April 2005
- [DESIGN] : Where to find information about mud design ? Lethal Thanatos
- [DESIGN] : Where to find information about mud design ? Jaycen Rigger
- DESIGN: Mini-VW contenst (Was DESIGN: The game with a thousand faces) Mike Rozak
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Michael Barton
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Hiddukel
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. David Wilson
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Hiddukel
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Ziccardi
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Hiddukel
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Richard Lindsey
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Daniel O'Neal
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Brian
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Ziccardi
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Simmons
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Michael Barton
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Ziccardi
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Michael Barton
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Hiddukel
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Hiddukel
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Simmons
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Ziccardi
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Davion Kalhen
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Bobby Bailey
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Davion Kalhen
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. David Wilson
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. mrpotatohead@urbanfallout.net
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Simmons
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Christopher Bunting
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Simmons
--- Christopher Bunting <cbunting99@gmail.com> wrote:
> During this whole thread, I started to get off topic and was trying to
> get back to the point, but what happened? I was trying to post some
> code to show how easy I thought it was to do various things. But not
> one person asked me why I didn't do it in C. Not one person had asked
> why I had done anything in any other way. So I felt was pointed out
> again only to have everyone who's been replying to this thread have a
> little laughing spree on me..
Ah.. Well I didn't ask why you chose not to do it in C because I know that for
some projects certain languages are better suited than others. If you feel more
comfortable working in D, Python, whatever it couldn't bother me less. The only
reason I responded at all was due to a lot of FUD disseminating about both
using C and using SQL. So I mearly corrected you on the facts.
Sorry if you felt you were being attacked.
> If you look even futher back a few posts more, I submitted a whole
> block of an api for sqlite in C. But did everyone assume that I wrote
> the C api? It would appear so..
> In regards to Mike's reply.. The code he submitted is small and
> clean.. I took the C code directly off of the SQLite website.
> http://www.sqlite.org/quickstart.html It was far from any kind of
> code contest.. Maybe Mike should submit his api to sqlite.
No he shouldn't. The code you posted and the code Mike posted were functionally
very different. The SQLLite people would only use Mike's code if they wanted to
demonstrate how to create a database, not if they wanted to show how to use
their API to query the database and return a result.
The problem was that the D code you posted was intended to mearly create a
database. While the C code version you took from the website connects to the
database, passes through a query which it takes as a program argument, gets the
result (with error checking), and passes that result to a callback function.
You then implied that using D was a more elegant because it required less code
to do the same thing. The point was that they didn't do the same thing, so the
comparison was moot. Then Mike wrote a code that _was_ functionally the same as
your D example to show that there is really very little difference between the
C and the D apis for SQL lite.
I hope that clarifies my position at least. If you don't want to use C, fine.
More power to you. If you don't want to use SQL, same deal. But your inital
post was basically critisizing the mud development community for still using C,
and for putting so much of an emphasis on SQL. Those sorts of comments will
tend to get peoples hackles raised, especially when your complaints about the
two technologies in question are, for the most part, groundless.
Version 3.12
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b+(++) !DI+++ D G(-) e>+++ h---() r+++ y+++(++)
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- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Simmons
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Hiddukel
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Simmons
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Hiddukel
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Chad Simmons
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Richard Lindsey
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Richard Lindsey
- Advanced Topic - Doing it differently. Daniel O'Neal
- DESIGN: Mini-VW contenst Mike Rozak
- DESIGN: More thoughts on the player pyramid Mike Rozak
- Procedural content Mike Rozak
- DESIGN: MMO Survey for College Class Bret Lederle
- Imagery from text J C Lawrence
- Imagery from text J C Lawrence
- Skotos Seeks Guest Voices Shannon Appelcline
- Twisted.reality Paul Miller
- Twisted.reality Peter Harkins
- Twisted.reality Jp Calderone
- Twisted.reality Eli Stevens (WG.c)
- Marketing Resources? Michael Hartman
- Marketing Resources? Elia Morling
- Marketing Resources? Pandora
- Marketing Resources? Christopher Allen
- Marketing Resources? Greg B
- Marketing Resources? Ren Reynolds
- Marketing Resources? Tom Hunter
- Marketing Resources? Michael Hartman
- Marketing Resources? Mike Rozak
- Marketing Resources? Jason Smith
- Marketing Resources? Mike Rozak
- Marketing Resources? Tom Hunter
- Marketing Resources? Mike Rozak
- Marketing Resources? Michael Hartman
- Marketing Resources? Michael Sellers
- Marketing Resources? Mike Rozak
- Marketing Resources? Michael Sellers
- Marketing Resources? Tom Hunter
- Marketing Resources? Tom Hunter
- Marketing Resources? Koster, Raph
- Marketing Resources? Mike Rozak
- Marketing Resources? Koster, Raph
- Marketing Resources? Tom Hunter
- Marketing Resources? Tom Hunter
- Marketing Resources? Johan J Ingles-le Nobel
- NEWS: And so it begins. (officially sanctioned in-game sales) David Wright
- DESIGN: The game with a thousand faces Mike Rozak
- DESIGN: The game with a thousand faces Jaycen Rigger
- DESIGN: The game with a thousand faces Mike Rozak
- DESIGN: The game with a thousand faces ceo
- Sony is getting into the virtual goods auctions Morris Cox
- SOC: Characters as Avatars Jaycen Rigger
- SOC: Characters as Avatars eric@enkanica.com
- DGN : Atomistic Creation Jaycen Rigger
- DGN : Atomistic Creation Thomas Tomiczek
- DGN : Atomistic Creation Jaycen Rigger
- DGN : Atomistic Creation cruise
- DGN : Atomistic Creation Ghilardi Filippo
- DGN : Atomistic Creation Kirinyaga
- DGN : Atomistic Creation Julian Leyh
- DESIGN: MMO Interviews for College Class Game Researcher
- Atomistic Creation cruise
- Concerning "Groups" Jeff Gaskill
- Concerning "Groups" Sean Kelly
- Concerning "Groups" Jeff Gaskill
- Guild Wars ? Louis d'Ambra
- Guild Wars ? cruise
- Guild Wars ? Colin Fuller
- Guild Wars ? Max Battcher
- Guild Wars ? Don McGlumphy III
- Guild Wars ? Sean Howard
- Guild Wars ? Mordengaard
- Guild Wars ? Mike Oxford
- Guild Wars ? Max Battcher
- Guild Wars ? Corey Crawford
- Guild Wars ? Jason Downs