March 2004
- Quick question SSL Mats Lidstrom
- Player Justice (was: Character Restraint & Capture (bounty hunting)) Damion Schubert
- Player Justice Paul Schwanz
- Player Justice Damion Schubert
- Player Justice Freeman, Jeff
- Player Justice Koster, Raph
- Player Justice Michael Sellers
- Player Justice Koster, Raph
- Player Justice Matt Mihaly
- Player Justice Freeman, Jeff
- Player Justice Paul Schwanz
- Quick question SSL...solution? ceo
- The Economic Model - as a Game Matt Chatterley
- The Economic Model - as a Game
- Parser engines Brian Hook
- Parser engines Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Parser engines Malcolm W. Tester II
- Parser engines Mike Rozak
- Parser engines Miroslav Silovic
- Parser engines Mike Rozak
From Miroslav Silovic:
> Note different cases for numbers 1, 2-4, >4, the verb form
> depending on the subject's gender, elided subjects ('you' has to
> be elided from the first 5 sentences, otherwise the sentence means
> that _you_ (and not somebody else) see something), and adjectives
> mutating depending on their own case and on the gender of their
> noun. While Croatian only has 7 noun cases, which is significantly
> fewer than 16 from Finnish, it has oodles of declinations that are
> impossible to get right without resorting to a rather unwieldy
> dictionary.
Thanks. Yet another issue... (I'm not at all sure how to deal with
this one in an elegant manner.)
Mike Rozak - Parser engines Artur Biesiadowski
- Parser engines Mike Rozak
- Parser engines Jason Slaughter
- Parser engines Mike Rozak
- Parser engines Travis Casey
- Parser engines Nathan Yospe
- Parser engines
- Parser engines Sean Middleditch
- Parser engines T. Alexander Popiel
- Parser engines Lars Duening
- Parser engines Brian Hook
- Parser engines Helps Family
- Parser engines Travis Casey
- Parser engines Robert Zubek
- Parser engines Brian Hook
- Meet & Greet IV Anthony R. Haslage
- N00b question Matthew Turland
- N00b question Peter Harkins
- [good] N00b question Manuel Lanctot
- Player Justice Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Player Justice John Buehler
- Player Justice Damion Schubert
- Player Justice Jester
- Player Justice Baar - Lord of the Seven Suns
- Player Justice cruise
- Player Justice Jeff Fuller
- Player Justice Travis Nixon
- Player Justice Tom "cro" Gordon
- Player Justice John Buehler
- Player Justice Eric Random
- Player Justice Matt Mihaly
- Player Justice Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- [good] Parser engines Manuel Lanctot
- [good] Parser engines Travis Casey
- [good] Parser engines Mike Rozak
- Character Restraint and Griefing mark
- Cultural impact on Muds Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- 2d mapping in SQL Matt Chatterley
- 2d mapping in SQL
- 2d mapping in SQL Byron Ellacott
- 2d mapping in SQL Matt Chatterley
- 2d mapping in SQL Byron Ellacott
- 2d mapping in SQL Matt Chatterley
- 2d mapping in SQL Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Why significant rewards for quests are a bad thing Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Why significant rewards for quests are a bad thing Brian Miller
- Character Restraint & Capture. (long) Jester
- MUD/MMO Service Tools Jim Purbrick
- [Biz] Bots Open Door to Gaming History Michael Tresca
- [Announcement] Mesh Project Jon A. Lambert
- Sun's Sim Server and Gordon's 10 Reasons (the first one :)) ceo
- DGN NEWS: Master's thesis on quest systems for MMORPGs William Saar
- DGN NEWS: Master's thesis on quest systems for MMORPGs Douglas Goodall