April 2009
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Tiago
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Siege)
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jacob Cord
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jeffrey Kesselman
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) John A. Bertoglio
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Galleus, the Sky Sovereign
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Nabil Maynard
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Fred Bauder
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Aurel
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) matthew.owen@barclays.com
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Siege)
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Tiago
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Davion Kalhen
MUDs are definitely not dead, and there are plenty of state-of-the-art
ones out there! I'm one of the maintainers of MudBytes.net. A website
dedicated to developing text based games. We have several project
leaders there that actively work on new codebases. A couple examples-
Evennia.com. It's a python based MUD in the works that uses the
Twisted, and Django frameworks. TeensyMUD, a game written in Ruby is
actively discussed and I'm pretty sure Tyche is still pounding away at
it. There's also one called GroovyMUD which is written in Java and
uses an embeded Groovy scripting engine. There's a few more (which use
languages like Java, C#, C++, Python, Ruby, Lua... the list goes on
:)). There's also a few of the retro-codebases reworked and fixed up.
Murk++ is Merc translated into C++, there's also active communities
for many of the FUSS games (SmaugFUSS, AckFUSS, SWR FUSS). So there
are definitely people out there still working on things. There's also
a project going on called ZMP, which is a framework for sending data
between a server and a client to help extend and enrich the telnet
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Davion Kalhen
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank