August 2008
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Soyweiser
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Peter Harkins
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Daniel James
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Nick Koranda
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Christopher Lloyd
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Nabil Maynard
- [Design] "Why Pirate Games" Article Nick Koranda
- [Design] "Why Pirate Games" Article Tess Snider
- [Design] "Why Pirate Games" Article Sean Howard
- [Design] "Why Pirate Games" Article Caliban Darklock
- [Design] "Why Pirate Games" Article Michael Hartman
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Matt Chatterley
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Siege)
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Soyweiser
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game Adam Martin
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Michael Hartman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Sean Howard
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Michael Hartman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Aurel
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Caliban Darklock
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Jeffrey Kesselman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Mike Sellers
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Michael Hartman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Sean Howard
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD McDonald, Stephen
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Michael Hartman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD John Szeder
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Jeffrey Kesselman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Jon Mayo
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Raph Koster
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Kerry Fraser-Robinson
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD John Szeder
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD cruise
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Lachek Butalek
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Michael Hartman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Peter Keeler
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Jon Mayo
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Michael Hartman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Kerry Fraser-Robinson
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD cruise
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Adam Martin
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Morris Cox
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Jon Mayo
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Michael Hartman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Jeffrey Kesselman
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Raph Koster
- [Design] Design challenge: Bed-time game John Buehler
Adam Martin writes:
> > On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Peter Harkins <> wrote:
> > > On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 11:14:36AM -0600, Acius wrote:
> > > > One style of game that seems appropriate is the Ikariam/Travian
> > > > style of web-based empire building.
> > > On a tangent, does anyone know of a nice name for this class of games?
> > > ... I've got a few browser game designs I've been considering
> > > building, I just don't even know what to call the genre. Thoughts?
> I'd suggest: pick the simplest term that the largest number of people use,
> worry less about terminology, and just get on with life :).
I'd suggest that you not try to label it at all. Leave that to your
players. It might be the best feedback that you'll get from them about
sort of entertainment experience you're providing.
Build it and they will categorize it.
On a more tangential note, I find it oddly humorous that so many rant
rave about how categorizing people is so terrible, yet we swiftly stuff
these things into this or that category as if it somehow helps anything.
And then argue about it ad nauseum.
- Bad Terminology: MMO, MMORPG vs. MUD Jeffrey Kesselman