November 1999
- Admin: Kanga.Nu has moved again J C Lawrence
- mud history Matthew Mihaly
- Physics Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Language Independence Article. Ben Greear
- Language Independence Article. Chris Turner
- Language Independence Article. Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- Language Independence Article. Cynbe ru Taren
- ADMIN: Archives are back again J C Lawrence
- Hilbert Curves [was: "[DGD] Rooms with Views" and "Physics"] Christopher Allen
- Hilbert Curves [was: "[DGD] Rooms with Views" J C Lawrence
- Re Hilbert Curves Cynbe ru Taren
- Re Hilbert Curves J C Lawrence
- Hilbert Curves [was: "[DGD] Rooms with Views" and Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was Hilbert Curves) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was Hilbert Curves) Christopher Allen
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was Hilbert Curves) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was Hilbert Curves) J C Lawrence
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was Hilbert Curves) Miroslav Silovic
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was Hilbert Curves) Brandon J. Rickman
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was Hilbert Curves) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- A simple plan for establishing a history. Aaron
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was R e: Hilbert Curves) Lo, Kam
- Server: Momoko J C Lawrence
- META: Successor to FAQ Maintainer Lo, Kam
- ADMIN: Library goof J C Lawrence
- Scripting in java... (was Momoko) Owen
- Majik (Was Hilbert Curves) Owen
- players who "take away from the game" msew
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" Holly Sommer
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" Holly Sommer
- players who "take away from the game" Balthazaar/BalthMURP
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" Holly Sommer
- players who "take away from the game" David Bennett
- players who "take away from the game" Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- players who "take away from the game" Miroslav Silovic
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" Koster, Raph
- players who "take away from the game" Koster, Raph
- players who "take away from the game" msew
- players who "take away from the game" Sellers, Michael
- players who "take away from the game" Daniel James
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" Greg Miller
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" Charles Hughes
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" Charles Hughes
- players who "take away from the game" Jon A. Lambert
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" Jon A. Lambert
- players who "take away from the game" Matthew Mihaly
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Marc Bowden
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Charles Hughes
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Charles Hughes
- players who "take away from the game" Adam Wiggins
- players who "take away from the game" Adam Wiggins
- players who "take away from the game" Miroslav Silovic
- players who "take away from the game" Adam Wiggins
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- players who "take away from the game" Adam Wiggins
- players who "take away from the game" Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- players who "take away from the game" Adam Wiggins
- players who "take away from the game" Holly Sommer
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Quzah
- players who "take away from the game" Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- players who "take away from the game" Quzah
- players who "take away from the game" Ronan Farrell
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Jon A. Lambert
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Miroslav Silovic
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- players who "take away from the game" Koster, Raph
- players who "take away from the game" J C Lawrence
- History of Online Gaming, part III Koster, Raph
- [Lib] ADMIN: Library goof J C Lawrence
- Oh dear (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Costikyan's new report on online gaming Koster, Raph
- Costikyan's new report on online gaming Sellers, Michael
- Costikyan's new report on online gaming Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- META: System Security (was: players who "take away from the game") J C Lawrence
- System Security (was: players who "take away from the game") Eli Stevens {Grey}
- System Security (was: players who "take away from the game") cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- System Security (was: players who "take away from the game") J C Lawrence
- System Security (was: players who "take away from the game") Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- System Security (was: players who "take away from the game") Cynbe ru Taren
- Neverwinter Nights Koster, Raph
- Neverwinter Nights Dundee
- Neverwinter Nights S. Patrick Gallaty
- Neverwinter Nights Trent Oster
- Neverwinter Nights Lee Sheldon
- Neverwinter Nights Sean Kelly
- Neverwinter Nights Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Neverwinter Nights Nathan F. Yospe
- Neverwinter Nights John Buehler
- Neverwinter Nights Travis Casey
- Neverwinter Nights Adam Martin
- associate producer/designer openings, and others: Maxis/EA Sellers, Michael
- MySQL as a MUD. Quzah
- MySQL as a MUD. Holly Sommer
- MySQL as a MUD. J C Lawrence
- MySQL as a MUD. J C Lawrence
- MySQL as a MUD. Ian Macintosh
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Sellers, Michael
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Holly Sommer
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Charles Hughes
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Quzah
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game" ) Sellers, Michael
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game" ) Matthew Mihaly
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Mik Clarke
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Ilya, Game Commandos
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Holly Sommer
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Balthazaar/BalthMURP
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Holly Sommer
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Balthazaar/BalthMURP
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Holly Sommer
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Adam Wiggins
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game") Jon A. Lambert
- ColdC/ColdCore Zelnar
- ColdC/ColdCore Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was Hilbert Curves) Miroslav Silovic
- Spatial datastructures and their application (Was Hilbert Curves) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- bugs (was players who "take away from the game" ) Charles Hughes
- GEL -- A New Approach to Online Interactive 3D
- New FAQ moderator Marian Griffith
- New FAQ moderator J C Lawrence
- Mud Dev FAQ Marian Griffith
- Random numbers (was: Physics) Eli Stevens {Grey}
- code base inquiry Ilya, Game Commandos
- code base inquiry Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- code base inquiry Andru Luvisi
- code base inquiry Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- code base inquiry Travis S. Casey
- code base inquiry Ben Greear
- code base inquiry cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- code base inquiry Mik Clarke
- code base inquiry Adam Wiggins
- code base inquiry Matthew D. Fuller
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Ben Greear
- code base inquiry Greg Miller
- code base inquiry J C Lawrence
- code base inquiry Mik Clarke
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Robert Green
- code base inquiry Travis S. Casey
- code base inquiry Andru Luvisi
- code base inquiry Travis Casey
- code base inquiry Matthew D. Fuller
- code base inquiry Travis Casey
- code base inquiry Ben Greear
- code base inquiry Travis S. Casey
- code base inquiry Greg Miller
- code base inquiry Ben Greear
- code base inquiry Travis S. Casey
- code base inquiry Ilya, Game Commandos
- code base inquiry Mik Clarke
- code base inquiry Adam Wiggins
- code base inquiry J C Lawrence
- code base inquiry Lars Duening
- code base inquiry Travis S. Casey
- code base inquiry Ilya, Game Commandos
- code base inquiry cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- code base inquiry Travis Casey
- code base inquiry Lars Duening
- code base inquiry Colin Coghill
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Richard Woolcock
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Richard Woolcock
- code base inquiry Ben Greear
- code base inquiry Richard Woolcock
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Richard Woolcock
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Richard Woolcock
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry MichelleThompson
- code base inquiry Dundee
- code base inquiry Kristen L. Koster
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry J C Lawrence
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry J C Lawrence
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Bryce Harrington
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Bryce Harrington
- code base inquiry
- code base inquiry Bruce
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Miroslav Silovic
- code base inquiry Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry David Bennett
- code base inquiry Sellers, Michael
- code base inquiry Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- code base inquiry David Bennett
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry MichelleThompson
- code base inquiry David Bennett
- code base inquiry J C Lawrence
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry David Bennett
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- code base inquiry Ilya, Game Commandos
- code base inquiry Colin Coghill
- code base inquiry Greg Miller
- code base inquiry Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- code base inquiry Greg Miller
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Miroslav Silovic
- code base inquiry Joey Hess
- code base inquiry Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Mik Clarke
- code base inquiry Mik Clarke
- code base inquiry Andru Luvisi
- code base inquiry Andru Luvisi
- code base inquiry J C Lawrence
- code base inquiry J C Lawrence
- code base inquiry Ian Macintosh
- code base inquiry cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- code base inquiry Greg Miller
- code base inquiry Ilya, Game Commandos
- code base inquiry Adam Wiggins
- code base inquiry
- code base inquiry Jeremy Noetzelman
- code base inquiry Greg Miller
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry J C Lawrence
- code base inquiry Laurel Fan
- code base inquiry J C Lawrence
- code base inquiry Justin Rogers
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- code base inquiry Matthew Mihaly
- J C Lawrence
- Library news J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers Laurent Bossavit
- Languages for MUD drivers Joey Hess
- Languages for MUD drivers
- Languages for MUD drivers Cynbe ru Taren
- Languages for MUD drivers Laurent Bossavit
- Languages for MUD drivers Cynbe ru Taren
- Languages for MUD drivers J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers Ian Macintosh
- Languages for MUD drivers Greg Miller
- Languages for MUD drivers Cynbe ru Taren
- Languages for MUD drivers J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers Jo Dillon
- Languages for MUD drivers J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers Greg Miller
- Languages for MUD drivers J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers Laurent Bossavit
- Languages for MUD drivers Cynbe ru Taren
- Languages for MUD drivers J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers Laurent Bossavit
- Languages for MUD drivers Ian Macintosh
- Languages for MUD drivers Cynbe ru Taren
- Languages for MUD drivers Greg Miller
- Languages for MUD drivers J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers Ian Macintosh
- Mud hosting services Dundee
- Mud hosting services AR Schleicher
- Mud hosting services Dundee
- Mud hosting services AR Schleicher
- Mud hosting services Greg Miller
- Mud hosting services Dundee
- Mud hosting services Mik Clarke
- Mud hosting services J C Lawrence
- Mud hosting services Mik Clarke
- Mud hosting services Ian Macintosh
- Mud hosting services J C Lawrence
- Mud hosting services
- Matrix Laurent Bossavit
- Sony's EverQuest Admits Using Diku Locke
- Sony's EverQuest Admits Using Diku Koster, Raph
- Sony's EverQuest Admits Using Diku Greg Miller
- Sony's EverQuest Admits Using Diku
- Sony's EverQuest Admits Using Diku Wendy Winkler
- Sony's EverQuest Admits Using Diku Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Sony's EverQuest Admits Using Diku Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Admins as Mortals Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- Admins as Mortals Holly Sommer
- Admins as Mortals Travis S. Casey
- Admins as Mortals Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- Admins as Mortals Sellers, Michael
- Admins as Mortals
- Admins as Mortals Mik Clarke
- Admins as Mortals Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- Admins as Mortals J C Lawrence
- Admins as Mortals Travis S. Casey
- Admins as Mortals Koster, Raph
- Random numbers (was: Physics) J C Lawrence
- Urban Desire
- Depth of realism Joe Kingry
- Depth of realism Ilya, Game Commandos
- Depth of realism Koster, Raph
- Depth of realism Mik Clarke
- Depth of realism Matthew Mihaly
- Depth of realism Marian Griffith
- Depth of realism Travis S. Casey
- Depth of realism Jo Dillon
- Depth of realism Marian Griffith
- Depth of realism Matthew Mihaly
- Depth of realism Wendy Winkler
- Depth of realism Travis Casey
- Depth of realism J C Lawrence
- Depth of realism J C Lawrence
- Depth of realism J C Lawrence
- Depth of realism Travis S. Casey
- Depth of realism J C Lawrence
- Depth of realism Jon A. Lambert
- Depth of realism Marian Griffith
- Depth of realism Jeremy Music
- Player statistics calculation (Was: code base inquiry) Petri Virkkula
- Player statistics calculation (Was: code base inquiry) Matthew Mihaly
- Player statistics calculation (Was: code base inquiry) Marc Bowden
- Player statistics calculation (Was: code base inquiry) David Bennett
- Player statistics calculation (Was: code base inquiry) Adam Wiggins
- Player statistics calculation (Was: code base inquiry) David Bennett
- Player statistics calculation (Was: code base inquiry) Adam Wiggins
- Admin: Attribute your quotes J C Lawrence
- Muq V -1.46.0 release (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Languages for MUD drivers Petri Virkkula
- MUD client resources (was: Mud hosting services) Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- MUD client resources (was: Mud hosting services) Greg Miller
- Distribution schemes (was Languages for MUD drivers) Ian Macintosh
- Distribution schemes (was Languages for MUD drivers) Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- Distribution schemes (was Languages for MUD drivers) Mik Clarke
- Distribution schemes (was Languages for MUD drivers) Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- Distribution schemes (was Languages for MUD dri vers) Koster, Raph
- about MOO Ilya, Game Commandos
- (no subject) Michael Seifert
- (no subject) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- (no subject) Mike Sellers
- (no subject) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- (no subject) JC Lawrence
- (no subject) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- (no subject) JC Lawrence
- (no subject) JC Lawrence
- (no subject) Marian Griffith
- (no subject) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- (no subject) Chris Gray
- (no subject) Jon A. Lambert
- (no subject) Chris Gray
- (no subject) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- (no subject) Alex Oren
- (no subject) Ilya, Game Commandos
- (no subject) Jon A. Lambert
- (no subject) Travis Casey
- (no subject) Dan Shiovitz
- (no subject) Travis S. Casey
- (no subject) Marian Griffith
- (no subject) Mik Clarke
- (no subject) J C Lawrence
- (no subject) The Eternal City
- (no subject) Travis Casey
- (no subject) Travis S. Casey
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) Joe Andrieu
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) Bruce
- (no subject) John Buehler
- (no subject) Ben Chambers
- (no subject) Dale Garnier-Wells
- (no subject) shren
- (no subject) Matt Mihaly
- (no subject) Travis Nixon
- Player statistics calculation B. Schulte
- Player statistics calculation Marc Bowden
- Player statistics calculation Adam Wiggins
- Admins as Mortals twist Ryan P.
- Admins as Mortals twist Darren Henderson
- Admins as Mortals twist Matthew Mihaly
- Admins as Mortals twist Darren Henderson
- Admins as Mortals twist Matthew Mihaly
- Admins as Mortals twist Dundee
- Admins as Mortals twist Matthew Mihaly
- Admins as Mortals twist AR Schleicher
- Admins as Mortals twist Jeremy Music
- Admins as Mortals twist J C Lawrence
- Admins as Mortals twist Koster, Raph
- Admins as Mortals twist Sellers, Michael
- Admins as Mortals twist Koster, Raph
- Admins as Mortals twist J C Lawrence
- Admins as Mortals twist Chris Jones
- Admins as Mortals twist msew
- Admins as Mortals twist Matthew Mihaly
- Admins as Mortals twist Greg Miller
- Admins as Mortals twist Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- Admins as Mortals twist Marian Griffith
- Admins as Mortals twist Greg Miller
- Admins as Mortals twist Matthew Mihaly
- Admins as Mortals twist J C Lawrence
- Admins as Mortals twist Koster, Raph
- Admins as Mortals twist J C Lawrence
- Distribution schemes (was Languages for MUD drivers) Ian Macintosh
- Distribution schemes (was Languages for MUD drivers) Ian Macintosh
- Public Domain Client Ian Macintosh
- Public Domain Client Mik Clarke
- Public Domain Client Jeremy Music
- Public Domain Client Andrew Wilson
- Public Domain Client Mik Clarke
- Public Domain Client Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- Public Domain Client Mik Clarke
- Public Domain Client Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- Public Domain Client Andrew Wilson
- Public Domain Client Laurent Bossavit
- Public Domain Client J C Lawrence
- Public Domain Client J C Lawrence
- Public Domain Client J C Lawrence
- MUD-Dev request rejected Greg Miller
- MUD-Dev request rejected J C Lawrence
- Re[4]: (no subject) Travis Casey
- Re[4]: (no subject) Koster, Raph
- Re[5]: (no subject) Travis Casey
- FAQ for gm-types? Dundee
- FAQ for gm-types? Charles Hughes
- FAQ for gm-types? Mik Clarke
- FAQ for gm-types? Christopher Allen
- FAQ for gm-types? J C Lawrence
- Re[6]: (no subject) Travis Casey
- FW: Re[6]: (no subject) Koster, Raph
- Re[5]: (no subject) Koster, Raph
- Re[5]: (no subject) Travis S. Casey
- Interesting links Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- CODE RELEASE: (client) SMM++ J C Lawrence
- authority and human nature Matthew Mihaly
- authority and human nature Koster, Raph
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Mik Clarke
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Sellers, Michael
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Sellers, Michael
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Sellers, Michael
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Mik Clarke
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Dan Shiovitz
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Joe Andrieu
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Adam Wiggins
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Marian Griffith
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Travis S. Casey
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Eli Stevens {Grey}
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Douglas Couch
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Dundee
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Chris Turner
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) David Bennett
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Scatter
> From: J C Lawrence <> Save Address Block Sender
> Sellers, Michael <> wrote:
> > JC wrote:
> >> ... The idea that the game world (or game designer for that
> >> matter) is going to come up to me prior to every "dangerous"
> >> section and warn me off (however subtlely), or ensure that I can
> >> never trap myself without a means of escape is somehow deeply
> >> offensive.
I'd agree that ensuring you couldn't trap yourself without a
means of escape is offensive - the game then feels like someone
is watching over you all the time to make sure you don't do
something stupid. I don't agree that subtle, well placed warnings
are offensive though, providing they are subtle and well placed
and not blatant in-your-face warnings.
If there is a cave that people go in but never come out of, perhaps
there are npcs in nearby towns, inns or pubs who tell each other
tales of people who went missing that way.
If the path across the cliffs is crumbling away and dangerous,
its condition should be able to be inferred from its descriptions.
The guideline I work by is that the wary, observant player should
be able to be not caught out by such things. It should be possible
for the player to work out that doing whatever it is could be
dangerous. That certainly doesn't mean that every player is going
to notice the warning signs, let alone heed them. But if a player
crys 'not fair, no warning' I want to be able to point to the
> _IF_ the game is responsible for protecting and warning the player
> in regard to all possible dangers of magnitude, several things
> become interesting:
> -- traps
> -- ambushes
With regard to these two, I wouldn't place specific warnings
about what kind of things are likely to happen. I would try to
place hints that a given area may be dangerous. I.e. not warning
the player that a group of bandits are lying in wait on a specific
road, but perhaps npc rumours that bandits are known to be in
the area.
> -- monsters found outside of their normal haunts
This one is more interesting, as the monster may be away
from it's normal place for any number of reasons. But wandering
monsters do leave tracks and spoor that could warn people
that something unusual is around.
> -- environmental conditions
Common sense warns of most of these - that path over the cliffs
is certain to be more dangerous when it's icy.
> -- externally caused state changes to local objects
> Consider the example I posited a little later in that post:
> Of course a battle royal ensues across the tradionally tranquial
> streets and squares of Rue, that utopian dream of bucolic
> simplicity, and our young newbie, knowing nothing of this, walks
> into the middle of the fray, finds himself lost and both a head
> shorter and dead, tho possibly not in that order.
Surely if a battle royal was going on, the newbie should be able
to hear the sounds of battle before arriving in the middle of it?
This, to me, is sufficient warning!
> Now the game designer has some obvious responsibilities in the
> 3ExitRoom, but what responsibilities does he have in the
> BandsofBubba scenario?
Obviously none specifically for that scenario, but general design
choices, e.g. propagating loud sounds through adjacent rooms, can
be enough to provide some indication of dangerous events going on.
> Shuld, upon the instance of that battle, a surrounding circle of
> beggers and grizzledold men uttering warnings of dangers ahead
> suddenly spring into existance surrounding the village?
No. Although a fleeing citizen npc shouting a warning to the
player as he passes might just be acceptable.
Of course, this doesn't hold if the player is just teleported into
the battle as your second example showed - but as my mud will have
only very restricted forms of teleport, I don't have to cover this
situation. =)
Scatter ///\oo/\\\ - Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Scatter
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Scatter
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Quzah
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Scatter
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Quzah
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Scatter
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Adam Wiggins
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Richard Ross
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Mik Clarke
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Dundee
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Raph & Kristen Koster
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Dundee
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Mik Clarke
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Holly Sommer
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Marian Griffith
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Lucas Moten {Krozy}
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Mik Clarke
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) Greg Miller
- Fair/Unfair? Scenarios (fwd) J C Lawrence
- volunteerism on muds (fwd) J C Lawrence
- (fwd) Artificial Language for MUD programmers
- The grass is always greener in the other field
- The grass is always greener in the other field Jon A. Lambert
- The grass is always greener in the other field Matthew Mihaly
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field Dundee
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field Greg Miller
- The grass is always greener in the other field Ilya, Game Commandos
- The grass is always greener in the other field Adam Wiggins
- The grass is always greener in the other field Sellers, Michael
- The grass is always greener in the other field Adam Wiggins
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field Sellers, Michael
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field Travis Casey
- The grass is always greener in the other field Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- The grass is always greener in the other field Koster, Raph
- The grass is always greener in the other field Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- The grass is always greener in the other field Cynbe ru Taren
- The grass is always greener in the other field Koster, Raph
- The grass is always greener in the other field cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- The grass is always greener in the other field Koster, Raph
- The grass is always greener in the other field Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- The grass is always greener in the other field Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- The grass is always greener in the other field Charles Hughes
- The grass is always greener in the other field Matthew Mihaly
- The grass is always greener in the other field Cynbe ru Taren
- The grass is always greener in the other field Matthew Mihaly
- The grass is always greener in the other field Ilya, Game Commandos
- The grass is always greener in the other field cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- The grass is always greener in the other field Scatter
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field Matthew Mihaly
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field Matthew Mihaly
- The grass is always greener in the other field Raph & Kristen Koster
- The grass is always greener in the other field Timothy Dang
- The grass is always greener in the other field
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field Petri Virkkula
- The grass is always greener in the other field Matthew Mihaly
- The grass is always greener in the other field Ian Macintosh
- The grass is always greener in the other field Koster, Raph
- The grass is always greener in the other field Adam Wiggins
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field Travis Casey
- The grass is always greener in the other field Adam Wiggins
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- The grass is always greener in the other field Raph & Kristen Koster
- The grass is always greener in the other field Joe Andrieu
- Re[4]: (no subject) Travis Casey
- Re[4]: (no subject)
- Re[6]: (no subject) Travis Casey