February 2001
- Rogue-Like Mud? Ron Moore
- Issues of Copyright (was Ebay bans character selling) geoffrey@yorku.ca
- brazil the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Dogma 2001 Frank Crowell
- Dogma 2001 David Turner
- FW: Article on Global Verbs & Bulk Bug Christopher Allen
- Slightly extreme reaction to IP and auction Frank Crowell
- Slightly extreme reaction to IP and auction Greg Underwood
- Slightly extreme reaction to IP and auction the_logos@www.achaea.com
- bandwidth the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Is immersipresense going to make a come back? Frank Crowell
- New Scientist Article... Eric Rhea
- New Scientist Article... Alistair Milne
- New Scientist Article... rayzam
- New Scientist Article... Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- New Scientist Article... rayzam
- volunteers the_logos@www.achaea.com
- volunteers Timothy Dang
- volunteers Jon Morrow
- volunteers the_logos@www.achaea.com
- volunteers Timothy Dang
- The Aedon rule system (was: FW: Article on Global Verbs & Bulk Bug) Federico Di Gregorio
- Content is Not King (from First Monday) Bruce
- [sweng-gamedev] BYOND game development system (fwd) J C Lawrence
- [sweng-gamedev] BYOND game development system (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Medievia interview Koster, Raph
- Medievia interview Alex
- Medievia interview Madman Across the Water
- Medievia interview Koster, Raph
- Medievia interview Joe O'Connor
- Medievia interview pyrographer@comcast.net
- Medievia interview J C Lawrence
- FW: Article on Data Inheritance Christopher Allen
- FW: Article on Data Inheritance Kevin Littlejohn
- job opportunities Koster, Raph
- Those (in)famous EQ stories bubba@bubba.mud
- Writing articles (was: FW: Article on Data Inheritance) Bruce
- Writing articles (was: FW: Article on Data Inheritance) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Room-based vs. Coordinate based[Was semi-graphical muds] Ben Chambers
- Room-based vs. Coordinate based[Was semi-graphical muds] Warren Powell
- Room-based vs. Coordinate based[Was semi-graphical muds] the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Room-based vs. Coordinate based[Was semi-graphical muds] J C Lawrence
- Modular Design Issues RFC Ryan Rhodes
- Modular Design Issues RFC Russ Lewis
- Modular Design Issues RFC Ryan Rhodes
- Modular Design Issues RFC J C Lawrence
- Modular Design Issues RFC Bruce
- Modular Design Issues RFC J C Lawrence
- Modular Design Issues RFC Ryan Rhodes
- Modular Design Issues RFC J C Lawrence
- Modular Design Issues RFC Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Modular Design Issues RFC Greg Lewis
- Modular Design Issues RFC Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Modular Design Issues RFC Ben Chambers
- Modular Design Issues RFC Ryan Rhodes
- Modular Design Issues RFC J C Lawrence
- Modular Design Issues RFC J C Lawrence
- Modular Design Issues RFC Scion Altera
- Modular Design Issues RFC Ryan Rhodes
- Modular Design Issues RFC Kwon Ekstrom
- Modular Design Issues RFC Ryan Rhodes
- Modular Design Issues RFC Kwon Ekstrom
- Modular Design Issues RFC Ryan Rhodes
- Modular Design Issues RFC Kwon Ekstrom
- Modular Design Issues RFC Scion Altera
- Modular Design Issues RFC Jo Dillon
- Modular Design Issues RFC J C Lawrence
- Party at DundraCon Christopher Allen
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #246 - 6 msgs Dr. Cat
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #246 - 6 msgs the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Roundtable status, changes, and future. J C Lawrence
- Roundtable status, changes, and future. J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds Ryan Rhodes
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 12:22:14 -0800
Ryan Rhodes <ryanshaerhodes@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I'm writing this in responce to a thread of posts from back in Q2
> 1998 reguarding object persistence and the mapping of runtime
> morphic objects to an RDBMS or OODBMS.
One of the nice things about the list archives is that you can reply
to old messages directly from the archive, along with full quoting
> Please excuse my attempt to sort through some Kanga.Nu vocabulary.
Every population tends to evolve its own shorthand and nomenclature.
MUD-Dev is hardly alone in that regard.
> What is Persistence?
> As far as the post have talked the concept of persistence seems to
> fall under two catagories.
> 1) World Persistence
> 2) Persistent Store Technologies & Object to DBMS mapping
> World Persistence being, as far as I can understand it, a world
> which persists in state through reboots. To accomplish this I am
> assuming you are somehow running the world directly from disk,
> which is my first question.
Persistance can be better defined in two regards:
Can players cause permanent effects on the game world?
Does the game tend to "magically" reset world states back to some
definition of "normal"?
These are functional definitions; they define how the system
behaves, not how it accomplishes that behaviour.
> Question: In the runtime environment of your worlds do you have
> both a copy of the world in memory and a copy of the world on
> disk?
Both models are widely used, along with a number of points between
encluding such things as checkpointed states, snapshots, transaction
logs and replayes, and so forth.
> Or do all games actions directly manipulate the DB?
Some run entirely in memory. Some entirely off disk. Some of a mix
of both. Some using various other abstractions. You are esentially
asking the equivalent if the only way of storing sequential regular
data is in an array. Certainly that is a common form, but vectors,
linked lists, trees, DBMs and a host of other data structures and
storage formats are commonly used as well.
> If you run strait from disk, what memory caching techniques do you
> use to improve performance? Did you implement these yourself are
> have you used off the shelf software?
I use a custom object cache using a slightly tuned LRU (I factor in
time and use rate). Others vary. Moebius IIRC relies on the SQL
daemon to its cacheing for it.
> Question: Is it even neccesary to run the game strait from disk
> to effectively have a persistent world? Can you run the game from
> memory and just back the whole changing world up to storage for
> reboots?
Certainly. It depends on what functionality and what level of fault
resiliance and (potentially) what distribution models you sich to
> Does this make maintaining persistence somehow more difficult?
That would depend almost entirely on you the models and design and
operational specifications you elect.
> Beyond the question of how your doing it, more importantly is why?
> I mean this most seriously as I'm trying to weigh the advantages.
> I understand your projects are less geared towards PK and more
> towards realistic simulations. The benefits I can come up with so
> far are:
Fundamental to this question is the definition of the service you
wish to offer/support, and if that service is a game, is GoP, is
more in the manner of an environment where players may elect to
create games within your context, or any of a wide variety of other
Real care needs to be taken with these early definitions, as in the
end they are what drive and unite the rest of your design.
In my case while I enjoy GoP games, I have little interest in
creating them as I feel that my ability to define and manage
interesting GoP platforms is far below that of an even mediocre
player base, and certainly the rate at which I can create and
support such new game definitions is vanishingly small in comparison
to theirs. Instead I prefer to think about environments, about
frameworks, and about structures and resource sets that don't in and
of themselves define GoP structures, but which present attractive
tool sets with which to build GoP structures, and in particularly,
to build multiple simultaneous GoP structures which may be mutually
competitive or compleatly orthogonal to each other.
> While pondering this, it occured to me that the developers role
> might become something different in this context. For the world
> to remain persistant it would now seem not enough to just store
> the original version of a room or object in the DB. You are now
> storing the element in all of its various states.
... in any possible state. Yes.
> Question: If you are storing the original version of a room in
> the DB and it becomes burnt down, are you now storing the burnt
> version and completely throwing away the original? Or did you
> store both versions from the begining?
There are multiple unstated questions underneath this, encluding:
Is there a concept of original state for an object?
Is the concept of original state significant in regard to an
Doe the relative state of an object, and its history of state
changes, have a particular logical significance in regard to the
states of other objects and their state change histories, and if
so, how is that significance realised and relied upon, and by
Does the history of state changes of an object have any especial
value either in-game, or to the server's logical model?
Do you support versioning of object states, and therefore
potentially support rollback of object states?
Do you support rollback and thus replay of object state
transitions, or in fact of sections of the entire data store?
For what I'm doing I don't generally consider the question of
original state significant. There are two specific limits to this:
Certain objects have a concept of one or more states to which they
will attempt to return (eg grass will attempt to grow back into
meadow), or to which they will attempt to return other objects
(the guard closes cell doors as he finds them open).
Objects which are specific instantiations of ur-objects "know"
this fact, and will decay back towards ur-ness if opportune.
> In general this principle would seem to persist with the world,
> that you are no longer just adding creatures or items. You are
> now required to provide for the way these things are generated and
> repopulate.
Yes. You are responsible for building a resource economy, and for
defining and instantiating at least the minimal mechanics of how
that economy operates.
> For instance moving from a fixed list of creatures in a rooms
> birth state to an algorythm that generates creatures for a
> room... In the case of creatures.
No, you have creatures which then follow their own economic cycle
based upon whatever resources you wish (or model of those resources
as approximations are often cheaper than following the state
calcuations in real-time). If that means that they happen to appear
in some room at a particular time, they do, if not, they don't. The
room itself, unless a factor in the economic mechanics of the
logical structure is largely (typically) irrelevant.
For an example look into the whole Orc Orc
breeder/fighter/noble/king scenarios.
> Question: Do you see putting together a more PK action oriented
> game with a persistent world as opposed ideas?
cf UO.
> What elements of a pk action world might in fact be less workable
> in a persistent world setup?
Repetitive player actions will tend to become less valuable.
> In your posts on mapping to DBMS you both talked about the
> impossibilites of mapping a runtime morphic language to an RDBMs.
Yes. OODBMS systems to not map well to RDBMS systems, especially if
the object heirarchy is runtime morphic.
> The major barriers being dynamic attributes and inheritance, and
> in general a lack of object reflectivity. Our system allows
> online compiling / cloning of objects. We don't use any script
> languages, but implement all components directly in java, by
> extending one of the classes provided in our framework. So, the
> code of our game is runtime extendable through dynamic class
> loading, but reguardless of weather the classes were compiled and
> loaded pre-boot or within the game at run-time, they are still
> java classes and fully reflective. We do not use dynamic
> inheritence or dynamic attributes.
What is your intended handling of a base class being edited?
> This would seem to indicate to me that we will be able to provide
> a fixed mapping between the objects and an RDBMs.
This depends upon the extent to which subsequent objects deviate
from your initial object models. If your basic structures and
inheritance trees remain the same without much extention of new
class types being defined, then yes.
> I believe J C said mapping wasn't difficult for systems with
> static structures. Ours, while it changes at runtime, still seems
> this kind of static structure.
> Question: Will this system map to an RDBMs?
You haven't said enough about it to tell.
> Now in discussing this, I noticed you both commented on how no
> persistent storage technologies to date supported runtime morphic
> code. To my understanding, and please please correct me if I'm
> wrong here, these persistent storage technologies actually require
> you to generate the class from the table.. ie the class must be
> designed in the RDBMS.
Yes. This is also true of OODBMS systems, which require the schema
for the object heirarchy to be defined first and to then remain
> Once the system has generated a class from this, you can use it in
> your code and it will automatically map it back to the RDBMS for
> storage. Now if this is true, it would seem its not just runtime
> morphic systems that won't map, but all systems which are adding
> classes at runtime.
If all your users are doing is redefining already defined structures
you have no problem. If they are defining new object types with new
structures and new object heirarchies, or are redefining extant base
classes, you are in trouble.
> Question: How would you suggest mapping collections to an RDBMS.
> Normally every field would map to a column in the corresponding
> classes table. An object field would end up mapping to a forein
> key reference to another table where that object would be stored.
> Collections like java Vectors, Hashtables, and arrays seem to pose
> a problem. I don't think I would want each object in the
> collection to map to a foreign key in the previous item in the
> lists table.
My solution to this has been to make the object structure from the
RDBMS vantage, opaque. I reveal only key features of the object
definitions: inheritance trees, ObjectIDs, etc, which are used to
classify objects and object access patterns. I then leave the rest
of the internal object representation opaque, pickling it it in and
out of runtime/storage formats.
> Example: Inventory is a linked list. I would like for player to
> have a forein key under inventory for looking up an inventory
> table for that player. However the algorythms described thus far
> would leave the inventory field in player as a reference to the
> table for the first item of his inventory, not the whole list.
> That item would contain a foreign key to the next, and so on. Is
> there no elegant solution to this, or am I just going to have to
> write a custom mapping for a bunch of different types of classes
> thats different from my general mapping algorythm.
It would seem so. I cheated on this by exposing the
contained-in/contained-by values at the storage format level. This
of course removes my storage layer from being a pure abstraction as
its now bound to a particular model of containment etc, but I saw no
elegant way about this.
ObNote: It might be worth investigating ZODB in this regard to see
how it handles runtime morphism.
> Question: Do you do your building from within the DB.
Never. The DB dopes not understand enough about object
instantiations, let alone class definitions to be useful.
> Do you have online building in systems where the game is stored in
> a DB?
> Are there any systems that use a DB for storage and have provided
> a graphical environment for Building that hooks directly into the
> DB?
cf TkMOO-Lite.
> Are there any systems with a GUI that allow you to build while
> also being online? (with the Builder GUI interacting with the
> game) and in General ...
cf TkMOO-Lite and several MCP functions (such as the recently
mentioned TinyFugue scripts supporting external editing).
> Question: Is it easier to edit pfiles and area files from within
> a DB or a text file?
This would depend entirely on the types of operations you wish to
perfoprm on those data, and how that operation may be realised on
that representation of your data set.
I realise I didn't really answer many of your questions. Its not
that I'm trying to be balky or confusing, but simply that you are
asking absolutist questions when the only real answer to the area is
the uncomforting one of, "it depends." There are few hard and fast
rules in this space, just as there are few hard and fast rules in OS
design (its worth noting that OS design and MUD server design have a
*LOT* in common).
J C Lawrence claw@kanga.nu
---------(*) http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=-- - Persistent Worlds Hulbert, Leland
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds Travis Casey
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds Scion Altera
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds Travis Casey
- Persistent Worlds Hulbert, Leland
- Persistent Worlds Jon Lambert
- Persistent Worlds Ryan Rhodes
- Persistent Worlds Jon Lambert
- Persistent Worlds Ryan Rhodes
- Persistent Worlds Jon Lambert
- Persistent Worlds Ryan Rhodes
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds Jon Lambert
- Persistent Worlds Ryan Rhodes
- Persistent Worlds Miroslav Silovic
- Persistent Worlds Bruce
- Persistent Worlds Ryan Rhodes
- Persistent Worlds Phillip Lenhardt
- Persistent Worlds Miroslav Silovic
- Persistent Worlds Ryan Rhodes
- Persistent Worlds Jon Lambert
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds msew
- Persistent Worlds rayzam
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds rayzam
- Persistent Worlds Travis Casey
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds Tess Lowe
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds Travis Casey
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds Kevin Littlejohn
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds Tess Lowe
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds Dave Rickey
- Persistent Worlds Eli Stevens
- Persistent Worlds John Buehler
- Persistent Worlds Nathan F.Yospe
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds Nathan F.Yospe
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds Jon Lambert
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds Jon Lambert
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds rayzam
- Persistent Worlds Nathan F.Yospe
- Persistent Worlds Christopher Allen
- Persistent Worlds Travis Casey
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds Travis Casey
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds Travis Casey
- Persistent Worlds Corey Crawford
- Persistent Worlds Marian Griffith
- Persistent Worlds Travis Casey
- Persistent Worlds the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Persistent Worlds Marian Griffith
- Persistent Worlds Brandon J. Rickman
- Persistent Worlds Nathan F.Yospe
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- Persistent Worlds Ryan Rhodes
- Persistent Worlds J C Lawrence
- MMORPGs: Pointers to System Specs? Lars Duening
- MMORPGs: Pointers to System Specs? Jake Song
- Shameless Plug. SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Shameless Plug. Travis Casey
- Shameless Plug. J C Lawrence
- Shameless Plug. SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Shameless Plug. J C Lawrence
- Shameless Plug. SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Shameless Plug. Christopher Allen
- Shameless Plug. J C Lawrence
- Shameless Plug. SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Shameless Plug. J C Lawrence
- enforced roleplaying the_logos@www.achaea.com
- enforced roleplaying Sanvean
- enforced roleplaying the_logos@www.achaea.com
- enforced roleplaying Christopher Allen
- enforced roleplaying Mark Watson
- enforced roleplaying Klyde Beattie
- enforced roleplaying the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Real Life Consequences Corey Crawford
- Real Life Consequences the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Real Life Consequences J C Lawrence
- Real Life Consequences rayzam
- Real Life Consequences John Buehler
- Real Life Consequences the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Real Life Consequences J C Lawrence
- Real Life Consequences Christopher Allen
- Real Life Consequences Kerem HADIMLI
- Real Life Consequences the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Real Life Consequences Kevin Littlejohn
- Real Life Consequences John Buehler
- Real Life Consequences Kevin Littlejohn
- Real Life Consequences J C Lawrence
- Real Life Consequences John Buehler
- Real Life Consequences the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Real Life Consequences Jeff Freeman
- Real Life Consequences Marian Griffith
- Real Life Consequences David Loeser
- Real Life Consequences the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Real Life Consequences John Buehler
- Real Life Consequences David Loeser
- Real Life Consequences Rodney Lorrimar
- Real Life Consequences Michael Tresca
- Real Life Consequences J C Lawrence
- Real Life Consequences John Buehler
- Real Life Consequences the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Real Life Consequences Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Real Life Consequences Marc Bowden
- Real Life Consequences J C Lawrence
- Real Life Consequences Mike Niederer
- Real Life Consequences Jon Morrow
- Real Life Consequences Jeff Freeman
- Real Life Consequences John Buehler
- Real Life Consequences the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Real Life Consequences John Buehler
- Real Life Consequences Jeff Freeman
- Real Life Consequences John Buehler
- Real Life Consequences Jon Morrow
- Real Life Consequences J C Lawrence
- Real Life Consequences Jon Morrow
- Real Life Consequences J C Lawrence
- Real Life Consequences Michael Tresca
- Real Life Consequences msew
- Real Life Consequences Adam Casbarian
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #249 - 28 msgs Dr. Cat
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #249 - 28 msgs the_logos@www.achaea.com
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #249 - 28 msgs the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Job search Dr. Cat
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Ryan Rhodes
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) J C Lawrence
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Marc Bowden
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Jeff Freeman
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Ryan Rhodes
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Dave Rickey
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Jeff Freeman
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Ananda Dawnsinger
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Dave Rickey
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Dave Rickey
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) S. Patrick Gallaty
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Jeff Freeman
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Jon Lambert
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) J C Lawrence
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Pay for Play (or Commercial Rolecall) Jon Morrow
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Adam Casbarian
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Christopher Allen
- A new MUD-standard Ben Greear
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Ben Greear
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard rayzam
- A new MUD-standard katroutt@home.com
- A new MUD-standard Frank Crowell
- A new MUD-standard Bryce Harrington
- A new MUD-standard Frank Crowell
- A new MUD-standard Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Jon Lambert
- A new MUD-standard Frank Crowell
- A new MUD-standard Ryan Rhodes
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Bruce
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Chris Jones
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard John Bertoglio
- A new MUD-standard J C Lawrence
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard J C Lawrence
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Bruce
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Kevin Littlejohn
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Bruce
- A new MUD-standard Kevin Littlejohn
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard Kevin Littlejohn
- A new MUD-standard Ben Chambers
- A new MUD-standard Kwon Ekstrom
- A new MUD-standard the_logos@www.achaea.com
- A new MUD-standard Frank Crowell
- Community (was: Semi Graphical Muds) Marian Griffith
- Defining a community Klyde Beattie
- Defining a community Dave Rickey
- Defining a community Jeff Freeman
- Defining a community Dave Rickey
- Defining a community Mark Watson
- Defining a community Koster, Raph
- Defining a community Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) msew
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) msew
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Vincent Archer
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) msew
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Brian Hook
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) John Buehler
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Brian Hook
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) John Buehler
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Travis Nixon
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Koster, Raph
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Travis Casey
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Vincent Archer
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) msew
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Brian Hook
- "Doing a dungeon" (was: Permadeath or Not?) Dave Rickey
- MUD Schools Ben Chambers
- MUD Schools David Bennett
- MUD Schools Alex
- MUD Schools David Bennett
- MUD Schools Marc Bowden
- MUD Schools Ben Chambers
- MUD Schools Michael Tresca
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") Tess Lowe
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") John Buehler
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") Ananda Dawnsinger
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") David Bennett
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") Adam Casbarian
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") J C Lawrence
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") rayzam
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") Travis Nixon
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") Marian Griffith
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") John Buehler
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") Kwon Ekstrom
- Teaching ethics in MUDs (was "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG") the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Teaching ethics in MUDs Tess Lowe
- Teaching ethics in MUDs John Buehler
- Mozilla as a client (was: A new MUD-standard) Bruce
- Mozilla as a client (was: A new MUD-standard) Kwon Ekstrom
- GoPers are ants at RP picnics!... was Pay for Play(or commercial rolecall) Jon Lambert
- Condsiders Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Condsiders J C Lawrence
- Condsiders Jeff Freeman
- Condsiders J C Lawrence
- Condsiders Marc Bowden
- Condsiders Ryan Rhodes
- Condsiders Klyde Beattie
- Condsiders John Buehler
- Condsiders Klyde Beattie
- Condsiders rayzam
- Condsiders John Buehler
- (no subject) msew
- Phantasy Star online article Koster, Raph
- Phantasy Star online article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Phantasy Star online article Koster, Raph
- Phantasy Star online article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Phantasy Star online article msew
- Myn ynd Wymyn (was Teaching ethics in MUDs) Ananda Dawnsinger
- Myn ynd Wymyn (was Teaching ethics in MUDs) Ananda Dawnsinger
- Myn ynd Wymyn (was Teaching ethics in MUDs) Adam Casbarian
- Myn ynd Wymyn (was Teaching ethics in MUDs) Ananda Dawnsinger
- Item Distribution in Areas Jim S
- Item Distribution in Areas Brian Hook
- Item Distribution in Areas Vincent Archer
- Item Distribution in Areas rayzam
- Item Distribution in Areas Dave Rickey
- Game Developer Conference Proceedings? Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Game Developer Conference Proceedings? Koster, Raph
- Game Developer Conference Proceedings? Timothy Dang
- Game Developer Conference Proceedings? the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Koster, Raph
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Koster, Raph
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article rayzam
- New Bartle article Dave Rickey
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Dave Rickey
- New Bartle article Daniel James
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Freeman, Jeff
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Vincent Archer
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Vincent Archer
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Adam Martin
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Jeff Freeman
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article John Buehler
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article John Buehler
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article johnbue@msn.com
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article John Buehler
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article John Buehler
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article John Buehler
- New Bartle article Phillip Lenhardt
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article John Buehler
- New Bartle article msew
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Brian Hook
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Vincent Archer
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Jon Lambert
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Brian Hook
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Brian Hook
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Adam Martin
- New Bartle article Dave Rickey
- New Bartle article Brian Hook
- New Bartle article Dave Rickey
- New Bartle article Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- New Bartle article Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- New Bartle article Dave Rickey
- New Bartle article Vincent Archer
- New Bartle article Vincent Archer
- New Bartle article Travis Casey
- New Bartle article msew
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Travis Casey
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Dave Rickey
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Dave Rickey
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Dave Rickey
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Marc Bowden
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article rayzam
- New Bartle article Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- New Bartle article Blane Bramble
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Gaffney, Jeremy
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Dave Rickey
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article Freeman, Jeff
- New Bartle article Wells, Thomas
- New Bartle article Trump
- New Bartle article Brian Hook
- New Bartle article Travis Nixon
- New Bartle article Brian Hook
- New Bartle article Daniel James
- New Bartle article Brian Hook
- New Bartle article John Buehler
- New Bartle article Koster, Raph
- New Bartle article msew
- New Bartle article Vincent Archer
- New Bartle article shren
- New Bartle article Vincent Archer
- New Bartle article Timothy Dang
- New Bartle article Richard A. Bartle
- New Bartle article msew
- New Bartle article Koster, Raph
- New Bartle article John Buehler
- New Bartle article Koster, Raph
- New Bartle article John Buehler
- New Bartle article Paul Schwanz - Enterprise Services
- New Bartle article Sanvean
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Brian Hook
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Travis Casey
- New Bartle article the_logos@www.achaea.com
- New Bartle article Travis Casey
- New Bartle article Travis Casey
- New Bartle article Timothy Dang
- New Bartle article Travis Casey
- New Bartle article Marc Bowden
- New Bartle article Marc Bowden
- New Bartle article Matt Mihaly
- everquest banning sarapis@www.achaea.com
- Fallen Age (was Shameless Plug) SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Fallen Age (was Shameless Plug) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Fallen Age (was Shameless Plug) SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Fallen Age (was Shameless Plug) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Fallen Age (was Shameless Plug) SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Fallen Age (was Shameless Plug) Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Fallen Age (was Shameless Plug) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Fallen Age (was Shameless Plug) SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Myn ynd Wymyn (was Teaching ethics in MUDs) Adam Casbarian
- Myn ynd Wymyn (was Teaching ethics in MUDs) Willowreed@aol.com
- Yamauchi Puts the Industry In Its Place msew
- Item drain was Item Distribution in Areas Brian Hook
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #255 - 27 msgs Dr. Cat
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #255 - 27 msgs John Buehler
- realism and unrealism Travis Casey
- realism and unrealism Federico Di Gregorio
- realism and unrealism Marian Griffith
- Limiting rewards was Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Brian Hook
- Limiting rewards was Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) S. Patrick Gallaty
- Limiting rewards was Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Brian Hook
- Limiting rewards was Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Limiting rewards was Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Damaging items was New Bartle article Brian Hook
- Damaging items was New Bartle article msew
- Damaging items was New Bartle article Brian Hook
- Damaging items was New Bartle article Travis Casey
- Damaging items was New Bartle article John Buehler
- Damaging items was New Bartle article Travis Casey
- Damaging items was New Bartle article Marian Griffith
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #255 - 27 msgs Dr. Cat
- Distributed Processing John Buehler
- Distributed Processing Gaffney, Jeremy
- Distributed Processing John Buehler
- Distributed Processing Vincent Archer
- Distributed Processing Timothy Dang
- Distributed Processing Adam Martin
- Distributed Processing shren
- Distributed Processing Gaffney, Jeremy
- Quests + No Spoils (was: Interesting EQ rant) Corey Crawford
- Quests + No Spoils (was: Interesting EQ rant) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Where's The Line Drawn Kyndig
- Where's The Line Drawn KaVir@dial.pipex.com
- Where's The Line Drawn Frank Crowell
- Multiple Character Races John Buehler
- Multiple Character Races Brian Hook
- Multiple Character Races Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Multiple Character Races John Buehler
- Multiple Character Races Koster, Raph
- Multiple Character Races John Buehler
- Multiple Character Races ghovs
- Multiple Character Races the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Multiple Character Races Michael Tresca
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Zak Jarvis
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Koster, Raph
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Koster, Raph
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matt Mihaly
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matt Mihaly
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Freeman, Jeff
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jeff Freeman
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) shren
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Freeman, Jeff
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jon Lambert
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matt Mihaly
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Nixon
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) F. Randall Farmer
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matt Mihaly
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Nathan F.Yospe
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) J. Coleman
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Koster, Raph
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Kevin Littlejohn
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Paul Schwanz - Enterprise Services
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) J. Coleman
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Freeman, Jeff
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Brian Hook
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matt Mihaly
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matt Mihaly
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matt Mihaly
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matt Mihaly
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matt Mihaly
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) shren
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Paul Schwanz - Enterprise Services
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Kevin Littlejohn
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Kevin Littlejohn
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Adam Martin
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) holding99@mindspring.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) david.l.smith@home.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) holding99@mindspring.com
- FW: Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Nathan F.Yospe
- Balance was Damaging items was New Bartle artic le Palacio, Ryan
- License Laws was Where's The Line Drawn Èric Rhéa
- License Laws was Where's The Line Drawn Frank Crowell
- Scripting Ben Chambers