June 2004
- believable NPCs (was Natural Language Generation) Mike Rozak
- TECH: MUD Skeleton Craig L.
- DGN: Space MUD 67Me You
- DGN: Space MUD ceo
- DGN: Space MUD Sean Howard
- DGN: Space MUD Tracy Lee
- AI in gauntlet (was: Natural Language Generation) ceo
- [DGN/BIZ] Why player dont play multi user race or is there a market for multiuser race? stéphane Garin
- [DGN/BIZ] Why player dont play multi user race or is there a market for multiuser race? Eric Lamy
- [DGN/BIZ] Why player dont play multi user race or is therea market for multiuser race? Matt Mihaly
- [DGN/BIZ] Why player dont play multi user race or is there a market for multiuser race? ceo
- [DGN/BIZ] Why player dont play multi user race or is there a market for multiuser race? Damion Schubert
- [SVEvents] 6/22, J C Lawrence
- BIZ: MMOs in China Chris Yeh
- BIZ: MMOs in China satya@gamedevid.org
- BIZ: MMOs in China Tiago Carita
- BIZ: MMOs in China Damion Schubert
- JOB: Shattered Prism: Lost Wastelands Trace Kern
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Peter Keeler
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Matt Mihaly
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Matt Mihaly
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Matt Mihaly
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Freeman, Jeff
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Peter Keeler
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Scott Jennings
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market ren@aldermangroup.com
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Freeman, Jeff
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Scott Jennings
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Vladimir Cole
- [NEWS] Gaming Open Market Freeman, Jeff
- submissions for MMP Gems book ceo
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? David Kennerly
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? mike stedman
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Jim Purbrick
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Adam
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Mike Rozak
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Jon A. Lambert
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? J C Lawrence
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Luca Girardo
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Matt Mihaly
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Richard A. Bartle
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Luca Girardo
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Tazzik
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Michael Sellers
Luca wrote:
> Mike Rozak wrote:
>> Without a good USP, even if they succeded in a release, they
>> wouldn't be able to differentiate themselves them from their
>> competitors. This makes survival much more difficult, since the
>> game can't rely upon the USP to keep players around after their
>> 30-day trial.
> Hmm, what is a good USP? And good for whom? For the future
> customers or for the investors/producers of the MMOG? And is the
> absence of a clear USP a signal that we are having more
> evolutionary projects then revolutionary ones?
Revolutionary => evolutionary => derivative. As we move down that
line, customer acquisition for each following game becomes more
difficult and/or expensive.
> Looking at the list I see three MMOGs that even if they have/had
> cleared USP, failed to reach a critical customer basis (AC2 for
> example with an estimated pop of max 10-15K, A tale in the desert
> with 7,063 subscribers (June 2004), Uru Live (already cancelled)).
Well, USPs aren't a panacea. And just because something is "unique"
doesn't mean it'll be received well by the market. Or (as I think
is likely the case with ATitD) a game may have some unique points
that are likely to play well with a larger market, but if that
market never knows about them, the game may not be as commercially
successful as it would be otherwise (OTOH, Andy and the guys at
eGenesis may be perfectly happy with their subscriber numbers).
Mike Sellers
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Mike Rozak
- [NEWS] Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why? Luca Girardo
- DGN/HUMOR: Virtual worlds and virtual holidays Mike Rozak
- DGN/HUMOR: Virtual worlds and virtual holidays Michael "Flury" Chui
- DGN/HUMOR: Virtual worlds and virtual holidays Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- "USPs" (was: Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why?) Michael Sellers
- "USPs" ceo
- "USPs" Luca Girardo
- "USPs" (was: Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why?) Derek Licciardi
- "USPs" (was: Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why?) Threshold RPG
- "USPs" (was: Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why?) Mike Rozak
- "USPs" (was: Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why?) Matt Mihaly
- "USPs" (was: Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why?) Vincent Archer
- "USPs" (was: Warhammer Online Cancelled -- Why?) Damion Schubert
- "USPs" Scott Macmillan
- Exponential experience points and levels ceo
- Exponential experience points and levels cruise
- Exponential experience points and levels Sean Middleditch
- Exponential experience points and levels Jesus Lopez
- Exponential experience points and levels Adam
- Exponential experience points and levels Sean Middleditch
- Exponential experience points and levels Steven King
- Exponential experience points and levels Ghilardi Filippo
- Exponential experience points and levels zgj22@drexel.edu
- Exponential experience points and levels ceo
- Exponential experience points and levels mike stedman
- Exponential experience points and levels zgj22@drexel.edu
- Exponential experience points and levels David Kennerly
- Exponential experience points and levels Vincent Archer
- Virtual/Real Currencies (was: [NEWS] Gaming Open Market) David Blankley
- Virtual/Real Currencies (was: [NEWS] Gaming Open Market) Freeman, Jeff
- Virtual/Real Currencies (was: [NEWS] Gaming Open Market) Scott Tengelin
- Virtual/Real Currencies (was: [NEWS] Gaming OpenMarket) Dana V. Baldwin
- Virtual/Real Currencies (was: [NEWS] GamingOpenMarket) Freeman, Jeff
- Virtual/Real Currencies (was: [NEWS]GamingOpenMarket) Dana V. Baldwin
- Virtual/Real Currencies (was: [NEWS] Gaming Open Market) Timothy Dang