July 2006
- Welcome to MUD-Dev2 MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [ANNOUNCE] final testing for Dead Souls 2 Cratylus
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? willow reed
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Steve "Bloo" Daniels
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Tess Snider
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Tess Snider
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Mike Rozak
- DGN Allowing Robots Johnicholas Hines
- [REPOST] Dynamic Quests & Event Chains MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [REPOST] Dynamic Quests & Event Chains Johnicholas Hines
- [REPOST] DGN: MMOG Game Economies MUD-Dev2 Admin
* Original Poster: Christopher D. Chapman
* chris@steelanvilstudios.com
* 11/13/2005 9:21 PM
I'm a recent addition to this list, so you'll have to excuse me if
there's been substantial coverage of the MMOG economy topic.
I'm pretty much of the firm belief that a scaling system of 'pay for
training' that links xp to gold will help create a single currency
(instead of the two) and solve all of the issues around the rampant
inflation in these games. i've written up a moderately brief piece
evolving from a bit of stream of consciousness rambling.
as i have tremendous respect for many of the opinions on this list,
i'm fascinated to hear what you guys (and girls, of course) think
about it and whether or not it's been done. seems to make sense to
me and i'm currently building a game based on it.
tho, if it's a dumb idea, by all means, please tell me before i get
to beta
chris. - [REPOST] DGN: MMOG Game Economies Ian Hess
- [REPOST] DGN: MMOG Game Economies John Buehler
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency William Leader
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Nick Koranda
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency William Leader
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency cruise
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementingcurrency McDonald, Stephen
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Ben Sizer
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Craig T. Dalrymple
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Mike Rozak
- [ANNOUNCE] Dead Souls 2.1 is now available for download Cratylus
- [REPOST] Soapbox: World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things by David Sirlin Nick Koranda
- [REPOST] Soapbox: World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things by David Sirlin Joh Nicholas Hines