October 2005
- DESIGN: Role playing Mike Rozak
- DESIGN: Role playing Michael Hartman
- DESIGN: Role playing Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- DESIGN: Role playing Michael Hartman
- DESIGN: Role playing Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing Dana V. Baldwin
- DESIGN: Role playing Mark Whittington
- DESIGN: Role playing Tess Snider
- DESIGN: Role playing ghovs
- DESIGN: Role playing Michael Hartman
- DESIGN: Role playing Amanda Walker
- DESIGN: Role playing Mike Rozak
- DESIGN: My current grand unified theory of avatar games Mike Rozak
- Reward system for social gaming? Martin Gundtoft
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Alex McGivern
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- Reward system for social gaming? Kiztent
- Reward system for social gaming? Scott Jennings
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Scott Jennings
- Reward system for social gaming? Lachek Butalek
- Reward system for social gaming? Alex McGivern
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Damien Neil
- Reward system for social gaming? David Love
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? cruise
- Reward system for social gaming? Damien Neil
- Reward system for social gaming? Adam Miller
- Reward system for social gaming? Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Damion Schubert
- Reward system for social gaming? lwl@black-knight.org (Lydia Leong)
- Reward system for social gaming? Tom Hunter
- Reward system for social gaming? Christopher Allen
- Reward system for social gaming? Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- Reward system for social gaming? lwl@black-knight.org (Lydia Leong)
- Reward system for social gaming? Matt Chatterley
- Reward system for social gaming? cruise
- Reward system for social gaming? Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- Reward system for social gaming? John Buehler
- Reward system for social gaming? Christopher Allen
- Reward system for social gaming? Freeman, Jeff
I don't really have anything specific to respond to, so I'm just
going to reply to the thread rather than quoting anyone in
particular and replying to that specifically.
Rewarding social play isn't a bad thing in and of itself, but the
reward needs to map to the goals of the social gamer. Rewarding
social play isn't bad, but rewarding the social player with an
achievement oriented reward is, for reasons others have mentioned:
Non-social players will then "play" the social game in order to
"win" it for the reward, which ruins the style of game play that you
were, presumably, attempting to encourage.
I'm not entirely convinced this leads directly to an online
holocaust, but it does diminish the game play you wanted to support.
Social rewards are things that players can use to increase their
social standing. A good social reward is, for example, something
that I have no direct use for myself, but that I can give to another
player to improve my social standing. Something they want, in order
to maintain improve their social standing. As a social player,
I want to have a party and get people to come to it. So I need
cake. You have no use for cake, but you'd like to come to my
party. Rewarding you with a cake, which you can use to bribe a
party-invite out of me, which I want because having a party with a
cake will result in more people arriving, is a good sort of social
Rewards that are "spent" to increase or maintain social standing and
"used" to increase or maintain social standing are good rewards for
social gaming: a fancy party dress, for example, which I have no use
for, though I do need a date to a fancy party and the person I might
like to invite will need a dress to wear to it, makes for a fine
social reward, that an achiever has simply no use for in any way.
But the "system" for rewarding social gaming remains pretty
organic. The reward for social play is social status created and
granted by other players. The system shouldn't try to do that.
It's hard to think of things like that though, since I'm a pretty
anti-social player myself. - Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Sasha Hart
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Sasha Hart
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- NPR - 'Virtual' Virus Sheds Light on Real-World Behavior Zach Collins (Siege)
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Damion Schubert
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Michael Hartman
- [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Dana V. Baldwin
- [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Michael Hartman
- [SPAM] [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Dana V. Baldwin
- [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Lachek Butalek
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Damion Schubert
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Tess Snider
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat John Buehler
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Tess Snider
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat John Buehler
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Ted L. Chen
- Newbie in-flow Mike Rozak
- EmlenMUD II - Can it be found? jason
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat lwl@black-knight.org (Lydia Leong)
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Lachek Butalek
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat lwl@black-knight.org (Lydia Leong)
- DESIGN: Analysis of Fable Mike Rozak
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Christopher D. Chapman
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies rayzam
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Tom Hunter
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies John Buehler
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies John Buehler
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Christopher D. Chapman
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Paolo Piselli
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Vincent Archer
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Damion Schubert
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Christopher D. Chapman
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Artur Biesiadowski
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Kirinyaga
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Adam Spivey
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Christopher D. Chapman