July 2006
- Welcome to MUD-Dev2 MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [ANNOUNCE] final testing for Dead Souls 2 Cratylus
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? willow reed
On 7/11/06, MUD-Dev2 Admin <admin@mud-dev.com> wrote:
> * Original Poster: John Mauney
> * montyculligan@gmail.com
> - Text MUDs should no longer require any kind of previous
> knowledge with the genre. As a new player, I should be able to
> start the game instantly and never feel as if I'm lost in some
> arcane activity of which I have no clue where to go next. MUDs are
> notorious for having poor help files, or help files that must be
> read entirely out of context to the situations of which the
> documentation describes.
Yeah but that arcane quality is one of the things that I enjoy about the genre. There are so many "easy" (not easy to play but easy to get into playing immediately) games that having that one last bastion of geekiness is, to me, a great thing.
I was online in the days of old, before the word "internet" immediately meant only the web and its been an irritant to me that everybody and their mother is now online. The online experience has been dumbed down to the point of idiocy.
Long time ago, I came into contact with really intelligent people in the online world. I miss that..henceforth my being on this list :)
I guess I have a mean exclusionary streak in me.....
Wils - [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Steve "Bloo" Daniels
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Tess Snider
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Tess Snider
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? Mike Rozak
- [REPOST] DGN: Text MUDs; in need of an (r)evolution? willow reed
- DGN Allowing Robots Johnicholas Hines
- [REPOST] Dynamic Quests & Event Chains MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [REPOST] Dynamic Quests & Event Chains Johnicholas Hines
- [REPOST] DGN: MMOG Game Economies MUD-Dev2 Admin
- [REPOST] DGN: MMOG Game Economies Ian Hess
- [REPOST] DGN: MMOG Game Economies John Buehler
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency William Leader
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Nick Koranda
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency William Leader
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency cruise
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementingcurrency McDonald, Stephen
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Ben Sizer
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Craig T. Dalrymple
- [TECH] Implementing currency without implementing currency Mike Rozak
- [ANNOUNCE] Dead Souls 2.1 is now available for download Cratylus
- [REPOST] Soapbox: World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things by David Sirlin Nick Koranda
- [REPOST] Soapbox: World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things by David Sirlin Joh Nicholas Hines