May 2005
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMO community? Jaycen Rigger
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMOcommunity? Barry Kearns
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMOcommunity? Jaycen Rigger
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Matt Mihaly
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Barry Kearns
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Jaycen Rigger
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurttheMMOcommunity? Matt Mihaly
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurttheMMOcommunity? Barry Kearns
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheatinghurttheMMOcommunity? Tom Hunter
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheatinghurttheMMOcommunity? Steve "Bloo" Daniels
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheatinghurttheMMOcommunity? Jon A. Lambert
- SOC: Will company sanctionedcheatinghurttheMMOcommunity? Freeman, Jeff
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Morris Cox
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMOcommunity? Chris Richards
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMOcommunity? Jaycen Rigger
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMOcommunity? Peter Harkins
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? John Buehler
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? David Wright
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurttheMMOcommunity? John Buehler
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurttheMMOcommunity? David Wright
- [SPAM] SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurttheMMOcommunity? Dana V. Baldwin
David Wright wrote:
> On 5/17/05, John Buehler <> wrote:
>> I'm glad you like the general idea. Remember that as soon as you
>> give some rope to your players, they will start eyeing nearby
>> trees limbs and other players' necks. In other words, think of
>> all the unpleasant things that could be written into an item's
>> history - whether intentionally unpleasant or not. I was hinting
>> at that problem when I included the player name "Dave Rulz
>> Everyone".
> Granted of course, some would consider this is all additional
> 'unneccessary' development work on top of what would be considered
> normal base systems and content. But I would guess that there is
> already a varying amount of logging taking place within a system,
> this merely logs it differently, put's into a lore context and
> makes it more available to the players.
We do something similar using the dbase and canned "Mad Libs" if you
will. This type of system is realy nice for making context based
reports. For insance we create a daily newspaper using this system
and its very easy to add new story outlines that are submitted from
the community or a community subset.
I believe a system like this could be used for your item managment
where individual stories of varying length could be added to the
overall description based on the flags for the item iteslf.
- sword
- fire
- xtra damage
- most notorious owner
- etc ad nauseum
Could result in several different paragraphs that could be linked
together and generated automatically. Similarly you could allow the
creator or posessor to add to or delete these templates.
I was first going to suggest a community moderated wiki type of
system but as noted earlier, you really don't want to have to police
any of this stuff. As always, poorly designed or implemented
features are the reason CS exists. Try and write it out whenever you
- [SPAM] SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurttheMMOcommunity? Dana V. Baldwin
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMOcommunity? Paul Schwanz
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMO community? Peter Harkins
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMO community? Sean Marshall
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurttheMMOcommunity? P J
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMO community? John MacQueen
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt the MMO community? Peter Yu
- Concerning "Groups" Paolo Piselli
- Concerning "Groups" Jeff Gaskill
- Concerning "Groups" Koster, Raph
- Concerning "Groups" Jason Downs
- Action Figures John Buehler
- Action Figures John Buehler
- Action Figures Tom Gordon
- OT: UO Robin Hood Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Matt Mihaly
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy John Buehler
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Chris Richards
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy cruise
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Paul Schwanz
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Paul Schwanz
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Paul Schwanz
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy benton
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Rayzam
- DGN: Lords, Vassals, Serfs and the Clergy Jaycen Rigger
- DESIGN: Loot on demand (was: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity?) Freeman, Jeff
- DESIGN: Loot on demand (was: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity?) Cosmik
- DESIGN: Loot on demand (was: Will company sanctionedcheating hurt theMMOcommunity?) Koster, Raph
- DESIGN: Loot on demand (was: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity?) Jaycen Rigger
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games Shannon Appelcline
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games Joseph Hewitt
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games Mike Rozak
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games Jaycen Rigger
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games J C Lawrence
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games Paul Schwanz
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games Mike Shaver
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games J C Lawrence
- Guest Voices #2: Griefing in Online Games John Buehler
- [ANN] Solipsis, a shared virtual worlds in python J C Lawrence
- SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurttheMMOcommunity? ghovs
- Mud Dev FAQ - Part 2 Marian Griffith
- DGN: Emergent Behaviors spawned from - SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: Emergent Behaviors spawned from - SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Otis Viles
- DGN: Emergent Behaviors spawned from - SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? David Wright
- DGN: Emergent Behaviors spawned from - SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Otis Viles
- DGN: Emergent Behaviors spawned from - SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? J C Lawrence
- DGN: Emergent Behaviors spawned from - SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Michael Hartman
- DGN: Emergent Behaviors spawned from - SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Adam Spivey
- DGN: Emergent Behaviors spawned from - SOC: Will company sanctioned cheating hurt theMMOcommunity? Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: Absolutes, percentages and ranges cruise
- DGN: Absolutes, percentages and ranges Paolo Piselli
- DGN: Absolutes, percentages and ranges Brian Hook
- What level maximum do players like best? Eric
- What level maximum do players like best? Mordengaard
- What level maximum do players like best? Pandora
- What level maximum do players like best? cruise
- What level maximum do players like best? Jaycen Rigger
- What level maximum do players like best? Damion Schubert
- Comments on Griefing Article J C Lawrence