You are very naïve if you think I've only ever worked on one mud, as a
matter of fact summersflame is not even defunct, it simply changed addresses
and was not updated on the mud lists, it was also not intended to be as big
as the mud it was spawned from and summersflame spawned several other muds
itself. I digress though, dig into my history all you want, eventually you
may even find the project I'm talking about. Just one other thing though
Summersflame currently has 144,533 rooms, it was listed as 27,000 because
the rest was wilderness and should not be counted as unique rooms. You are
welcome to look at the old maps, over a year old now at You can also read my (Hiddukel) profile there
even though it is that old as well. Log on to summersflame even, it is at port 4000, explore the place, it is pretty dead
though, really only left up for a choice few players that missed it when it
was down for a while and changed hosts. That really is my brother's
(paladine) mud though, and since he had a baby he hasn't done anything with
In any case, nice try, the date is also wrong, the January 17th might be
right *shrug* but it would be 2004, not 2003.
If you still insist my claims are far fetched I pose this question to you.
Have you ever seen the gridmaker snippet? I didn't write it, but I did code
the idea quite a bit before that snippet was released. I digress though, if
you want to know how a mud with 400,000 rooms runs, take that gridmaker
snippet, or write your own, or better yet, since I never post any code, here
you go:
for (vnum = pArea->min_vnum; vnum <= pArea->max_vnum; vnum++)
if ((pRoom = get_room_index(vnum)))
for (vnum = pArea->min_vnum; vnum <= pArea->max_vnum; vnum++)
for (vnum = pArea->min_vnum; vnum <= pArea->max_vnum; vnum++)
/* set up exits for every room */
n = vnum - pArea->width;
s = vnum + pArea->width;
e = vnum + 1;
w = vnum - 1;
/* north border */
if ((vnum >= pArea->min_vnum) && (vnum < pArea->min_vnum +
n = 0;
/* south border */
if ((vnum > (pArea->max_vnum - pArea->width) && (vnum <=
s = 0;
/* east border */
if ((vnum - pArea->min_vnum + 1) % (pArea->width) == 0)
e = 0;
/* west border */
if ((vnum - pArea->min_vnum + 1) % (pArea->width) == 1)
w = 0;
if ((pRoom = get_room_index(vnum)))
/* set default sector type */
pRoom->sector_type = pArea->sector;
/* north link */
if (n > 0)
if ((toRoom = get_room_index(n)))
pRoom->exit[DIR_NORTH] = new_exit();
pRoom->exit[DIR_NORTH]->u1.to_room = toRoom;
pRoom->exit[DIR_NORTH]->orig_door = DIR_NORTH;
/* south link */
if (s > 0)
if ((toRoom = get_room_index(s)))
pRoom->exit[DIR_SOUTH] = new_exit();
pRoom->exit[DIR_SOUTH]->u1.to_room = toRoom;
pRoom->exit[DIR_SOUTH]->orig_door = DIR_SOUTH;
/* east link */
if (e > 0)
if ((toRoom = get_room_index(e)))
pRoom->exit[DIR_EAST] = new_exit();
pRoom->exit[DIR_EAST]->u1.to_room = toRoom;
pRoom->exit[DIR_EAST]->orig_door = DIR_EAST;
/* west link */
if (w > 0)
if ((toRoom = get_room_index(w)))
pRoom->exit[DIR_WEST] = new_exit();
pRoom->exit[DIR_WEST]->u1.to_room = toRoom;
pRoom->exit[DIR_WEST]->orig_door = DIR_WEST;
This is exactly how it appeared in summersflame over 3 years ago, yes it can
and has been written a lot cleaner since then. Anywho, use that to make
yourself a nice big grid, all in one area if you want, then save it and
reboot your mud and let it load it ... stock rom with long vnums and minor
modifications will load it, it will take it a while, but it'll load the area
provided your machine has enough memory. Then congratulations, you've taken
the first step to have a mud with 400,000+ rooms.
Chad already commented on the geek code block, but you'll notice that I just
added mine the other day, oddly enough after I saw Chad's. If you'd looked
up the meaning of the code you'd have realized that a lot of things will be
the same, especially in a small sampling of people such as this, but they
are not identical. IE: Chad enjoys literature and reads a fair amount of
books, I however do not. Chad is tall and average build, I am tall and
skinny, we both use C at work and aspire to know more C, we are both unix
system admins, he uses it at work though and I only aspire to.....
So no, I don't think everyone is just plain stupid, but that comment sure
Version: 3.1
GCS/IT/S/O d-(+) s++:-- a- c+++$>++++ UBLS++++>$
P++(+++) L++++>$ E---- W+++>$ N o? K? w++++>$ O-
M-- !V PS+ PE(++) Y+ PGP++ t++@ 5 X++ R* tv++(+)
b- DI D--- G>++ e++>+++ h r++>+++ y**>$
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Christopher Bunting
> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 8:21 PM
> To: Chad Simmons
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Advanced Topic - Doing it differently.
> I wasn't saying that it really couldn't be possible.. But maybe for
> the guy I was referring to.. SummersFlame went defunct January 17th
> 2003. Had 27,000 rooms. Playerbase of 20-30... I don't really think I
> need to go any futher with proving that claims made in reply to my
> post were a bit far fetched.
> --
> Hey Chad Simmons...
> Why do you have the same signature as Hiddukel? Do you think everyone is
> just plain stupid?
> Version 3.1
> GCS/L/C/O d-(+) s++: a-- C+++$>++++ UBLS++++$
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