July 2007
- [JOB] Linden Lab Brighton Party 26th July Jim Purbrick
- [JOB] Linden Lab Brighton Party 26th July Christopher Lloyd
- [BIZ] Forum software? Mike Rozak
- [BIZ] Forum software? Caliban Darklock
- [BIZ] Forum software? Adam Martin
- [BIZ] Forum software? Chan Yong Wei
- [BIZ] Forum software? Michael Chui
- [BIZ] Forum software? David Johansson
- [BIZ] Forum software? Dana V. Baldwin
- [BIZ] Forum software? David Johansson
- [BIZ] Forum software? Morgan Ramsay
- [DESIGN] Will players pay for public services? Nicholas Koranda
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Nicholas Koranda
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Tom Hudson
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Travis Casey
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Tom Hudson
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Travis Casey
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... cruise
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... cruise
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... cruise
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Aurel Mihai
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... cruise
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Michael Chui
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... cruise
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... John Arras
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Damion Schubert
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... cruise
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Damion Schubert
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Damion Schubert
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... cruise
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
According to cruise:
> Thus spake Caliban Darklock...
> >A player does game-prescribed things to earn advancement for his
> >character.
> No, he doesn't That, I think is the fundamental disconnect here. The
> player /does not earn advancement/ in this system.
Actually, nothing says that the player does not advance with levels.
He certainly can. The achievement system requires an increasing difficulty
in game, which in turn requires advancing your character. If your
power doesn't come from levels, then it has to come from something else.
But yes, in essence, I would probably tie a lot less of a character's
power in the level, and more in other forms. Equipment is a good place.
> >You're trying to decouple advancement from enjoyment,
> Looks like you're getting the idea at last :P
Yup. Enjoy the game, and you will advance.
> >but to the vast majority of players, the advancement IS the enjoyment.
> This system is not for those players.
Actually it is. The problem is that the achievement system will not give
them a steady diet of small advancement stuff. You need to strive for
your advancement. You can't take the easiest mob, and say, I'll kill them
for 1h or so for some xp. You need to achieve something special, something
you haven't done before.
So the system is for people who want advancement. It is not for people
who think advancement comes from doing simple and easy thing over and over.
Vincent Archer Email: archer@frmug.org
All men are mortal. Socrates was mortal. Therefore, all men are Socrates.
(Woody Allen) - [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Acius
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... cruise
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Tom Hudson
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Tom Hudson
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Jarod Reid
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... cruise
- [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point... Travis Casey
- [DESIGN] Believable NPCs (was Natural Language Generation) Nicholas Koranda
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency Nicholas Koranda
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency Travis Casey
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency Jon Leonard
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency Peter Keeler
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency Peter Keeler
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency Michael Chui
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency Johnicholas Hines
- [DESIGN] Expected value and standard deviation Nicholas Koranda
- [DESIGN] Expected value and standard deviation Travis Casey
- [DESIGN] Expected value and standard deviation cruise
- [DESIGN] Expected value and standard deviation Darryl Woodford