On Dec 30, 2006, at 5:30 AM, David Johansson wrote:
> Like my lovely mother said to me, oh so many years ago: "You never
> know if
> you are gonna enjoy the food unless you taste it, if you don't like
> it, just
> eat something else, but remember that one dish might be awful at one
> restaurant, but gorgeous at the next, so always try everything."
This is very true. I can recall how many people moaned about how WoW
or Guild Wars weren't "real" because they focused on playability
rather than on the level grind and death penalties (though WoW still
has some level grind). Yet they are very popular because, among
other things, they encourage intermittent play. The idea of a "a
game you can play for a half an hour at a time, without having to
assemble a classic tank + mage + bard + priest party" seemed anathema
to many RPGers--yet they're quite popular. Guild Wars is a great
example--violates every RPG & MMO rule out there, but dang if it
isn't a blast to play.
You'll never find out what people like or don't like by asking them.
Watch what and how they play.