June 2002
- In defense of "soloability" ceo@grexengine.com
- In defense of "soloability" Coyote
- Article: Furniture Whores and Debit Card Toilets J C Lawrence
- Multithreaded sockets Draymoor a Vin il'Rogina
- Multithreaded sockets Sean Kelly
- Multithreaded sockets szii@sziisoft.com
- Multithreaded sockets Bruce Mitchener
- Multithreaded sockets Dave Richards
- Multithreaded sockets shren
- Fwd: programming books Thomas Leavitt
- ADMIN: MIME and this list J C Lawrence
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality Sasha Hart
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality szii@sziisoft.com
- Striving for originality shren
- Striving for originality John Buehler
- Striving for originality John Bertoglio
- Striving for originality Edward Glowacki
- Striving for originality John Bertoglio
- Striving for originality Kwon Ekstrom
- Striving for originality Damion Schubert
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality John A. Bertoglio
- Striving for originality Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Striving for originality Damion Schubert
- Striving for originality Rudy Fink
- Striving for originality shren
- Striving for originality John Buehler
- Striving for originality Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Striving for originality John Buehler
- Striving for originality shren
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality John Buehler
- Striving for originality Travis Casey
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Striving for originality Rudy Fink
- Striving for originality Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Striving for originality Damion Schubert
- Striving for originality Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Striving for originality Edward Glowacki
- Striving for originality shren
- Striving for originality Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality John Buehler
- Striving for originality shren
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Ron Gabbard
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality caduvall@glue.umd.edu
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Rayzam
- Striving for originality Travis Casey
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality Kwon Ekstrom
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Edward Glowacki
- Striving for originality Kwon Ekstrom
- Striving for originality Edward Glowacki
- Striving for originality Kwon Ekstrom
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Edward Glowacki
- Striving for originality Michael Tresca
- Striving for originality Rayzam
- Striving for originality Kwon Ekstrom
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Travis Casey
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality Travis Casey
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality szii@sziisoft.com
- Striving for originality Kwon Ekstrom
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Kwon Ekstrom
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Kwon Ekstrom
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality szii@sziisoft.com
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality Fred Clift
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Damion Schubert
- Striving for originality Marian Griffith
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality szii@sziisoft.com
- Striving for originality Matt Mihaly
- Striving for originality Sanvean
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality Travis Casey
- Striving for originality Robin Cloutman
- Striving for originality Matt Chatterley
- Striving for originality Freeman, Jeff
- Striving for originality shren
- Memory Footprints szii@sziisoft.com
- Memory Footprints Matt Mihaly
- cloth simulation (was: What keeps people interested in social muds?) Bruce Mitchener
- ADMIN: Early thread death predicted J C Lawrence
- Offlist Matt Mihaly
- Cost/Benefit factor and The Player-driven World [ was In defense of "soloability"] Ron Gabbard
- Building community in social M**s Martin C. Martin
- Building community in social M**s Damion Schubert
- Brief point about Java memory management ceo@grexengine.com
- Creating Constructive/Social Behaviour in Online Worlds ! Marc Demesel
- ecologies and random encounters John Robert Arras
- ecologies and random encounters Paul Schwanz
- LEDO revisited (part 4) Frank Crowell
- LEDO revisited (part 4) Damion Schubert
- LEDO revisited (part 4) Frank Crowell
- LEDO revisited (part 4) Crosbie Fitch
- LEDO revisited (part 4) Frank Crowell
- software engineer: testing (was: [DGN] Creating a MUD) Bruce Mitchener
- software engineer: testing (was: [DGN] Creating a MUD) John Buehler
- software engineer: testing (was: [DGN] Creating a MUD) Miroslav Silovic
- software engineer: testing (was: [DGN] Creating a MUD) Damion Schubert
- software engineer: testing (was: [DGN] Creating a MUD) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- software engineer: testing (was: [DGN] Creating a MUD) Damion Schubert
- software engineer: testing (was: [DGN] Creating a MUD) Tess Snider
- software engineer: testing (was: [DGN] Creating a MUD) Bruce Mitchener
- Bug tracking Sanvean
- Bug tracking Matt Chatterley
- Bug tracking Ammon Lauritzen
- Bug tracking Jon Lambert
- Bug tracking ceo@grexengine.com
- The Business Side of Software Development [was R& D] Ron Gabbard
- LEDO update Damion Schubert
- LEDO update Frank Crowell
- Differentiation and The Marketing of MUDs [was R& D] Ron Gabbard
- Differentiation and The Marketing of MUDs [was R& D] Sean Kelly
On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Ron Gabbard wrote:
> From: "Brian Bilek" <brian@darkalley.net>
>> With a more complex product than toothpaste, you can spend some
>> of your development dollars on changing the feature set of the
>> product, and improving its quality
> You can even do this with toothpaste. True P&G story. The Crest
> Brand Management team was charged with increasing sales of Crest
> toothpaste by 7% in the next year. That is a huge amount given
> that there are only so many mouths in the world and competition IS
> fierce. You know what they did? They made a product packaging
> change and increased the size of the mouth of the tube by 7%.
> They leveraged the customer's heuristic (that unquantified,
> intuitive measurement that tells us how much to use of
> something... like how much milk to put on our cereal) that
> measures the amount of toothpaste used by length on the
> toothbrush... not by volume.
I heard a similar story from a friend's father. Someone approached
the company that makes Comet (I believe) -- that cleaning product
that comes in a cardboard can -- and told them that he could double
their revenue, but they would have to sign a contract before he told
them how. Well, they did and he told them to double the number of
holes on the top of the can. Sure enough, profits dobuled.
Something similar happened with fast food restaurants about 10 years
ago. Suddenly the diameter of drinking straws doubled. As a
result, people finished their drinks more quickly and ended up
buying more as a result.
Apparently the "diamond ring for engagement" was a ply established
by the diamond industry back in the 50s. When mulling over the idea
of how to get consumers to foot the bill for such an expensive
gemstone, they decided to recommend that a ring cost a certain
percentage of the suitor's salary (what is it, a month or two?),
rather than a dollar value. Needless to say, it worked quite well.
> However, there is a time limit where the game company has to say
> "that's it". You can't just rack up $4-5 million a year in costs
> developing a game year after year regardless of what 'neat'
> features may be left on the editing room floor.
A work of art may never be completed, but once the spec is met the
product should be shipped. Feature creep may be cool to a geek but
it's dangerous to a business.
> Finally, you have the evolving technology. Even if a company DID
> have deep pockets and could sustain a 5+ year development cycle,
> by the time the game went GA it would already be technologically
> outdated. So, you have the technology window compounding the time
> constraint.
As evidenced by *cough* Diablo 2. Still, for a game whose tech was
5 years out of date, and buggy to boot, it was incredibly
successful. There's something to be said for an entrenched
fan-base. Also proof that there are exceptions to every rule.
> The end result is that each game is pushing a particular aspect of
> the genre further and further and making the list of 'desired'
> features longer and longer while the amount of time available to
> get the game out remains constant (or shrinks) and the market
> becomes more competitive.
I disagree. The list of features that the designers may want to
include may increase as they see new ideas pop up in games that are
released while their product is being developed, but what the gamers
want does not neccessarily increase as well. A well-designed game
that is tightly focused on good gameplay will always win over a game
that has more bells and whistles than another.
> While I don't want to sound like Malthus, I believe a time will
> come (if it isn't already here) where customer expectations in all
> these various areas will be so high that they can't be met in a
> single game (unless that game is priced well above the average
> market price where the company could afford the X times larger
> development team). These factors, combined with the finite
> market, will force development companies to focus what they do
> best and target a specific player-base. Some may shoot to develop
> the best, most rewarding PvP MMOG combat, others the most
> immersive 'storytelling' MMOG, and others the most
> 'build-it-yourself' MMOG world.
I agree. However I think the software industry in general is ripe
for the establishment of advanced toolsets and more modular
programming methods. IMO the software industry is now where the
steel industry was before the industrial revolution. Blacksmiths
took on apprentices and taught them the tricks fo the trade, and
those tricks were jealously protected. Things have since moved to
established criteria for nearly everything: screw sizes, head
formats, etc. And a manufacturing company can buy parts for their
product from any vendor with the assurance that it will work the
same. The software industry is caught up with copyright and
intellectual property issues, and competitive practices that have so
far prevented the establishment of similar standards. Also,
software is hand-coded specifically for each application while many
subsets of each application are nearly identical. APIs/libraries
are a good stat, but those libraries do not have standardized
interfaces, so switching from one to another is often an onvolved
process, even with abstraction code as a buffer. There have been
attempts to restructure the way programs are written, with
relatively new ideas like aspect-oriented programming, but they are
all too new to really evaluate their success.
> Thus, branding comes into play... (which ties back to the point >
> above)
Some of the larger game companies are already branded. Blizzard and
BioWare, to name a few. Those companies have an entrenched fan-base
who will likely buy any game the company produces. Though a big
enough screw-up could obviously still drive away customers.
> Branding helps companies create customer expectations that they
> know they can meet... and that's important as nothing is worse
> than creating customer expectations then failing to meet them.
> ... Well, enough on that. I just think that if companies would
> use half the creativity marketing the game that they use
> designing/developing the game that they'd have a much more loyal
> customer base and better products as a result.
And the more conservative a game company (or movie studio) is, the
less likely they are to produce a hit, though they risk a flop at
the same time.
It's an interesting time for marketing, when your target audience
has been raised from birth with ads in their face nearly every
waking moment. How do you interest someone who has become so inured
to what you're trying to do? Gimmicks don't work like they used to.
Sean - Differentiation and The Marketing of MUDs [was R& D] Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Differentiation and The Marketing of MUDs [was R& D] Koster, Raph
- Differentiation and The Marketing of MUDs [was R& D] Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Differentiation and The Marketing of MUDs [was R& D] Sean Kelly
- GC (was: New Beginings) Bruce Mitchener
- GC (was: New Beginings) Lars Duening
- Design iterations (Was: R & D) Brian Bilek
- Design iterations (Was: R & D) Sean Kelly
- Design iterations (Was: R & D) John Buehler
- Design iterations (Was: R & D) Jeff Freeman
- Design iterations (Was: R & D) Frank Crowell
- Design iterations (Was: R & D) Amanda Walker
- Design iterations (Was: R & D) Ron Gabbard
- Ticks? Anderson, David
- Welcome to the Jungle Jeff Cole
- LithTech Matt Mihaly
- Ownership Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) J C Lawrence
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Koster, Raph
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) shren
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Talanithus HTML
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) John Robert Arras
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) John Robert Arras
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Talanithus HTML
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) John Robert Arras
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) shren
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Vincent Archer
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) shren
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Travis Casey
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Michael Tresca
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) John Robert Arras
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) David B. Held
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Talanithus HTML
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Ron Gabbard
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Crosbie Fitch
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Talanithus HTML
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Zach Collins {Siege}
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Koster, Raph
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Brian Lindahl
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Sasha Hart
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Talanithus HTML
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Matt Chatterley
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Brian Lindahl
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Sasha Hart
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Brian Lindahl
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? (fwd) Michael Tresca
- Object Architecture Ben Chambers
- Object Architecture Kwon Ekstrom
- Object Architecture Sasha Hart
- Object Architecture Brian Lindahl
- New Beginings II [Not GC] Drylar Levre
- New Beginings II [Not GC] ceo@grexengine.com
- New Beginings II [Not GC] Sean Kelly
- New Beginings II [Not GC] Bruce Mitchener
- New Beginings II [Not GC] David B. Held
- Breaking down the walls Matt Chatterley
- Breaking down the walls Brian Lindahl
- Breaking down the walls Acius
- Breaking down the walls Brian Lindahl
- Breaking down the walls Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Breaking down the walls Bruce Mitchener
- Breaking down the walls Brian Lindahl
- Breaking down the walls Crosbie Fitch
- Breaking down the walls Brian Lindahl
- Breaking down the walls Nathan F. Yospe
- Breaking down the walls shren
- Breaking down the walls Jeff Lindsey
- Breaking down the walls Bruce Mitchener
- Breaking down the walls Zach Collins {Siege}
- Breaking down the walls Matt Mihaly
- Breaking down the walls Nicolai Hansen
- Breaking down the walls Matt Chatterley
- Breaking down the walls Brian Lindahl
- Breaking down the walls Matt Chatterley
- Breaking down the walls Brian Lindahl
- Breaking down the walls David B. Held
- Breaking down the walls Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Breaking down the walls Nathan F. Yospe
- Breaking down the walls Brian Lindahl
- Breaking down the walls David Clifton
- Breaking down the walls Matt Chatterley
- Breaking down the walls David Clifton
- Breaking down the walls Zach Collins {Siege}
- Breaking down the walls Christopher Allen
- Breaking down the walls Colin Coghill
- Breaking down the walls Rayzam
- Breaking down the walls David Clifton
- Breaking down the walls Marian Griffith
- Breaking down the walls Marian Griffith
- The Future of MMOGs... Brian Lindahl
- The Future of MMOGs... Talanithus HTML
- Object Architecture [Longish] Draymoor a Vin il'Rogina
- Object Architecture [Longish] David B. Held
- Object Architecture [Longish] Crosbie Fitch
- Character Attributes in Role-Playing Games J C Lawrence
- Evolutionary Design J C Lawrence
- Evolutionary Design Sasha Hart
- Evolutionary Design John Buehler
- Evolutionary Design Dave Rickey
- Evolutionary Design Derek Licciardi
- Evolutionary Design Koster, Raph
- Evolutionary Design Matt Mihaly
- Evolutionary Design Sasha Hart
- Evolutionary Design Madrona Tree
- Evolutionary Design Koster, Raph
- Evolutionary Design danc@anark.com
- Evolutionary Design Sasha Hart
- Evolutionary Design Paul Schwanz
- Evolutionary Design Sasha Hart
- Evolutionary Design Lars Duening
- Evolutionary Design Damion Schubert
- Evolutionary Design Koster, Raph
- Evolutionary Design Dave Rickey
- Evolutionary Design Brian Hook
- Evolutionary Design Jeff Cole
- Evolutionary Design Jessica Mulligan
- Evolutionary Design Jeff Cole
- Evolutionary Design Dave Trump
- Evolutionary Design Ron Gabbard
- Evolutionary Design Derek Licciardi
- Evolutionary Design rgabbard@swbell.net
- Evolutionary Design Jeff Cole
- Evolutionary Design Derek Licciardi
- Evolutionary Design Matt Mihaly
- Evolutionary Design Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Evolutionary Design Rudy Fink
- Evolutionary Design Matt Mihaly
- Evolutionary Design rgabbard@swbell.net
- Evolutionary Design John Buehler
- Evolutionary Design Derek Licciardi
- Evolutionary Design Richard A. Bartle
- Evolutionary Design shren
- Blacksnow vs. Mythic News Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- Blacksnow vs. Mythic News Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Blacksnow vs. Mythic News Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- Blacksnow vs. Mythic News Jon Lambert
- Blacksnow vs. Mythic News Rudy Fink
- Blacksnow vs. Mythic News Matt Mihaly
- Blacksnow vs. Mythic News Mark Eaton
- Blacksnow vs. Mythic News Matt Mihaly
- Is difficult communication the barrier to community in MMORPGs? (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Is difficult communication the barrier to community in MMORPGs? (fwd) Jeff Lindsey
- Is difficult communication the barrier to community in MMORPGs? (fwd) John Buehler
- Is difficult communication the barrier to community in MMORPGs? (fwd) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Is difficult communication the barrier to community in MMORPGs? (fwd) Koster, Raph
- Is difficult communication the barrier to community in MMORPGs? (fwd) Brian Hook
- Is difficult communication the barrier to community in MMORPGs? (fwd) Talanithus HTML
- Is difficult communication the barrier to community in MMORPGs? (fwd) Mark Eaton
- Is difficult communication the barrier to community in MMORPGs? (fwd) Patricia Pizer
- Enforcement [was Striving for originality] Matt Chatterley
- Enforcement [was Striving for originality] Tess Snider
- Enforcement [was Striving for originality] Matt Mihaly
- Enforcement apollyon .
- Enforcement Matt Chatterley
- Enforcement Anderson, David
- Enforcement shren
- Enforcement Anderson, David
- IF/MUD Gameplay Ideas Opacic Patrik
- IF/MUD Gameplay Ideas shren
- IF/MUD Gameplay Ideas David Clifton
- IF/MUD Gameplay Ideas Opacic Patrik
- IF/MUD Gameplay Ideas Rayzam
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Amanda Walker
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? John Robert Arras
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Talanithus HTML
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Talanithus HTML
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Philip Mak
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Acius
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Fred Clift
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Michael Tresca
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Anderson, David
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Damion Schubert
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Draymoor a Vin il'Rogina
- Mudding and impact on academic grades David Clifton
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Eli Stevens
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Anderson, David
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Rayzam
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Koster, Raph
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Rayzam
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Kwon Ekstrom
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Matt Mihaly
- Mudding and impact on academic grades shren
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Anderson, David
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Colin Coghill
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Lars Duening
- Mudding and impact on academic grades Tess Snider
- Reality check ...(long) [was Black Snow Revisited] David Yazel
- BrendanLand Koster, Raph
- Skotos & WAP Release "Grendel's Revenge" for Public Beta Christopher Allen
- Skotos & WAP Release "Grendel's Revenge" for Public Beta Bruce Mitchener
- Skotos & WAP Release "Grendel's Revenge" for Public Beta Valerio Santinelli
- Skotos & WAP Release "Grendel's Revenge" for Public Beta Travis Casey
- Skotos & WAP Release "Grendel's Revenge" for Public Beta Christopher Allen
- Amazing list.... Talanithus HTML
- Reinventing the Wheel (was: Object Architecture [Longish]) Philip Loguinov {Draymoor}
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Amanda Walker
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Koster, Raph
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Amanda Walker
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Frank Crowell
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Amanda Walker
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? John Robert Arras
- Underlight (fwd) Matt Mihaly
- Underlight (fwd) Bruce Mitchener
- Underlight (fwd) Brian Lindahl
- Underlight (fwd) Koster, Raph
- Underlight (fwd) Brian Hook
- Underlight (fwd) Damion Schubert
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG [was The Future of MMOGs... what's next?] Ron Gabbard
- Cg - Lowering the cost of 3D games? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Cg - Lowering the cost of 3D games? Brian Hook
- Cg - Lowering the cost of 3D games? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Cg - Lowering the cost of 3D games? Frank Crowell
- Cg - Lowering the cost of 3D games? Rayzam
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Brian Lindahl
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG rgabbard@swbell.net
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Brian Lindahl
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG rgabbard@swbell.net
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Brian Lindahl
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Ron Gabbard
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Brian Lindahl
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Ron Gabbard
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Marian Griffith
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Travis Casey
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG lynx@lynx.purrsia.com
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Ron Gabbard
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Marian Griffith
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Paul Schwanz
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Amanda Walker
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG Damion Schubert
- Building a 'Deeper' MMOG [was The Future of MMOGs... what's next?] David B. Held
- Relaunching a MUD? Kent Peterson
- Relaunching a MUD? Matt Mihaly
- Relaunching a MUD? Malcolm Tester
- Relaunching a MUD? Damion Schubert
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Philip Loguinov {Draymoor}
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds David Clifton
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds John A. Bertoglio
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Jeff Lindsey
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Kwon Ekstrom
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Jeff Lindsey
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Kwon Ekstrom
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Anderson, David
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Kwon Ekstrom
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds David Bennett
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Michael Tresca
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Matt Mihaly
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Michael Tresca
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Sanvean
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Matt Mihaly
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds shren
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Dave Rickey
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Matt Mihaly
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Dave Rickey
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Damion Schubert
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Matt Mihaly
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Edward Glowacki
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Matt Mihaly
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Richard A. Bartle
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Matt Mihaly
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Blane Bramble
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Edward Glowacki
- Text Muds vs Graphical Muds Elia Mörling
- GDC 2002: Beyond Psychological Theory: Getting Data that Improves Games J C Lawrence
- Online gaming growth Matt Mihaly
- Online gaming growth Koster, Raph
- Some P.S. to the java/cross platform discussion... ceo@grexengine.com
- Some P.S. to the java/cross platform discussion... David B. Held
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) John A. Bertoglio
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Koster, Raph
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) John Bertoglio
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Richard A. Bartle
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Stephen McDonald
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Dave Rickey
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Tess Snider
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Kwon Ekstrom
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) eric
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Valerio Santinelli
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Vincent Archer
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) shren
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Valerio Santinelli
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Valerio Santinelli
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Rudy Fink
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Valerio Santinelli
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Madrona Tree
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Travis Casey
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) ghovs
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) shren
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) shren
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Valerio Santinelli
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) ghovs
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) eric
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Joel Palmtag
- It's About Time Department (Mule Characters) Sasha Hart
- Continuity of experience in movies Matt Mihaly
- Continuity of experience in movies eric
- Continuity of experience in movies shren
- Continuity of experience in movies Valerio Santinelli
- Continuity of experience in movies eric
- Continuity of experience in movies Valerio Santinelli
- Continuity of experience in movies eric
- Continuity of experience in movies Valerio Santinelli
- Continuity of experience in movies Travis Casey
- Continuity of experience in movies Matt Mihaly
- Continuity of experience in movies eric
- Continuity of experience in movies Matt Mihaly
- Continuity of experience in movies eric
- Continuity of experience in movies Matt Mihaly
- Continuity of experience in movies Sean Kelly
- Pictures from an exhibition^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HDinner J C Lawrence
- Online gaming growth -- an introduction Brad King
- The Case For Game Design Patterns J C Lawrence
- The Case For Game Design Patterns Koster, Raph
- New Skotos Columns Shannon Appelcline
- Animals, Animal Handling, and Unexpected Side Effects shren
- Animals, Animal Handling, and Unexpected Side Effects Richard A. Bartle
- Animals, Animal Handling, and Unexpected Side Effects Michelle Elbert
- Tech: Job: Shamesss Pug: P2P Graphical Mud, thinking out loud Yoshito Rei
- Threading idea Zach Collins {Siege}
- Threading idea Smith, David {Lynchburg}
- Threading idea Bruce Mitchener
- ADMIN: VC thread -- Consider Meta J C Lawrence
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Vincent Archer
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Freeman, Jeff
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? burra@alum.rpi.edu
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Jeff Freeman
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Matt Mihaly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Koster, Raph
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Talanithus HTML
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Koster, Raph
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Valerio Santinelli
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Frank Crowell
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Valerio Santinelli
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Sean Kelly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Xuri
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? David H. Loeser Jr.
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Valerio Santinelli
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Damion Schubert
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? shren
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Vincent Archer
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Valerio Santinelli
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Freeman, Jeff
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Sean Kelly
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Valerio Santinelli
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Jeff Lindsey
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? shren
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? shren
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Travis Casey
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Amanda Walker
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Michael Tresca
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? shren
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? lynx@lynx.purrsia.com
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Damion Schubert
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? lynx@lynx.purrsia.com
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? shren
- The Future of MMOGs... what's next? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Réf. : Building a 'Deeper' M MOG Yannick.Jean@csst.qc.ca
- GNS and Other Matters of Role-Playing Theory J C Lawrence
- Free email providers John Szeder
- Free email providers Sanvean
- Databases and scripting languages John Szeder
- Building a 'Deeper' M MOG Brian Lindahl
- Building a 'Deeper' M MOG Paul Schwanz
- Building a 'Deeper' M MOG Damion Schubert
- Réf. : Building a 'Deeper' M MOG Marian Griffith
- Réf. : Building a 'Deeper' M MOG Sasha Hart
- It's About Time Dep... Food eric
- It's About Time Dep... Food Brian Hook
- It's About Time Dep... Food Edward Glowacki
- It's About Time Dep... Food John Buehler
- It's About Time Dep... Food Paul Schwanz
- [BIZ] Console wars David Kennerly
- Free for all ceo@grexengine.com
- It's About Time Dep... Food Sean Page
- Achaea's history Matt Mihaly
- Achaea's history eric
- Achaea's history Matt Mihaly