April 2009
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Tiago
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Siege)
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jacob Cord
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Jeffrey Kesselman
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) John A. Bertoglio
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Galleus, the Sky Sovereign
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Nabil Maynard
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Fred Bauder
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) Aurel
- Text based MUD's - State of the art (if any) matthew.owen@barclays.com
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Richard Boehme
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
Man, I'm sorry. I apologize for the total non-sequitur in reply to your well
thought out post. I read the first part, and apparently spaced on the actual
I was reading the email while distracted and rushed, . Also made a giant
mistake by using the term 'Trusted computing" incorrectly. If I say anything
else on this list, I hope I can prove that I'm not actually an idiot, just
living in my own little world(s). :D - [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier R. Scott Kennan
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier John Buehler
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] OnLive might make MMOs much easier Matt Cruikshank