On 1/3/07, Matt Chatterley <matt.chatterley@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 03/01/07, Nicholas Koranda <nkk@eml.cc> wrote:
> It's definitely a good idea - and I'd be interested in lending some time to
> it in whatever capacity I can - given the time restraints we all suffer!
I would also be interested in helping out however I could. Keep in
mind that I tend to work in bursts, doing a lot of work at once and
then working on other things for a while.
> One question is as to how successful it would be? Perhaps if we arranged to
> archive contributions from this list in some form, connecting them up into
> the 'wiki', it'd be a good, natural way to source content without requiring
> people to sit down with the thought "OK. I'm going to create an entry.." in
> their minds?
My first (and second) thought is that it would be best for one person
to get the foundation setup and going. If you have a committee do that
part, it'll take months if not years. Get the foundation in, start
with your own knowledge, and then invite others. Your odds of success
will also increase. Once you've done that, then you can see about
using the material on this list..
> Ironically, going back to my original thought - there might even be some
> room to make use of targetted surveys within this sort of structure; asking
> pointed questions about entries and also inviting users to add their own
> opinions - probably the most useful sort of contribution, to be honest.
I agree. You could ask general questions at first and then go down to
more specific questions that are more likely to elict critical
thinking. Just watch out for spam and horrible spelling.
> Attracting players as well as designers might be an interesting thought to
> approach - after all, thats where most of us started out!
Might help convince some players to become developers.