November 2008
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests Siege)
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The Future of Quests Amanda Walker
- The Future of Quests Marc Bowden
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests Paolo Piselli
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests Tom Hudson
- The Future of Quests Aurel
- The Future of Quests Robert Flesch
- The Future of Quests Nabil Maynard
- The Future of Quests Ricky C
- The Future of Quests Christopher Lloyd
- The Future of Quests cruise
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests GAMES)
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests GAMES)
- The Future of Quests John Buehler
- The Future of Quests Mike Sellers
- The Future of Quests Michael Hartman
- The Future of Quests Lachek Butalek
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The Future of Quests Damion Schubert
- The Future of Quests GAMES)
- The Future of Quests Morris Cox
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The Future of Quests Siege)
- The Future of Quests Threshold
- The historical significance of MUDs Threshold
- The Future of Quests Damion Schubert
- Players are shallow [was: The Future of Quests] Mike Rozak
- The Future of Quests Mike Sellers
- The Future of Quests Damion Schubert
- The Future of Quests Mike Sellers
- The Future of Quests Lachek Butalek
- [Engines] A suitable 2D engine for a virtual world. Sebastian Anthony
After putting a lot of work into the design of a game, it?s now time to look
at implementing it.
Without going into specifics, it?ll be a virtual world, with multiple large
zones (cities).
It?ll be mostly a solo project, with perhaps a few outsiders brought in to
create resources for the game.
So, I?m looking for some kind of engine or framework that allows
network-based games to be quickly created.
I am open to Flash frameworks, or something in C# or C++.
Obviously something free/cheap would be desirable for such a project, but if
there is a stand-out engine/framework that?s costly, I?d like to know about
Secondary concerns ? an engine that can be scripted with something like
Python would be nice. I don?t really want to program an entire world in
Action Script.
The world I have in mind features a lot of politics/business, with not much
actual ?interaction? with the world. It could be implemented using some kind
of Web/HTTP interface too, but for the time being I?d like to look at
possible 2D engines. A lot of the player?s input would simply be through
typing in numbers, agreeing to things in dialogue boxes... that kind of
I assume a lot of those free/cheap 2D and 2?D games use something similar to
what I?m asking for.
-S - [Engines] A suitable 2D engine for a virtual world. Mr Seb
- [Engines] A suitable 2D engine for a virtual world. Daniel James
- NEWS: MUD 30 years old Matt Cruikshank
- NEWS: MUD 30 years old Michael Hartman
- NEWS: MUD 30 years old Richard A. Bartle