April 2009
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Tiago
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Siege)
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jacob Cord
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jeffrey Kesselman
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) John A. Bertoglio
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Galleus, the Sky Sovereign
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Nabil Maynard
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Fred Bauder
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Aurel
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) matthew.owen@barclays.com
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Siege)
On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 1:25 PM, Matt Cruikshank
<mattcruikshank@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, there's a HUGE leap of faith that OnLive has solved the problems
> of communication between D and E. ?And I agree with everyone here that
> it's a **HUGE** leap of faith. ?But, I'm interested in what the
> consequences are if it turns out they've really solved the D - E
> communication problems.
It's a vast and open plain IF communication issues are solved, but
there are three sets of costs: development, deployment, and
maintenance. Each has its costs, and even if you reduce the
front-loaded costs of developing and deploying a new MMO system, is
all that money now going to go into bandwidth? Granted, I'm clueless
as to how the money is spent, but that's a non-negligible issue,
particularly over the years such a system will run, and graphics are
much more bandwidth intensive than gamestate.
Zach Collins (Siege)
"If code can be speech, then software can be art."
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Siege)
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank