April 2009
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Tiago
Hey all,
I know that this question surfaces from time to time, but, what is your
opinion on developing text based muds these days ? I've started one from
scratch, as a hobby, and to experiment stuff like multithread programming
and creature AI without the hassle of building a GUI.
I don't actually play any of those MMORPG's you all know and love :) (in
fact I stopped at some clone of Envy Mud 10 years ago), and I don't know if
people still care about text based games.
Of course there are some advantages like: the developers can focus solely on
gameplay and not on polygons, players can essentially connect from anywhere
anytime (you cannot have a WoW window open during your working hours, but a
telnet session will do fine), etc...
Thing is, is it worth it? Will anyone still care ? Is it a waste of time?
thanks for your opinions :)
tiago matias - Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Siege)
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jacob Cord
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jeffrey Kesselman
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) John A. Bertoglio
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Galleus, the Sky Sovereign
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Nabil Maynard
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Fred Bauder
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Aurel
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) matthew.owen@barclays.com
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank