November 2000
- Walking Philip Loguinov, Draymoor
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #231 - 4 msgs Dr. Cat
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #231 - 4 msgs J C Lawrence
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #231 - 4 msgs Koster, Raph
- Atomic functions Felix A. Croes
- Atomic functions Ben
- Atomic functions Christopher Allen
- Atomic functions Ben
- Atomic functions Felix A. Croes
- Atomic functions KevinL
- Atomic functions Felix A. Croes
- Atomic functions KevinL
- Atomic functions KevinL
- Mud Dev FAQ part II Marian Griffith
- Walking Robert Zubek
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? Christopher Allen
- Articles & Columns at Skotos Christopher Allen
- skotos David Zimet
- skotos Christopher Allen
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Koster, Raph
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Marian Griffith
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG"
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Norman Short
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Jeff Freeman
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG"
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Lars Duening
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Lars Duening
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Lars Duening
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Vincent Archer
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Paul Schwanz - Enterprise Services
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Vincent Archer
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Peter
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Vincent Archer
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" KevinL
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" KevinL
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Xuri
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" KevinL
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Rhys
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Justin Rogers
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Ted Milker
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Zak Jarvis
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Patrick Dughi
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Madrona Tree
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Madrona Tree
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Michael Tresca
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Jeff Freeman
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Jon Lambert
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" |Eric|
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Miroslav Silovic
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Corey Crawford
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG"
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Corey Crawford
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Marian Griffith
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Richard Tew
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Chris Gray
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Richard Tew
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" msew
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG"
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG"
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" John Buehler
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG"
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG"
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Vincent Archer
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Jason Belhumeur
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Val Trullinger
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Lee Sheldon
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Robert Zubek
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Eric Rhea
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Wells, Thomas
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Travis Casey
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Richard Tew
- "An essay on d00dism and the MMORPG" Koster, Raph
- "Virtual" What? Dave Rickey
- Object Models Ben
- Object Models J C Lawrence
- Object Models Dmitri Zagidulin
- Object Models KevinL
- Object Models Tony Wooster
- Object Models
- Object Models KevinL
- Object Models Gavin Doughtie
- Object Models John Robert Arras
- Object Models KevinL
- Object Models Bruce
- Object Models Ben Chambers
- Object Models Bruce
- Object Models KevinL
- Object Models Gavin Doughtie
- Object Models KevinL
- Object Models Travis Casey
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Travis Casey
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Chris Gray
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Chris Gray
- Object Models
- Object Models Miroslav Silovic
- Object Models Joe Andrieu
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Miroslav Silovic
- Object Models Miroslav Silovic
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Miroslav Silovic
- Object Models KevinL
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Miroslav Silovic
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Miroslav Silovic
- Object Models Bruce
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Bruce
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Phillip Lenhardt
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models
- Object Models Travis Casey
- Object Models Miroslav Silovic
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models msew
- Object Models Russ Lewis
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Phillip Lenhardt
- Object Models Travis Nixon
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models msew
- Object Models Andy
- Object Models Christopher Allen
- Object Models Chris Gray
- Object Models Travis Casey
- Object Models Marc Bowden
- Object Models Miroslav Silovic
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Miroslav Silovic
- Object Models John Buehler
- Object Models Bruce
- Object Models John Buehler
- ADMIN: Lost posts J C Lawrence
- Multiple Inheritance (was: Object Models) Bruce
- Fanfic (Or: Why we can't all get along) Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Fanfic (Or: Why we can't all get along) John Buehler
- Participatory Content (was Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos?) Christopher Allen
- Object Models (OO 101) Gavin Doughtie
- Consistent Characters (Was Remote client connection) John W Pierce
- Consistent Characters (Was Remote client connection) Marian Griffith
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) Mordengaard
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) Marian Griffith
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) KevinL
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) Joe Andrieu
- (no subject) Bruce
- (no subject) John Buehler
>From: "Joe Andrieu" <>
>Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 22:17:10 -0800
>In comparing inheritance to components, what are the differences, if any,
>in memory usage and/or processing demands when your number of objects
>scales dramatically?
>I can see how components could be a good alternative to inheritance in some
>cases, but if I have tens or hundreds of thousands of objects (or more),
>each with potentially a dozen or so components, is that any worse or better
>than the same number of objects with an inheritance scheme? Or am I
>misunderstanding the situation?
It's mostly a wash. You're assuming that when a component is created, its
constructor is run and the instructions for creating the child components
are located there. But it's perfectly reasonable for the structure of a
component to be captured at design-time. Once the information is available
at design-time, it can be taken advantage of to make a single allocation for
all or some portion of the overall component. This scales across multiple
levels of construction because it is collected at design time, when all
levels of involved components' information is accessible.
This capturing of component structure at design time was something that we
did. We never got around to optimizing the creation process, but we were
looking at a variety of ways of taking advantage of the information,
including persistence.
Once you get both inheritance and composition approaches down to a single
allocation (ignoring secondary allocations made in the constructors or
during normal operation), the same number of constructors have to run and
it's essentially a wash.
Consider the real differences between the two approaches.
1. All contributing classes are organized into a tree, and any class
contributes at most once to the actual class structure.
2. Contractual obligations between base and deriving classes are not
explicitly stated.
1. The structure of contributing classes is a graph, and any class can
contribute multiple instances to the actual class structure.
2. Contractual obligations between parents and children are explicitly
stated - using the same mechanism as between any other two components. Note
that because a single mechanism is being used for both composition and
inter-component connections, and because all this information is available
at design time, it's possible to perform a single allocation to instantiate
an entire application. Well, the static portion of it anyway. In the case
of a language like C++, inheritance is used to describe class structures,
but there is no mechanism to statically describe application structures.
Typically, an inheritance tree structure is an all-or-nothing construction.
With components, you can either do an all-or-nothing construction or a
certain high-frequency portion of the functionality, and then construct
other pieces on demand. Or mix and match for any other purpose. There's
nothing saying that an inheritance system couldn't do the same thing, but
they 'typically' do not.
- (no subject) KevinL
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) KevinL
- (no subject) Dan Merillat
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- facist marketers / content controllers msew
- facist marketers / content controllers Dave Rickey
- And the lines blur between rl and games!!! msew
- "gossip" Josh Rollyson {dracus}
- Official announce of www site Vincent Archer
- Intersection of Fanfic & Participatory Content Christopher Allen
- A list of Content Creation Eric Rhea
- Refactoring (was Object Models) Gavin Doughtie
- PDA-esque devices used in gaming |Eric|
- Weather and Multiple Planets Greg Mitchell
- Weather and Multiple Planets rayzam
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Lee Sheldon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Koster, Raph
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) rayzam
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Nixon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matthew Mihaly
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) McQuaid, Brad
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Nixon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) rayzam
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matthew Mihaly
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Davian
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Dave Rickey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matthew Mihaly
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Dave Rickey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Lee Sheldon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Lee Sheldon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) McQuaid, Brad
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Lee Sheldon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Madrona Tree
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Lee Sheldon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) msew
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Phillip Lenhardt
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Justin Hooper
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Nixon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Dave Rickey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) J C Lawrence
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Ananda Dawnsinger
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Ananda Dawnsinger
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Marian Griffith
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Tamzen Cannoy
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Timothy Dang
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) msew
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Nixon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Nathan F.Yospe
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Phillip Lenhardt
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Justin Hooper
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Justin Hooper
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Madrona Tree
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jeff Freeman
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) rayzam
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jeff Freeman
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Koster, Raph
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jeff Freeman
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Klyde Beattie
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Nixon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Hulbert, Leland
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jeff Freeman
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Madrona Tree
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Madrona Tree
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Justin Hooper
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) J C Lawrence
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) msew
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Dave Rickey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) J C Lawrence
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) J C Lawrence
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Zak Jarvis
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Hulbert, Leland
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jeff Freeman
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jeff Freeman
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) J. Coleman
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Nixon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) msew
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Chris Lloyd
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) msew
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Chris Lloyd
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Nixon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Marian Griffith
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) msew
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jon Lambert
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Koster, Raph
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Chris Lloyd
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Dan Shiovitz
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) shren
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Dave Rickey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) shren
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Nixon
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Timothy Dang
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Michael Tresca
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Justin Hooper
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Holly Sommer
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Marian Griffith
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) msew
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Travis Casey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Joe Andrieu
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) S. Patrick Gallaty
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote)
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Zak Jarvis
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Vanderbeck
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Matthew Mihaly
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) McQuaid, Brad
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Vincent Archer
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Richard Tew
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Dave Rickey
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) J C Lawrence
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) John Buehler
- Interesting EQ rant (very long quote) Jon Lambert
- Dynamic Timelines Lord Ashon
- Dynamic Timelines |Eric|
- Dynamic Timelines Bruce
- Dynamic Timelines James Thomas
- Dynamic Timelines Travis Casey
- Neopets Matthew Mihaly
- Threads Ben Chambers
- Consistent Characters Jeremy Hovance
- Consistent Characters Travis Casey