November 2008
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests Siege)
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The Future of Quests Amanda Walker
- The Future of Quests Marc Bowden
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests Paolo Piselli
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests Tom Hudson
- The Future of Quests Aurel
- The Future of Quests Robert Flesch
- The Future of Quests Nabil Maynard
- The Future of Quests Ricky C
- The Future of Quests Christopher Lloyd
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests GAMES)
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests GAMES)
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests Mike Sellers
- The Future of Quests Michael Hartman
I am specifically not quoting anyone because I don't want anyone to feel
picked on. The term "uncanny valley" is being thrown around in this
discussion in a very incorrect and improper way. I think it is important
that we stop misusing this term so badly on the list.
The uncanny valley is a very specific and interesting phenomenon that
initially applied to robotics and has been narrowly extrapolated to
"The uncanny valley is a hypothesis that when robots and other
facsimiles of humans look and act almost like actual humans, it causes a
response of revulsion among human observers."
There really is no connection between this hypothesis and the creation
of meaningful quests. The problems with quests have nothing to do with
NPCs almost looking or appearing to be real live humans and falling just
Michael Hartman, J.D. (
President & CEO, Frogdice, Inc.
University of Georgia School of Law, 1995-1998
Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, 1990-1994 - The Future of Quests Lachek Butalek
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The Future of Quests Damion Schubert
- The Future of Quests GAMES)
- The Future of Quests Morris Cox
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The Future of Quests Siege)
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The historical significance of MUDs Threshold
- The Future of Quests Damion Schubert
- Players are shallow [was: The Future of Quests] Mike Rozak
- The Future of Quests Mike Sellers
- The Future of Quests Michael Hartman
- The Future of Quests Damion Schubert
- The Future of Quests Mike Sellers
- The Future of Quests Lachek Butalek
- [Engines] A suitable 2D engine for a virtual world. Sebastian Anthony
- [Engines] A suitable 2D engine for a virtual world. Mr Seb
- [Engines] A suitable 2D engine for a virtual world. Daniel James
- NEWS: MUD 30 years old Matt Cruikshank
- NEWS: MUD 30 years old Michael Hartman
- NEWS: MUD 30 years old Richard A. Bartle