On 03/01/07, Nicholas Koranda <nkk@eml.cc> wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Jan 2007 14:15:28 -0600, "John Arras" <johnarras@gmail.com>
> said:
[Mass Snippage]
The one thing that this kind of site would not address directly (at
> least as proposed here) is the interaction of each of these module level
> entries when combined into a full engine. For instance, a crafting
> system can effect an NPC vendor system and vice versa depending on which
> systems/implementations are used.
I think this is perhaps why the Wiki format fits well - it's easy to
inter-relate sections of information and/or articles or ideas, no matter
what their size - so linked from a piece about crafting could be a piece on
interactions between crafting and trade - which in turns is linked to the
original crafting piece, plus a trade piece (or sets of pieces, if you
It's definitely a good idea - and I'd be interested in lending some time to
it in whatever capacity I can - given the time restraints we all suffer!
One question is as to how successful it would be? Perhaps if we arranged to
archive contributions from this list in some form, connecting them up into
the 'wiki', it'd be a good, natural way to source content without requiring
people to sit down with the thought "OK. I'm going to create an entry.." in
their minds?
Ironically, going back to my original thought - there might even be some
room to make use of targetted surveys within this sort of structure; asking
pointed questions about entries and also inviting users to add their own
opinions - probably the most useful sort of contribution, to be honest.
Attracting players as well as designers might be an interesting thought to
approach - after all, thats where most of us started out!