October 2005
- DESIGN: Role playing Mike Rozak
- DESIGN: Role playing Michael Hartman
- DESIGN: Role playing Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- DESIGN: Role playing Michael Hartman
- DESIGN: Role playing Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing Dana V. Baldwin
- DESIGN: Role playing Mark Whittington
- DESIGN: Role playing Tess Snider
- DESIGN: Role playing ghovs
- DESIGN: Role playing Michael Hartman
- DESIGN: Role playing Amanda Walker
- DESIGN: Role playing Mike Rozak
- DESIGN: My current grand unified theory of avatar games Mike Rozak
- Reward system for social gaming? Martin Gundtoft
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Alex McGivern
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
06/10/2005 09:20 -0500, Sean Howard wrote:
> There's a lot of behavior that is possible in these games which
> screw over other players - not NPCs. In WoW, it's possible for a
> large enough force (in a PvP setting) to actually take and hold a
> low level area of the opposing team. You could grab a few hundred
> level 60 Alliance guys (most servers are 2-1 in favor, and some
> are as much as 5-1) and just take over the Barrens, for example,
> and really make it impossible for any Horde character to level
> past 15. It sounds really cool, but it is literally racist
> oppression. The barrens would become a virtual concentration camp
> - because the gameplay encourages segregation (Alliance and Horde
> can't trade or even communicate with each other) and racism.
As an anecdote I can tell you that in WOW, I was leveling around
Southshore when the honor system was live, but before the
battlegrounds were started. As many can remember, in almost all
servers the ground between opposing alliance and horde cities was a
continuous tug-of-war between masses of levels 40 to 60. Although
leveling was more difficult, and some quests could not be really
made, because they we're in the middle of the clash, I enjoyed that
time, because it brought varied events, and a certain "liveness" to
a world that although enjoyable is too much static for my tastes.
I think if you can still go on and do things around while a raid is
going on, there would not be too much of a problem; you just have to
be careful to not have single points of failure like the
flightmaster, the bank and the auction house. If you duplicated
these on the other side of a city, there would be no problem with
raids, as you could always go somewhere to do what you wanted to do.
Of course this doesn't work with WOW, as it's servers can't really
handle more than 150 people so close, but that is "only" a technical
problem. - Reward system for social gaming? Kiztent
- Reward system for social gaming? Scott Jennings
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Scott Jennings
- Reward system for social gaming? Lachek Butalek
- Reward system for social gaming? Alex McGivern
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Damien Neil
- Reward system for social gaming? David Love
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? cruise
- Reward system for social gaming? Damien Neil
- Reward system for social gaming? Adam Miller
- Reward system for social gaming? Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- Reward system for social gaming? Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Damion Schubert
- Reward system for social gaming? lwl@black-knight.org (Lydia Leong)
- Reward system for social gaming? Tom Hunter
- Reward system for social gaming? Christopher Allen
- Reward system for social gaming? Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- Reward system for social gaming? lwl@black-knight.org (Lydia Leong)
- Reward system for social gaming? Matt Chatterley
- Reward system for social gaming? cruise
- Reward system for social gaming? Arnau Josep Rosselló Castelló
- Reward system for social gaming? John Buehler
- Reward system for social gaming? Christopher Allen
- Reward system for social gaming? Freeman, Jeff
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Sasha Hart
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- Reward system for social gaming? Sasha Hart
- Reward system for social gaming? Sean Howard
- NPR - 'Virtual' Virus Sheds Light on Real-World Behavior Zach Collins (Siege)
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Damion Schubert
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Michael Hartman
- [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Dana V. Baldwin
- [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Michael Hartman
- [SPAM] [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Dana V. Baldwin
- [SPAM] DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Lachek Butalek
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Damion Schubert
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Tess Snider
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat John Buehler
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Tess Snider
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat John Buehler
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Ted L. Chen
- Newbie in-flow Mike Rozak
- EmlenMUD II - Can it be found? jason
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat lwl@black-knight.org (Lydia Leong)
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat Lachek Butalek
- DESIGN: Role playing and Voice Chat lwl@black-knight.org (Lydia Leong)
- DESIGN: Analysis of Fable Mike Rozak
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Christopher D. Chapman
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies rayzam
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Tom Hunter
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies John Buehler
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies John Buehler
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Christopher D. Chapman
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Paolo Piselli
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Vincent Archer
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Damion Schubert
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Christopher D. Chapman
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Artur Biesiadowski
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies William Leader
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Kirinyaga
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Adam Spivey
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Jaycen Rigger
- DGN: MMOG Game Economies Christopher D. Chapman