Matt Chatterly wrote:
>A while ago, as part of another thread, I nattered on for a bit about the
> idea of attempting to conduct some research into what players like and
> dislike about Muds (in specific, and in general) - that seems a bit
> wishy-washy now that I repeat it back, so I'll try to nail it down a
> little more.
It is clear that surveys are not without problems.
However, it is possible one could glean useful information by
correctly phrasing the question and correctly interpreting the
results. I hesitate to provide an example because I might, in
fact, be incorrect in phrasing the question and/or interpreting
the results. Still, examples are good.
Imagine 10 people first playing a game and then answering two
questions "what part did you like best?" and "what part did you
like least?". If the designers thought they had put in 10 parts,
but parts 6 and 9 never get mentioned as either particularly
likeable or particularly odious, maybe they need to be reworked.
Can the bright people on this list suggest better survey questions and