April 2007
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant against Vanguard reviews and rants) Richard A. Bartle
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant against Vanguardreviews and rants) John Buehler
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant againstVanguardreviews and rants) Raph Koster
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) John Buehler
- Importance of emoting (Was: ArantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) Raph Koster
- Importance of emoting (Was: ArantagainstVanguardreviewsand rants) John Buehler
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant againstVanguardreviews and rants) Michael Hartman
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) John Buehler
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) Chris Richards
- Importance of emoting (Was: ArantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) Raph Koster
- Importance of emoting (Was: ArantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) Amanda Walker
- Importance of emoting (Was:ArantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) McDonald, Stephen
- Importance of emoting (Was:ArantagainstVanguardreviewsand rants) Richard A. Bartle
- Importance of emoting (Was: ArantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) Matt Chatterley
- Importance of emoting (Was: ArantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) Morgan Ramsay
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant againstVanguardreviews and rants) Dana V. Baldwin
- Importance of emoting (Was: ArantagainstVanguardreviews and rants) Dana V. Baldwin
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant againstVanguardreviews and rants) Michael Hartman
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant againstVanguardreviews and rants) Richard A. Bartle
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant against Vanguard reviews and rants) Mike Sellers
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant against Vanguard reviews and rants) Tess Snider
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant against Vanguard reviews and rants) Damion Schubert
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant against Vanguardreviews and rants) Raph Koster
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant against Vanguard reviews and rants) Dana V. Baldwin
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Raph Koster
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Raph Koster
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] cruise
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] cruise
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] John Buehler
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] cruise
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] cruise
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] cruise
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] cruise
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Morris Cox
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] cruise
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Lachek Butalek
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Jeffrey Kesselman
- Importance of emoting (Was: A rant against Vanguard reviews and rants) John Buehler
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Hideto Koudanshi
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellent commentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] John Buehler
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Dave Scheffer
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] What is a game?(again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] John Buehler
- [DESIGN] What is a game? (again) was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Hideto Koudanshi
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards Raph Koster
cruise wrote:
> a) Players don't need rewards if the activity is enjoyable.
> b) Rewards for activities often reward the wrong behaviour.
I agree with these two points, but I would add
c) Players will choose to do an unfun thing endlessly if there's a
reward for it
d) Players will neglect fun things if it causes them to fall behind in a
rat race.
ANY reward distorts the playing field in that way, and dropping all
rewards isn't a viable strategy either.
> Which leads me to the conclusion that in a multiplayer game, rewards
> should be minimal, if existant. They certainly should not involve an
> increase in power, since that will only worsen the competetive streak.
> The exception to this, obviously, is if you can make your rewards immune
> to b) above /and/ can evenly distribute them amongst all the play styles
> you wish to encourage.
A lack of rewards is a very good way to make your game inaccessible and
unfun to most people.
I agree on the power increase bit tho. :) - [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards Mike Sellers
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Rewards Mike Sellers
- [DESIGN] Rewards John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Rewards Jean, Yannick
- [DESIGN] Rewards Dana V. Baldwin
- [DESIGN] Rewards Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards Jean, Yannick
- [DESIGN] Rewards Mike Sellers
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards Jean, Yannick
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards Paolo Piselli
- [DESIGN] Rewards Michael Hartman
- [DESIGN] Rewards Raph Koster
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards Raph Koster
- [DESIGN] Rewards Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards Mike Sellers
- [DESIGN] Rewards Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Rewards cruise
- [DESIGN] Rewards John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Rewards Dave Scheffer
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards David Love
- [DESIGN] Rewards Johnicholas Hines
- [DESIGN] Rewards Raph Koster
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards Michael Hartman
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sulka Haro
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards Michael Hartman
- [DESIGN] Rewards Michael Hartman
- [DESIGN] Rewards John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Rewards Sean Howard
- [DESIGN] Rewards Dave Scheffer
- [DESIGN] Rewards Caliban Darklock
- [DESIGN] Rewards Adam Martin
- [DESIGN] Rewards Raph Koster
- Downtime & SWG (Was: Importance of emoting) Sean Howard
- Downtime & SWG (Was: Importance of emoting) Raph Koster
- Downtime & SWG (Was: Importance of emoting) Sean Howard
- Framing and Player Psychology (was: Importance of emoting) Tess Snider
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Dave Scheffer
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops cruise
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Peter Keeler
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Dave Scheffer
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Dave Scheffer
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops Jeffrey Kesselman
- [DESIGN/OPERATION] A rant about NPC ops John Buehler
- What is agame?(again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] John Buehler
- What is agame?(again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] cruise
- What is agame?(again)was:[Excellentcommentary on Vanguard's diplomacy system] Dave Scheffer
- [DESIGN] Crafting Systems: Supply-Driven vs. Demand-Driven Shannon Sullivan
- [DESIGN] Crafting Systems: Supply-Driven vs. Demand-Driven cruise
- [DESIGN] Crafting Systems: Supply-Driven vs.Demand-Driven Dave Scheffer
- [DESIGN] Crafting Systems: Supply-Driven vs. Demand-Driven Morris Cox
- [DESIGN] Crafting Systems: Supply-Driven vs. Demand-Driven Michael Hartman
- [DESIGN] Crafting Systems: Supply-Driven vs. Demand-Driven Chris Richards
- [DESIGN] Crafting Systems: Supply-Driven vs.Demand-Driven John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Crafting Systems: Supply-Drivenvs.Demand-Driven Dave Scheffer
- RE : [DESIGN] Rewards Jean, Yannick
- [DESIGN] Is photorealism the goal? ( was Ray traced environments) Jeffrey Kesselman
- [TECH] Client time-server time sync Roger D Vargas
- [TECH] Client time-server time sync John Buehler
- [TECH] Client time-server time sync Jeffrey Kesselman
- [TECH] Client time-server time sync Hudson, Thomas C.
- [TECH] Client time-server time sync Lachek Butalek
- [TECH] Client time-server time sync Adam Martin
- Whatisagame?(again)was:[Excellentcommentary onVanguard's diplomacy system] Dave Scheffer