July 2001
- [TECH] Open Source oodb/object persistence toolkit library alpha release Brian Price
- In-game email (was On socialization and convenience) Gavin Doughtie
- In-game email (was On socialization and conveni ence) Freeman, Jeff
- In-game email (was On socialization and convenience) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH DGN: Single user MOB arena Trevyn
- TECH: CRPGs vs. RPGs, Way Back When... Michael Tresca
- TECH: CRPGs vs. RPGs, Way Back When... Matt Owen
- TECH: CRPGs vs. RPGs, Way Back When... J C Lawrence
- TECH: CRPGs vs. RPGs, Way Back When... Michael Tresca
- (no subject) Alan Unsworth
- (no subject) Edward Falconer
- (no subject) J C Lawrence
- (no subject) Bruce Mitchener
- (no subject) Travis Casey
- (no subject) J C Lawrence
- (no subject) Travis Casey
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Brian Hook
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Freeman, Jeff
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Trump
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Jeremy Noetzelman
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers J C Lawrence
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Matt Mihaly
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Matt Owen
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Jeremy Noetzelman
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Bryce Harrington
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers J C Lawrence
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Brian Hook
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers J C Lawrence
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Brian Hook
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers J C Lawrence
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Vincent Archer
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Madman Across the Water
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Brian Hook
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers J Todd Coleman
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Brian Hook
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Sean Kelly
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Jon Lambert
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Sean Kelly
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Bruce Mitchener
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Sean Kelly
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Dave Rickey
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Travis Casey
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Bryce Harrington
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Alistair Milne
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Travis Casey
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers J C Lawrence
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Travis Casey
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Jon Lambert
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Adam Martin
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Vincent Archer
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Travis Nixon
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Adam Martin
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Vincent Archer
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Adam Martin
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Vincent Archer
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Adam Martin
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Dave Rickey
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Travis Casey
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Dave Rickey
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Timothy Dang
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Alistair Milne
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers J C Lawrence
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Brian Hook
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Sean Kelly
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Gavin Doughtie
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers J C Lawrence
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Brian Hook
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Joel Chestnutt
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Aaron Mulder
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Max Gilead
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Jon Lambert
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Luke Carruthers
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Jeremy Noetzelman
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers J C Lawrence
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Jeremy Noetzelman
- Libs for 3D Client/Servers Adam Martin
- New polls claw@kanga.nu
- virtual mind project Phillip Lenhardt
- [TECH] Data-transfer protocols for MUDs Adam Martin
- Chatbot Michael Tresca
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Joackim Birgersson
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Travis Casey
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) ghovs
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Vincent Archer
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Max Gilead
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Bobby Martin
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Joackim Birgersson
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Patrick Dughi
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Matt Mihaly
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Koster, Raph
- GPL (was:Libs for 3D Client/Servers) Joackim Birgersson
- Graphical Mud-in-a-box musings Brian Hook
- Graphical Mud-in-a-box musings Justin Rogers
- Graphical Mud-in-a-box musings Rob Bartel
- Graphical Mud-in-a-box musings Adam Martin
- Chatbot, NLP and explaining away NPC limitations Erin Mulder
- Server hosting Brian Hook
- Server hosting Corey Crawford
- Server hosting Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Server hosting Valerio Santinelli
- Server hosting Madman Across the Water
- Server hosting Frank Crowell
- Server hosting Alistair Milne
- Server hosting Brian Hook
- Server hosting Freeman, Jeff
- Server hosting Matt Mihaly
- Server hosting fred@clift.org
- Chatbot, NLP and explaining away NPC limitations Robert Zubek
- Edged weapon damage John W Pierce
- Player characters as a prey species Jon Leonard
- Player characters as a prey species Justin Rogers
- Player characters as a prey species Ling Lo
- Player characters as a prey species J C Lawrence
- Player characters as a prey species lhulbert@hotmail.com
- Player characters as a prey species Dan Shiovitz
- Player characters as a prey species Justin Rogers
- Player characters as a prey species Matt Mihaly
- Request to mailing list MUD-Dev rejected J C Lawrence
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Peter Tyson
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Derek Licciardi
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Matt Mihaly
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Peter Tyson
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Eric Lee {RAT}
- Chatting in MMPORPGs John Buehler
- Chatting in MMPORPGs lhulbert@hotmail.com
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Adam Martin
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Eli Stevens
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Dave Rickey
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Vincent Archer
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Adam Martin
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Kevin Littlejohn
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Lee Sheldon
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Madman Across the Water
- Chatting in MMPORPGs Peter Tyson
- Chatting in MMPORPGs J C Lawrence
- TECH: Mail (was On socialization and convenience) Chris Jones
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation Derek Licciardi
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation Sean Kelly
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation Justin Rogers
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation Chris Dern
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation David Bennett
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragm entation Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation Kwon Ekstrom
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation Bruce Mitchener
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation Adam Martin
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragm entation Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragm entation Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragmentation Derek Licciardi
- [TECH] String Classes, Memory Management, and Fragm entation Bruce Mitchener
- Mudpie Matt Mihaly
- strong encryption for authentication Fred Clift
- strong encryption for authentication David Bennett
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Edward Glowacki
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Derek Licciardi
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication shren
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Ben Tolputt
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Edward Glowacki
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Edward Glowacki
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Ben Tolputt
- strong encryption for authentication J C Lawrence
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Vincent Archer
- strong encryption for authentication Fred Clift
- strong encryption for authentication J C Lawrence
- strong encryption for authentication Sean Kelly
- strong encryption for authentication Tamzen Cannoy
- strong encryption for authentication Sean Kelly
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Tamzen Cannoy
- strong encryption for authentication Travis Casey
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Travis Casey
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Travis Casey
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Travis Casey
- strong encryption for authentication Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- strong encryption for authentication Edward Glowacki
- strong encryption for authentication Matt Mihaly
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Freeman, Jeff
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Bruce Mitchener
- strong encryption for authentication Brian Price
- strong encryption for authentication Kevin Littlejohn
- strong encryption for authentication Brian Price
- strong encryption for authentication Kevin Littlejohn
- strong encryption for authentication Fred Clift
- strong encryption for authentication J C Lawrence
- strong encryption for authentication Robert Fleck
- strong encryption for authentication Sean Kelly
- strong encryption for authentication Edward Glowacki
- strong encryption for authentication Fred Clift
- strong encryption for authentication Fred Clift
- strong encryption for authentication J C Lawrence
- strong encryption for authentication Fred Clift
- strong encryption for authentication Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- strong encryption for authentication Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- strong encryption for authentication J C Lawrence
- strong encryption for authentication Oliver Jowett
- strong encryption for authentication Kwon Ekstrom
- strong encryption for authentication F. Randall Farmer
- strong encryption for authentication Kwon Ekstrom
- strong encryption for authentication J C Lawrence
- strong encryption for authentication Kwon Ekstrom
- strong encryption for authentication J C Lawrence
- strong encryption for authentication Dave Rickey
- strong encryption for authentication Jon Lambert
- strong encryption for authentication Dave Rickey
- strong encryption for authentication J C Lawrence
- Toward a Craftier Dragon Paul Schwanz
- Toward a Craftier Dragon Maximus
- Toward a Craftier Dragon rayzam
- Toward a Craftier Dragon Matt Owen
- Toward a Craftier Dragon Michael Tresca
- Toward a Craftier Dragon Travis Nixon
- Toward a Craftier Dragon Paul Schwanz - Enterprise Services
- Toward a Craftier Dragon Andrew Reisse
- Toward a Craftier Dragon J C Lawrence
- Toward a Craftier Dragon rayzam
- Toward a Craftier Dragon J C Lawrence
- Toward a Craftier Dragon rayzam
- Toward a Craftier Dragon Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Toward a Craftier Dragon Michael Tresca
- Toward a Craftier Dragon John Hopson
- Toward a Craftier Dragon yospe@kanga.nu
- Grief players with ip/dns spoofers Tand'a-ur
- Grief players with ip/dns spoofers Sean Kelly
- Grief players with ip/dns spoofers J C Lawrence
- Grief players with ip/dns spoofers Greg Underwood
- Grief players with ip/dns spoofers Robert Fleck
- Grief players with ip/dns spoofers J C Lawrence
- Grief players with ip/dns spoofers Tand'a-ur
- Grief players with ip/dns spoofers Adam Martin
- Grief players with ip/dns spoofers J C Lawrence
- character transfer in EQ Matt Mihaly
- character transfer in EQ Derek Licciardi
- character transfer in EQ Dave Rickey
- character transfer in EQ Derek Licciardi
- character transfer in EQ S. Patrick Gallaty
- character transfer in EQ Michael Tresca
- DGN: Craftier dragon and players as GMs Mathieu Castelli
- DGN: Craftier dragon and players as GMs Matt Mihaly
- DGN: Craftier dragon and players as GMs Mathieu Castelli
- DGN: Craftier dragon and players as GMs Travis Nixon
- DGN: Craftier dragon and players as GMs Marian Griffith
- Biz/Media Peter Tyson
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? David Loeser
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Kwon Ekstrom
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Xuri
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Adam Martin
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Justin Rogers
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? David Loeser
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Matt Mihaly
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Matt Mihaly
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? luke@rocketship.com
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? J C Lawrence
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Freeman, Jeff
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Koster, Raph
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Freeman, Jeff
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Koster, Raph
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Joe Andrieu
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Koster, Raph
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? John Hopson
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? J C Lawrence
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Travis Casey
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Joe Andrieu
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Dave Rickey
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Marc Bowden
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Sean K
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Freeman, Jeff
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Matt Mihaly
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Koster, Raph
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Dave Rickey
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? J C Lawrence
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Michael Tresca
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Trump
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Kristen L. Koster
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Sean Kelly
- To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG? Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- [NEWS] New MUD Magazine Derek Snider
- Real-world skills Was: strong encryption for authentication Travis Nixon
- Real-world skills Was: strong encryption for authentication Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Something in the water Koster, Raph
- Something in the water Dave Rickey
- Something in the water Koster, Raph
- Something in the water John Hopson
- Something in the water Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Sean Kelly
- Something in the water rayzam
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Travis Casey
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Joe Andrieu
- Something in the water Sean Kelly
- Something in the water Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Something in the water Hulbert, Leland
- Something in the water Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Something in the water Hulbert, Leland
- Something in the water Matt Mihaly
- Something in the water Jon Morrow
- Something in the water Trump
- Something in the water Matt Mihaly
- Something in the water Matt Chatterley
- Something in the water Sparrowhawk
- Something in the water Matt Mihaly
- Something in the water Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Something in the water Tamzen Cannoy
- Something in the water Matt Mihaly
- Something in the water Tomas Clark
- Something in the water Matt Mihaly
- Something in the water Marc Bowden
- Something in the water Koster, Raph
- Something in the water Jessica Mulligan
- Something in the water SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Something in the water Miroslav Silovic
- Something in the water Travis Casey
- Something in the water rayzam
- Something in the water Travis Casey
- Something in the water Ian Hess
- Something in the water Marc Bowden
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Marc Bowden
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Dave Rickey
- Something in the water Marc Bowden
- Something in the water Travis Casey
- Something in the water Marian Griffith
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Eli Stevens
- Something in the water J C Lawrence
- Something in the water Adam Martin
- Something in the water Dave Rickey
- Something in the water Dan MacDonald
- Something in the water Adam Martin
- Something in the water John Hopson
- Something in the water rayzam
- Something in the water Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Gearing up against GEAR Ted Milker
- Gearing up against GEAR Dan MacDonald
- Gearing up against GEAR Sean Kelly
- Gearing up against GEAR Vincent Archer
- Gearing up against GEAR Travis Nixon
- Gearing up against GEAR Kevin Littlejohn
- Gearing up against GEAR Sean Kelly
- Gearing up against GEAR Justin Rogers
- Gearing up against GEAR Sean K
- Gearing up against GEAR Alistair Milne
- Gearing up against GEAR Travis Nixon
- Gearing up against GEAR Vincent Archer
- Gearing up against GEAR J C Lawrence
- Gearing up against GEAR Vincent Archer
- Gearing up against GEAR Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Gearing up against GEAR Sean K
- Gearing up against GEAR Vincent Archer
- Gearing up against GEAR Sean K
- Gearing up against GEAR Dave Rickey
- Gearing up against GEAR Derek Licciardi
- Gearing up against GEAR Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Gearing up against GEAR Marc Bowden
- Gearing up against GEAR J C Lawrence
- Gearing up against GEAR Travis Nixon
- Gearing up against GEAR F. Randall Farmer
- OT: Writer needs help from people in the gaming industry Alex Oren
- What is cheating? [Was: Strong encryption for authentication] Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Robert Zubek
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Joe Andrieu
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Robert Zubek
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) J C Lawrence
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Robert Zubek
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Sean Kelly
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Joe Andrieu
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Sean K
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) SeronisROTv3@aol.com
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Joe Andrieu
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) J C Lawrence
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Robert Zubek
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Sean Kelly
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Adam Martin
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Jon Lambert
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Robert Zubek
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Kevin Littlejohn
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Robert Zubek
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Robert Zubek
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Robert Zubek
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Robert Zubek
- TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Real-world skills luke@rocketship.com
- Real-world skills Mathieu Castelli
- Real-world skills J C Lawrence
- Real-world skills Kwon Ekstrom
- Real-world skills rayzam
- Design patterns for game database implementations Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Design patterns for game database implementations Sean Kelly
- Design patterns for game database implementations J C Lawrence
- Design patterns for game database implementations J C Lawrence
- Real-world skills Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Real-world skills Chris Lloyd
- Real-world skills Justin Rogers
- Real-world skills Koster, Raph
- Real-world skills Travis Casey
- Real-world skills J C Lawrence
- Real-world skills Luke Parrish
- Real-world skills Dave Talk21
- Real-world skills R.Fry
- Real-world skills Dave Talk21
- Real-world skills Luke Parrish
- Real-world skills Dave Talk21
- Real-world skills Bruce Mitchener
- Real-world skills Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Mud Clients (was Real-world skills) Kwon Ekstrom
- Mud Clients (was Real-world skills) David Bennett
- Real-world skills Dave Talk21
- Real-world skills Justin Rogers
- Real-world skills Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Real-world skills J C Lawrence
- Real-world skills Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Real-world skills J C Lawrence
- Real-world skills Dave Talk21
- Real-world skills Luke Parrish
- Real-world skills Dave Talk21
- Real-world skills Adam Martin
- Players playing NPCs Vladimir Prelovac
- Players playing NPCs Christopher Allen
- Real-world skills Koster, Raph
- Real-world skills Bruce Mitchener
- Real-world skills Andrew Wilson
- Game Survey Michael Tresca
- Game Survey Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Game Survey Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Game Survey J C Lawrence
- MMORPG Construction Kit Koster, Raph
- MMORPG Construction Kit Lee Sheldon
- MMORPG Construction Kit Lee Sheldon
- MMORPG Construction Kit Lee Sheldon
- MMORPG Construction Kit Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- MMORPG Construction Kit J C Lawrence
- MMORPG Construction Kit Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- MMORPG Construction Kit Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Christopher Allen
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Adam Martin
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Hulbert, Leland
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Chris Gray
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] David Loeser
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Dave Rickey
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Jon Lambert
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] F. Randall Farmer
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Travis Nixon
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] F. Randall Farmer
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Kevin Littlejohn
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Jessica Mulligan
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] F. Randall Farmer
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Frank Crowell
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Adam Martin
- DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] F Farmer
- Re[4]: Something in the water Travis Casey
- Population divisions (wasTo good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG?) Matt Mihaly
- Community feeling (was: To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG?) Alex Kay
- Community feeling (was: To good to be TRUE, in an M MPORPG?) Koster, Raph
- Community feeling (was: To good to be TRUE, in an M MPORPG?) J C Lawrence
- Community feeling (was: To good to be TRUE, in an M MPORPG?) Vincent Archer
- Community feeling (was: To good to be TRUE, in an M MPORPG?) Koster, Raph
- Community feeling (was: To good to be TRUE, in an M MPORPG?) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Community feeling (was: To good to be TRUE, in an MMPORPG?) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Re:DNA Game Patent [was Randy's Resume] Jessica Mulligan
- Multi-threading ( was: TECH DGN: a few mud server design questions (long)) Jon Lambert
- Wilderness Freeman, Jeff
- Wilderness Trump
- Wilderness Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Wilderness Edward Glowacki
- Wilderness Dave Rickey
- Wilderness Sean Kelly
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness Brian Hook
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness Koster, Raph
- Wilderness Ling Lo
- Wilderness Freeman, Jeff
- Wilderness Nathan F. Yospe
- Wilderness Ling Lo
- Wilderness Nathan F. Yospe
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Wilderness Hulbert, Leland
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness Kwon Ekstrom
- Wilderness Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Wilderness Matt Mihaly
- Wilderness Freeman, Jeff
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness Nathan F. Yospe
- Wilderness Travis Casey
- Wilderness Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Wilderness Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Wilderness Koster, Raph
- Wilderness Dave Rickey
- Wilderness Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Wilderness Brian Hook
- Wilderness Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Wilderness Brian Hook
- Wilderness Freeman, Jeff
- Wilderness Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
> From: Freeman, Jeff [mailto:jfreeman@verant.com]
>> From: Caliban Tiresias Darklock [mailto:caliban@darklock.com]
>> The major problem, of course, is that the concepts behind it
>> don't apply very well to the "real world" as you would want in a
>> medieval-style game.
> Oh, I think it does - on a larger scale, at any rate. If they
> don't have sophisticated maps of the world then they don't have a
> good idea of the size and shape of the world to begin with. The
> rationale is "It was always there, you just didn't know it."
> Take this map, for example:
> http://home.swbell.net/cynack/maps/205BB.jpg
Aren't you approaching this backwards? The reason maps like this
existed was surely related to speed of travel and size of the
world. Trying to 'inflict' the maps when they aren't a result of the
world and peoples perception thereof seems to be arse-backwards if
you see what I mean. You need to create an environment where those
kinds of maps are the natural result, and I don't feel randomly
changing the world with lots of auto generated content counts.
>> There's just no logical rationale that immediately presents
>> itself for the inn to be on one side of town today and the other
>> side tomorrow. I'd like to hear any plausible rationale people
>> can come up with; I'm sure it would be interesting.
> No, the towns (and for that matter, kingdoms) would need to remain
> fairly static. But the wilderness - the area between civilized
> regions, doesn't need to be static. Average traveller gets from
> point-A to point-B by following the itinerary, whereas the
> explorers are able to find new routes (and new points, for that
> matter) through the wilderness. A fanciful/magical explanation is
> explicitly what I would want to avoid.
> I also like the idea of areas changing - forests getting
> burned-down, turned into swamps, grown into larger forests, and so
> on - possibly changing the routes from one point to another (say,
> if you can travel through the orc-infested forest, but once it
> becomes a swamp then it is impassable, and someone will have to
> find another route).
The areas changing is great, but changing the spatial relationships
in the world seems odd. I would also contend that true
auto-generated content is dull. Exploration is only interesting if
there is a reasonable expectation of finding something interesting
and unique, if its just more of the same random stuff, whats the
For instance, I went for an explore in Anarchy Online and found this
amazing battery of guns that fired into space. The whole ground
shakes when they go off, and you can see these huge ammo shells
loading into the guns. It looks great. It motivated me to explore
further - at least until the point where I got 1 shot killed by a
Now contrast this to Acheron's Call where I went for an explore and
found nothing but featureless and mostly flat landscape. That got
boring really quickly and the over-riding difference between the two
experiences was the level of human ingenuity involved in creating
the content. AO's dungeons are dull beyond belief once you hit the
mid 20s as you've seen every room template 50 times over by then...
Going back to your original desire to have vasts tracks of
wilderness, perhaps you could create the world-perception you
describe by shaping the transport systems of the world around it. If
people traveled in caravans along known routes at an accelerated
pace, I think their perception would start to be as you describe. If
you can then put compelling content off the beaten track, you might
find people explore.
Were you to implement this caravan idea, you could also expand so
that people could create trade routes between settlements. If the
travel along the routes is faster, then you can have similar rules
for caravans containing cargo and defense of said caravans etc. If
people decide they don't like the costs associated with transporting
cargo in a proper caravan, then they _could_ try to forge off on
their own off the route, but its going to take them a long
time. Thus you can control things enough to support proper
arbitrage. In addition, you could use some of these tracts of
wilderness as farmlands that are actually to scale. This all really
appeals to me!
I still contend that vast barren wastes won't add anything to your
game however :)
Dan - Wilderness Freeman, Jeff
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness lhulbert@hotmail.com
- Wilderness Matt Mihaly
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness Matt Mihaly
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness Matt Mihaly
- Wilderness Freeman, Jeff
- Wilderness Madrona Tree
- Wilderness Nathan F. Yospe
- Wilderness Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Wilderness Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Wilderness Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness Adam Martin
- Wilderness Koster, Raph
- Wilderness John Buehler
- Wilderness Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Wilderness Adam Martin
- Wilderness Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Wilderness David Loeser
- Wilderness Matt Owen
- Wilderness Peter Tyson
- Wilderness Adam Martin
- Death among Friends Jon Morrow
- Death among Friends Tommy Wang
- Death among Friends Jon Morrow
- Death among Friends Matt Mihaly
- Death among Friends Jon Morrow
- Death among Friends Matt Mihaly
- Death among Friends shren
- Death among Friends Michael Tresca
- Death among Friends John Buehler
- Death among Friends Jon Morrow
- Death among Friends Matt Mihaly
- Death among Friends Michael Tresca
- BSD licenses Ross Dmochowski
- Hoping for more... (interfaces) Tommy Wang
- Hoping for more... (interfaces) Matt Mihaly
- Hoping for more... (interfaces) Ling Lo
- Hoping for more... (interfaces) Matt Mihaly
- Hoping for more... (interfaces) Jon Morrow
- Hoping for more... (interfaces) Kwon Ekstrom
- d20 shannon hall
- Group sizes and MUDs as sport? Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- free release of graphical MUD Chris Gray