrelevant Daniel Bendiksen
- [DSN] Why Permadeath is Irrelevant John Buehler
- AOL lawsuit Matt Mihaly
- AOL lawsuit John Robert Arras
- AOL lawsuit Matt Mihaly
- AOL Lawsuit John Robert Arras
- AOL Lawsuit Matt Mihaly
- AOL lawsuit Marian Griffith
- AOL lawsuit shren
- AOL lawsuit Jon Lambert
- Release and social aspect Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Release and social aspect Daniel Bendiksen
- Mining the SW:G Forums Eric L. Rhea
- Mining the SW:G Forums Trump
- [TECH] MySQL for mud databases Brian Hook
- [TECH] MySQL for mud databases ryan daum
- [TECH] MySQL for mud databases Jim S
- [TECH] MySQL for mud databases Brian Hook
- [TECH] MySQL for mud databases Jussi 'Sulka' Haro