March 2004
- Quick question SSL Mats Lidstrom
- Player Justice (was: Character Restraint & Capture (bounty hunting)) Damion Schubert
- Player Justice Paul Schwanz
- Player Justice Damion Schubert
- Player Justice Freeman, Jeff
- Player Justice Koster, Raph
- Player Justice Michael Sellers
- Player Justice Koster, Raph
- Player Justice Matt Mihaly
- Player Justice Freeman, Jeff
- Player Justice Paul Schwanz
- Quick question SSL...solution? ceo
- The Economic Model - as a Game Matt Chatterley
- The Economic Model - as a Game
- Parser engines Brian Hook
- Parser engines Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Parser engines Malcolm W. Tester II
- Parser engines Mike Rozak
- Parser engines Miroslav Silovic
- Parser engines Mike Rozak
- Parser engines Artur Biesiadowski
- Parser engines Jason Slaughter
- Parser engines Mike Rozak
- Parser engines Travis Casey
- Parser engines Nathan Yospe
- Parser engines
- Parser engines Sean Middleditch
- Parser engines T. Alexander Popiel
- Parser engines Lars Duening
- Parser engines Brian Hook
- Parser engines Helps Family
- Parser engines Travis Casey
- Parser engines Robert Zubek
- Parser engines Brian Hook
- Meet & Greet IV Anthony R. Haslage
- N00b question Matthew Turland
- N00b question Peter Harkins
- [good] N00b question Manuel Lanctot
- Player Justice Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Player Justice John Buehler
- Player Justice Damion Schubert
- Player Justice Jester
- Player Justice Baar - Lord of the Seven Suns
- Player Justice cruise
- Player Justice Jeff Fuller
- Player Justice Travis Nixon
- Player Justice Tom "cro" Gordon
- Player Justice John Buehler
- Player Justice Eric Random
- Player Justice Matt Mihaly
- Player Justice Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- [good] Parser engines Manuel Lanctot
- [good] Parser engines Travis Casey
- [good] Parser engines Mike Rozak
- Character Restraint and Griefing mark
- Cultural impact on Muds Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- 2d mapping in SQL Matt Chatterley
- 2d mapping in SQL
From: Matt Chatterley
> What about making this a proper model? How might I aim to create
> 'clusters' of planets (e.g. solar systems)?
Your ObjectType could simply be an object (cluster pack) which then
refers to other objects under it's influence.
I notice that you're using x/y (rectangular coords). You might try
playing with polar coordinates.
All you need is angle, distance, ObjectID and one more data point -
radius of the sphere. Your planets are not an infinitely small
point in the universe, they take up space. This model also buys you
"spheres of influence" if you modeled gravitational pull, LOS for
shadows, and a meta-object (cluster/solar system/whatever) which
encompases other objects. Think: map/array of planets within a
> The solar system example is not too bad, I suppose. Parameters
> such as those above could govern the placing of suns, and once a
> sun (or group of) is placed, a certain density of planets would be
> permitted in a given area around that sun-group. This would
> require a rather different approach to map expansion, though,
> since new 'clusters' would be created (you don't want a new planet
> to suddenly spring into existence in an area populated by players
> - this would cause mass confusion, and numerous arguments as to
> whose planet is blocking the sunlight in whose garden!!).
You have all the data you need at your fingertips for player
populations. You might look into a statistics book and plotting
point-graphs. You may find an algorithm for determining the
xth-percentile-fall-into-this-region which you can use for
> Would some sort of fractal algorithm be more sensible?
Possibly, but as the game progresses you'd probably end up chewing
mass CPU time looking for a good spot.
IMO, just grow the universe a little. In a polar-coordinate model
you don't have to put finite constraints on your systems. It just
"is" and everything's related to angle and distance.
-Mike/Szii - 2d mapping in SQL Byron Ellacott
- 2d mapping in SQL Matt Chatterley
- 2d mapping in SQL Byron Ellacott
- 2d mapping in SQL Matt Chatterley
- 2d mapping in SQL Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- 2d mapping in SQL
- Why significant rewards for quests are a bad thing Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Why significant rewards for quests are a bad thing Brian Miller
- Character Restraint & Capture. (long) Jester
- MUD/MMO Service Tools Jim Purbrick
- [Biz] Bots Open Door to Gaming History Michael Tresca
- [Announcement] Mesh Project Jon A. Lambert
- Sun's Sim Server and Gordon's 10 Reasons (the first one :)) ceo
- DGN NEWS: Master's thesis on quest systems for MMORPGs William Saar
- DGN NEWS: Master's thesis on quest systems for MMORPGs Douglas Goodall