November 2008
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests Siege)
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The Future of Quests Amanda Walker
- The Future of Quests Marc Bowden
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests Paolo Piselli
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests Tom Hudson
When I was playing Eve, the most important things for the Corp (outside
standard chat-channels-and-guildhall equivalents) were
- teamspeak / vent
- a killboard & forums
Voice comms supported high-intensity operations in a way that chat wasn't
fast enough for (yes, Eve combat can be very twitchy), and the killboard +
forums gave us asynchronous comms and status tracking. Fine grained control
of many separate hangars in guildhalls, and ease of transferring assets
between players, also supported the cooperation that goes on in a guild.
So, this is all very standard guildy stuff. Also useful were the ability to
set standings with other corps or alliances of corps, and to open up
arbitrary chat channels with limited membership in game (so we could set up
e.g. a regional defense intel channel between a bunch of loosely-allied
We were definitely atypical, though, since we were a "Roleplaying" corp,
which in Eve-speak means we bought into the backstory and 'allied' ourselves
with one of the NPC factions, picking fights with RP corps nominally allied
to enemy NPC factions. RP corps tend to be one or two orders of magnitude
smaller than the big groups that forge their own stories out in 0.0
(This, to me, echoes some of the support structures in A Tale in the Desert,
which did more in some ways for enabling groups to set goals and track
- The Future of Quests Aurel
- The Future of Quests Robert Flesch
- The Future of Quests Nabil Maynard
- The Future of Quests Ricky C
- The Future of Quests Christopher Lloyd
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests GAMES)
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests GAMES)
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests Mike Sellers
- The Future of Quests Michael Hartman
- The Future of Quests Lachek Butalek
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The Future of Quests Damion Schubert
- The Future of Quests GAMES)
- The Future of Quests Morris Cox
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The Future of Quests Siege)
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The historical significance of MUDs Threshold
- The Future of Quests Damion Schubert
- Players are shallow [was: The Future of Quests] Mike Rozak
- The Future of Quests Mike Sellers
- The Future of Quests Damion Schubert
- The Future of Quests Mike Sellers
- The Future of Quests Lachek Butalek
- [Engines] A suitable 2D engine for a virtual world. Sebastian Anthony
- [Engines] A suitable 2D engine for a virtual world. Mr Seb
- [Engines] A suitable 2D engine for a virtual world. Daniel James
- NEWS: MUD 30 years old Matt Cruikshank
- NEWS: MUD 30 years old Michael Hartman
- NEWS: MUD 30 years old Richard A. Bartle