Cruise wrote:
> Why is this a problem? Why is the rewards being implicit a bad thing?
> Personally, this sounds like an excellent system as it stands. Does it
> not feel fun? Or do you think that explicit rewards are necessary to
> retain interest?
That's a loaded question(s):
First as far as what *I* find fun: IMHO, I'd like to take Oblivion (or even
WoW) and remove most of the monsters. Make it a game about discovery. To me,
the monsters get in the way, and are something I'd rather not deal with.
About "not feeling fun": That's a tricky one. I don't think I can accurately
judge if my game is fun since it's about discovery and puzzles, and I
already know about everything in the game, so there's nothing to discover
and no unsolved puzzles. (Plus, there isn't much content yet either.)
Would other people find my game (as is) fun?: That's why I was asking about
explicit XP rewards. Personally, I don't need them, but I notice that an
awful lot of games have them. If I role-play an achiever (in my mind), I can
see how more explicit rewards would help them.