July 2006
- Welcome to MUD-Dev2 MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [ANNOUNCE] final testing for Dead Souls 2 Cratylus
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? willow reed
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Steve "Bloo" Daniels
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Tess Snider
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Tess Snider
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Mike Rozak
- DGN Allowing Robots Johnicholas Hines
- [REPOST] Dynamic Quests & Event Chains MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [REPOST] Dynamic Quests & Event Chains Johnicholas Hines
- [REPOST] DGN: MMOG Game Economies MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [REPOST] DGN: MMOG Game Economies Ian Hess
- [REPOST] DGN: MMOG Game Economies John Buehler
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency William Leader
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Nick Koranda
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency William Leader
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency cruise
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementingcurrency McDonald, Stephen
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Ben Sizer
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Craig T. Dalrymple
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Mike Rozak
- [ANNOUNCE] Dead Souls 2.1 is now available for download Cratylus
The Dead Souls 2.1 mudlib (LPC codebase) is out. Please
see the release announcement here:
To download the lib, please visit the Dead Souls
home page and click on the 2.1 link.
Thank you.
http://dead-souls.net - [REPOST] Soapbox: World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things by David Sirlin Nick Koranda
- [REPOST] Soapbox: World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things by David Sirlin Joh Nicholas Hines