On 1/2/07, John Buehler <johnbue@msn.com> wrote:
> John Bertoglio says essentially the same thing in another reply in this
> thread, observing that 'People have an amazing lack of ability to imagine
> "ideal" set of features for a game or anything else.' That's ultimately
> because the act of creation is not easy. The best creations are produced
> those with the most complete understanding, the greatest ability to see
> finished work in the greatest detail. I'm quite sure that Mozart could
> imagine his entire composition in a single thought, while lesser composers
> could only see bits and pieces of theirs.
I don't think a perfect game exists anyway. Asking for a poll of
players like asking whether skills or classes are better, or even framing a
debate in terms of X vs. Y when X and Y are just examples of some Z that
serves a purpose in the game.
What I would like to see is not a survey of players or developers or
whatever, but another attempt at a Wiki like Agora a few years ago (which
seems to have died). The idea would be to list the ideas that people have
had for doing certain things and discuss how the parts of these games relate
to each other and give examples of how things have been done and how they
might be altered to do new things. The goal would be to encourage people to
always look for combinations of variations of methods of doing things
instead of just looking for the One True Way of doing things. Is anyone
interested in giving the wiki idea another shot?