November 1996
- MUD Design Digest V1 #55 Chris Gray
- MUD Coding in general. Chris Lawrence
- MUD Design Digest V1 #47 Chris Lawrence
- MUD Design Digest V1 #49 Chris Lawrence
- MUD Design Digest V1 #52 Chris Lawrence
- Command Parsing Nathan Yospe
- command parsing
Uhh, guys, can we get back to attributing quotes please. If your mailer
doesn't do it automagically, just prepending a [AlexO], [ChrisG], or
whatever at the appropriate quoting level at the start of the message
would be great.
J C Lawrence Internet:
----------(*) Internet:
...Honourary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...
- command parsing
- Command Parsers, continued Nathan Yospe
- Call for Opinions: MIGE Chris Lawrence
- MUD Design Digest V1 #56