On 9/16/07, Mike Rozak <Mike@mxac.com.au > wrote:
> Are there any good books on how to attract/manage a [MMORPG] community?
> I've been observing the typical tactics: forums, blogs, leaking info,
> exclusive, press releases, occasional screenshots, "beta tests", etc.
> However, having something in writing would help me notice all the
> marketing expertise that I've missed.
Mike, you've probably already gotten tons of responses to your question
but since I'm just now getting caught up on my mail lists and didn't see
a response, I'll throw in my two cents here.
I highly recommend Amy Jo Kim's Community Building on the Web
http://snipurl.com/1siu2 [Changed By Moderator to Snip URL] as a
wonderful resource. It is well written, formatted into easily
digestible chunks, cites plenty of examples, and well worth the cost. I
don't think it's in print any longer but I'm sure you can find a used
copy through Amazon or ABE Books
Did anyone else have some other good suggestions?