April 2009
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Tiago
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Siege)
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jacob Cord
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jeffrey Kesselman
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) John A. Bertoglio
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Galleus, the Sky Sovereign
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Nabil Maynard
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Fred Bauder
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Aurel
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) matthew.owen@barclays.com
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
Okay... now a brief plug for my baby...
> An architecture that I always wanted to fool with
> involved assigning worldwide cross-sections of game data on different
> machines. ?So blacksmithing operations
> would take place on a machine that only cared about blacksmithing.
This has already been don e to a great degree. The problems are very
uneven load balancing of over-all back-end resources and fragility of
the architecture.
The Project Darkstar goal is actually to dynamically allocate
processing to a horizontally scaled machine room on the fly according
to actual data access and use. This allows both better load balancing
and fail-over fault tolerance.
You can read more about it at www.projectdarkstar.com - [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman