June 2001
- Distributed mud, testers needed Geir Harald Hansen
- Fwd: FW: The MERA Confrence Dragoness
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Travis Nixon
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Kwon Ekstrom
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Derek Licciardi
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Derek Licciardi
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Matt Mihaly
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Christopher Kohnert
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Marian Griffith
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Matt Mihaly
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Scion Altera
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Vincent Archer
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Time articles on Lineage Koster, Raph
- Article: Korea, Lineage.. SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Article: Korea, Lineage.. Marc Fielding
- [Article] Time Article on Lineage Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- off-line pk msew
- off-line pk Matt Mihaly
- off-line pk Freeman, Jeff
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Matt Mihaly
- off-line pk Matt Chatterley
- off-line pk David Loeser
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Dave Rickey
- off-line pk Phillip Lenhardt
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Phillip Lenhardt
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- off-line pk Jon Lambert
- off-line pk Willowreed@aol.com
- off-line pk Dave Rickey
- off-line pk Jeremy Noetzelman
- off-line pk Kroh, Clayton
- off-line pk The_Druid
- off-line pk Marc Fielding
- off-line pk Dave Kennerly
- off-line pk Matt Mihaly
- off-line pk David Loeser
- off-line pk Lee Sheldon
- off-line pk Matt Mihaly
- off-line pk Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- Where Does Fantasy End? Ling Lo
- Where Does Fantasy End? Koster, Raph
- Localisation (was: Maintaining fiction.) Vincent Archer
- Buying benefits [was business models] Matt Chatterley
- Buying benefits [was business models] Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits [was business models] Lars Duening
- Buying benefits [was business models] Matt Chatterley
- events per second? KevinL
- Hiding the Numbers/avatar representation rayzam
- Hiding the Numbers/avatar representation Koster, Raph
- Why are we all making RPGs? Andrew Kirmse
- Why are we all making RPGs? Freeman, Jeff
- Why are we all making RPGs? Sellers, Michael
- Why are we all making RPGs? Koster, Raph
- Why are we all making RPGs? Freeman, Jeff
- Why are we all making RPGs? rayzam
- Why are we all making RPGs? Dave Rickey
- Why are we all making RPGs? Trump
- Why are we all making RPGs? Baron, Jonathan
- Why are we all making RPGs? Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Why are we all making RPGs? Lee Sheldon
- Why are we all making RPGs? Neil Brown
- Why are we all making RPGs? Lee Sheldon
- Why are we all making RPGs? Travis Casey
- Why are we all making RPGs? Lee Sheldon
- Why are we all making RPGs? Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Why are we all making RPGs? Matt Mihaly
- Why are we all making RPGs? Lee Sheldon
- Why are we all making RPGs? Koster, Raph
- Why are we all making RPGs? SeronisROTv3@aol.com
- Why are we all making RPGs? Koster, Raph
- Why are we all making RPGs? Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- Why are we all making RPGs? SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Min/maxing rayzam
- Buying benefits Corey Crawford
- Buying benefits Neil Brown
- Buying benefits Corey Crawford
- Buying benefits Kevin Littlejohn
- Buying benefits Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Peter Tyson
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Marian Griffith
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Marian Griffith
- Buying benefits Tess Lowe
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Buying benefits Marian Griffith
- Buying benefits Kevin Littlejohn
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Neil Brown
- Buying benefits Corey Crawford
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Kevin Littlejohn
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Freeman, Jeff
- Buying benefits Vincent Archer
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Peter Tyson
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Peter Tyson
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Peter Tyson
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Vincent Archer
- Buying benefits shren
- Buying benefits Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Buying benefits Mathue Moyer
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Lee Sheldon
- [Biz] Worlds Apart's THE ETERNAL CITY joines the Skotos Community Christopher Allen
- Buying benefits Bruce
- Buying benefits Matt Chatterley
- Buying benefits shren
- Buying benefits Lars Duening
- Definition of permadeath (was: Maintaining fiction) Christopher Kohnert
- Definition of permadeath (was: Maintaining fiction) Madman Across the Water
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Adam Martin
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Sean Kelly
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Adam Martin
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Jon Leonard
- Buying benefits Timothy Dang
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers (was Koster, Raph
- [TECH] Abrash's book available online Bruce
- Player control of NPCs Mordengaard
- Player control of NPCs Travis Casey
- Player control of NPCs rayzam
- Player control of NPCs Sanvean
- Player control of NPCs Matt Chatterley
- Player control of NPCs Matt Chatterley
- Korean Govt. joins the revolution. SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Korean Govt. joins the revolution. Sean Kelly
- Korean Govt. joins the revolution. Matt Mihaly
- Korean Govt. joins the revolution. Jake Song
- Neverwinter Nights Trent Oster
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Adam Martin
- [TECH] Cplant Bruce
- Summary of PvP attempts? Brian Hook
- Summary of PvP attempts? Koster, Raph
- Summary of PvP attempts? Frank Crowell
- Summary of PvP attempts? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Summary of PvP attempts? Matt Mihaly
- Summary of PvP attempts? Frank Crowell
- Summary of PvP attempts? Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- Summary of PvP attempts? Matt Mihaly
- Summary of PvP attempts? Brian Hook
- Summary of PvP attempts? Trump
- Summary of PvP attempts? Brian Hook
- Summary of PvP attempts? Trump
- Summary of PvP attempts? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Summary of PvP attempts? Matt Mihaly
- Summary of PvP attempts? Corey Crawford
- Summary of PvP attempts? Neil Brown
- Summary of PvP attempts? Matt Mihaly
- Summary of PvP attempts? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Summary of PvP attempts? Batir
- Summary of PvP attempts? Vincent Archer
- Summary of PvP attempts? Koster, Raph
- Summary of PvP attempts? Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- Summary of PvP attempts? Freeman, Jeff
- Summary of PvP attempts? Brian Hook
- Summary of PvP attempts? Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Summary of PvP attempts? Dave Kennerly
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights Tamzen Cannoy
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights rayzam
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights Madrona Tree
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights Luc Van den Borre
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights Rob Ellis II
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Madrona Tree
- Physical tokens... The stone Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers Lee Sheldon
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers Dave Rickey
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers Lee Sheldon
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- The Sapience Group Matt Mihaly
- Aetolia Matt Mihaly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Sean Kelly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Brian Hook
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Derek Licciardi
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? rayzam
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Sean Kelly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Matt Mihaly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Sean Kelly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Matt Mihaly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Sean Kelly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Matt Mihaly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Travis Nixon
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Malcolm Tester
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s rayzam
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Malcolm Tester
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Derek Snider
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Neil Brown
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Kwon Ekstrom
- Buying benefits Phillip Lenhardt
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Ian Collyer
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Matt Chatterley
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Wes Connell
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Edward Glowacki
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Federico Di Gregorio
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Sean Kelly
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Madman Across the Water
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Corey Crawford
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Adam Martin
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Matt Chatterley
- Focus on Hocus Pocus rayzam
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Matt Chatterley
- Focus on Hocus Pocus rayzam
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Bruce
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Travis Casey
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Trump
- Focus on Hocus Pocus S. Patrick Gallaty
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Adam Martin
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Ian Collyer
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Vincent Archer
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Michael Tresca
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Travis Casey
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Tamzen Cannoy
- Focus on Hocus Pocus David Pemberton
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Peter Tyson
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Hulbert, Leland
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Michael Tresca
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Hulbert, Leland
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Troy Fisher
- Focus on Hocus Pocus J C Lawrence
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Eli Stevens
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Kwon Ekstrom
- Focus on Hocus Pocus azeraab
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Eli Stevens
- Viewpoint and motion sickness Sean K
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Jon Lambert
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Adam Martin
- On socialization and convenience Paul Schwanz - Enterprise Services
- On socialization and convenience Marian Griffith
- On socialization and convenience Sean Kelly
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- On socialization and convenience Peter Tyson
- On socialization and convenience Timothy O'Neill Dang
- On socialization and convenience Dave Rickey
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Brian Hook
- On socialization and convenience Dave Rickey
- On socialization and convenience SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- On socialization and convenience Dave Rickey
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Travis Nixon
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience shren
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Brian Hook
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Brian Hook
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience Travis Nixon
- On socialization and convenience Sean Kelly
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience John Buehler
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience John Buehler
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience John Buehler
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience rayzam
- On socialization and convenience Michael Tresca
- On socialization and convenience Sean Kelly
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience Travis Nixon
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Dave Rickey
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Bruce
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Travis Nixon
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Lee Sheldon
- On socialization and convenience Dave Kennerly
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Ian Collyer
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Ian Collyer
- On socialization and convenience Jay Carlson
- On socialization and convenience Ian Collyer
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Ian Collyer
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience Jay Carlson
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience Auli
- On socialization and convenience rayzam
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience Michael Tresca
- On socialization and convenience Adam Martin
- On socialization and convenience Michael Tresca
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Paul Sage
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Marian Griffith
- On socialization and convenience rayzam
- On socialization and convenience Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- On socialization and convenience Derek Licciardi
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 22:33:27 -0400
Derek Licciardi <kressilac@home.com> wrote:
> While playing an Iksar Necro in EQ, I happened across a friend of
> mine in RL that gave me a gossimer(sp?) robe. I made the effort
> to go to the mainland at level 8 and get it. It turned out that
> it was one of the better things I could have done for socializing
> in game. I was fairly unique in Kunark and I was recognizable at
> a glance. I can't tell you how many people struck up conversation
> with me because I was wearing something that they wanted to know
> about. We found a common ground and discussion easily flowed from
> there most of the time.
Communication is driven by interest. Something is interesting and
people are interested in it. This is trite until you examine the
mechanics of the states of "interested" and "interesting" and how
that affects the handling of attention as a commodity. It gets
easier if you view attention as a mechanical substance which can be
treated and manipulated as a resource in its own right.
You had a gossamer robe. It was interesting. It invited and even
sought attention by simple existence. It attracted interest so
people became "interested" (in it). Interest is carried by
attention. You put attention on something and are interested and so
put more attention on that thing. Without the initial attention the
cycle never starts. Attention, at a base level, is in itself a form
of communication (the sense of being watched). Moving from that
base level of communication to verbalisation is a narrow and usually
easy transition (its secondary factors which break this, not
primary), already smoothed by the fact that both ends of the
communication have a known common item (the gossamer robe) which
they are interested in (both parties start from a known point of
That point of common agreement, even if its implicit, is critical.
You see a guy down the block with a new Ferrari 355. You walk
over and say, "Cool car! That's, damn, that's just amazing! Can
I have a look?" and the guy replies, "Oh that piece of junk? Its
crap really. Toasted. I'm getting rid of it. Ferrari's are such
pieces of crap. I wish they'd never given it to me. Worthless.
The salvage guy will be along later to tow it to the wreckers."
There went that conversation. You thought you had a point of
common shared agreement and the first thing that happened was that
the other guy told you you didn't, and that any common
understanding you had thought you had, you didn't.
Now if the guy had replied instead, "Yeah, nice isn't it. I just
got it a couple months ago and love it. Want to come for a ride?"
you'd have the early building blocks of a conversation -- mutual
interest in a common item, mutual agreement/understanding on that
interest (you both know that you both think its a wow! car).
We can use and build on that structure as game designers.
A common technique in teaching character development presentation
for actors is to have them do the scene while doing something else.
While washing dishes. While getting dressed. While building a
model yacht. While cutting their toenails. While batheing. The
use of the excess activity is manipulating exactly this point in
controlling and channeling the flow of attention.
> Thinking from Marian's point of view, we can see that socializing
> after the battle was about what had just occured.
Have you noticed how much more enjoyable it is to relate that battle
to someone else who was also in it than to an outsider? Or when you
are relating it to an outsider how it becomes most enjoyable at that
instant where the other chap actually understands and can actually
fully visualise the event as you saw it -- the point at which he
finally agrees with you and you share an understanding. And of
course, how quickly that can tarnish if they then turn around and
reveal that they really didn't understand after all.
The battle is interesting. It commanded attention and that defined
interest. You continue to have attention on it. That fact of the
attention begs communication (if you have small kids you're all to
familiar with this process). You talk to Bubba about it. Bubba
becomes interested in it as you have put his attention on it. He
puts more attention on it -- perhaps he asks you questions and gets
you to amplify. Bubba groks the battle, and agrees, yes, that thing
that happened to Boffo was just hilarious. You now have a common
agreement that the battle is interesting, and therefore have
achieved understanding ("He understands...").
Instant society: just add communication.
At the end of the day you have a group who have a common shared
experience (they were in the battle) and a more diffuse group who
understand the battle. That common basis breeds common
understanding. You all "know".
Watch 'nam vets talking. (I used to live around a bunch of them)
They weren't in the same battles. They have few directly shared
experiences but they all "understand". They all have a base common
agreement on 'Nam and what it was like even if the details don't
match. That simple knowledge of a shared understanding is enough to
build everything else on.
"Oh! You're am XXXX player! Gosh, have you seen the YYY down at
ZZZ? Didja know that you can QQQ?
The agreement is the keystone.
> No doubt that the stories from that adventure would live on in the
> guilds/cities and in the memories of the participants, but the
> stories would be passed on to friends and generations of
> newcomers. Generations of social contact probably occured as new
> people were introduced to the experienced people by re-telling the
> story of that night.
As happens my father is a WWII veteran. As also happens he rarely
ever talked about those experiences (perhaps less than a dozen times
in the last 30+ years with nothing in the last 15). I can count the
stories he told of that time on the fingers on one hand. I don't
think he ever repeated any more than twice. A couple I only heard a
second time via my siblings re-relating the tale. I know every one
of those stories cold along with their details and import, and yes,
I've passed them on and told them to others. Heck, at a couple of
the MUD-Dev dinners I've told his tories.
Stories have a life of their own. Witness Kipling.
MUD worlds are even more closed communities. The level of shared
reality is even less well spread. The population of those who are
capable of "understanding" is small. There's almost a level of
desperation at the rate and vehemence with which stories spread
within game populations.
A story is not real until you've told it to someone else.
A game event is not really real until at least a dozen people have
told it to each other. Twice.
Self-referential positive feedback loops.
So why is it that our game clients don't enable implicit logging?
Why can't we sit playing EQ/UO/MudFoo and at any point, without
afore thought or planning, roll back the game and re-view it
exactly as it happened? Why can't we take those recordings and
distribute them for others to see and share?
Oh, we can, but we have to do special things first. Ahh.
We're dealing with the basic grist of human communication here, of
shared experience, and we don't even help them do a, "look at what
I saw!"
<<Yes I know about text MUD client logging in ZMud et al. cf the
Black Rose papers>>
> In this regard, the effective use of downtime for socialization
> could be related to the in-game experience that the group just
> went through or has gone through before.
Given that an in-game event is not really real until a dozen people
have told it to each other, down time is when that occurs. You
can't tell each other about things to make them real when your
attention is n the middle of being fixated by the next battle.
Decompression time. R&R. That's really what we're talking about in
> Without any excitement in the game, there is no real topic to
> discuss during downtime without resorting to local sports scores,
> out-of-game jokes and other meta-game topics.
Excitement is the case of something successfully being excessively
interesting so as to forcefully compel attention and thereby demand
> Either type of communication is good for socializing as long as
> you're not a role-playing nazi. It seems to me that providing
> something to talk about in game beyond game-mechanics could be a
> way to increase socializing dramatically.
Its certainly going to happen anyway. I don't see much sense in
playing King Canute.
J C Lawrence claw@kanga.nu
---------(*) http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/
The pressure to survive and rhetoric may make strange bedfellows
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Peter Tyson
- On socialization and convenience Jon Lambert
- On socialization and convenience Michael Tresca
- On socialization and convenience SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Timothy O'Neill Dang
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Alex Kay
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience shren
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Daniel A. Koepke
- On socialization and convenience Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- On socialization and convenience Geoffrey A. MacDougall
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Geoffrey A. MacDougall
- On socialization and convenience Marian Griffith
- On socialization and convenience Auli
- On socialization and convenience Brian Hook
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience grafx@innovativestudios.com
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- 3rd person text MUDs Colin Coghill
- 3rd person text MUDs Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- 3rd person text MUDs Matt Owen
- 3rd person text MUDs Richard A. Bartle
- TEC in PC Gamer Bruce
- Language Parsing for NPCs Aaron Mulder
- Language Parsing for NPCs Robert Zubek
- Language Parsing for NPCs Aaron Mulder
- Language Parsing for NPCs Troy Fisher
- Language Parsing for NPCs Robert Zubek
- Language Parsing for NPCs Robert Zubek
- Language Parsing for NPCs Bruce
- Language Parsing for NPCs Robert Zubek
- Language Parsing for NPCs Sanvean
- PK headaches Matt Mihaly
- PK headaches Ian Hess
- PK headaches Matt Mihaly
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Alex Kay
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Brian Hook
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Dave Rickey
- When the interface becomes the challenge. J C Lawrence
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Travis Nixon
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Lee Sheldon
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Brian Hook
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Ling Lo
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Dave Rickey
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Brian Hook
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Dave Rickey
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Adam Martin
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Travis Nixon
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- When the interface becomes the challenge. J C Lawrence
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Koster, Raph
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Andrew Wilson
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Edward Glowacki
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Andrew Wilson
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Edward Glowacki
- When the interface becomes the challenge. J C Lawrence
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Edward Glowacki
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Matt Owen
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Alex Kay
- NWN and pay for play Geoffrey A. MacDougall
- NWN and pay for play Freeman, Jeff
- Definition of a character (was: Maintaining fiction.) Ian Collyer
- Definition of permadeath (was: Maintaining fiction.) Ian Collyer
- Anyone going to GENCON 2001 Derek Licciardi
- Anyone going to GENCON 2001 J C Lawrence
- Identity Theft and MUDding Anthony R. Haslage
- Identity Theft and MUDding Matt Mihaly
- Identity Theft and MUDding Robert Fleck
- Identity Theft and MUDding Matt Mihaly
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) shren
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) Matt Mihaly
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) Matt Mihaly
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- NWN- Pay for play Trent Oster
- Interpersonal Relationships Ronan Farrell
- Interpersonal Relationships Michael Tresca
- Interpersonal Relationships Ronan Farrell
- Interpersonal Relationships quzah
- Interpersonal Relationships J C Lawrence
- Interpersonal Relationships quzah
- Interpersonal Relationships Marian Griffith
- Interpersonal Relationships Freeman, Jeff
- Interpersonal Relationships Matt Mihaly
- Interpersonal Relationships Marian Griffith
- Interpersonal Relationships Matt Mihaly
- Interpersonal Relationships Ronan Farrell
- [PVP] Another essay on PVP Frank Crowell
- Speech to Text, Eli Stevens
- Speech to Text, John Buehler
- Speech to Text, J C Lawrence
- Speech to Text, Adam Martin
- Speech to Text, Madrona Tree
- Speech to Text, John Buehler
- Speech to Text, Travis Casey
- Speech to Text, Adam Martin
- Website Live Lee Sheldon
- Address change notification Vincent Archer
- Real lawsuit over virtual property Dave Rickey
- UDP vs TCP/IP Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- UDP vs TCP/IP J C Lawrence
- UDP vs TCP/IP Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- UDP vs TCP/IP J C Lawrence
- UDP vs TCP/IP Andrew Kirmse
- UDP vs TCP/IP J C Lawrence
- UDP vs TCP/IP J C Lawrence
- UDP vs TCP/IP Jon Lambert
- UDP vs TCP/IP Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- UDP vs TCP/IP Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- UDP vs TCP/IP Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Permadeath definition thread J C Lawrence
- List rituals Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- List rituals Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- List Rituals John Robert Arras
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals Travis Casey
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- List rituals Marian Griffith
- List rituals yospe@kanga.nu
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals yospe@kanga.nu
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay rayzam
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Ashen Temper
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay J C Lawrence
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Matt Mihaly
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Trump
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay holding99@mindspring.com
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay John Buehler
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay J C Lawrence
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay holding99@mindspring.com
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Travis Casey
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay John Buehler
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Michael Tresca
- When is the game a game? Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- When is the game a game? Travis Casey
- When is the game a game? Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- When is the game a game? Travis Casey
- When is the game a game? Phillip Lenhardt
- When is the game a game? Matt Mihaly
- When is the game a game? J C Lawrence
- When is the game a game? F. Randall Farmer
- Definition of a character II, permadeath and "who's running this show anyway?" Ian Collyer
- TECH: ColdStore and MUDs ryan daum
- TECH: ColdStore and MUDs Phillip Lenhardt
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Travis Nixon
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Brian Hook
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Brian Hook
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Travis Nixon
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Phillip Lenhardt
- Magic system that can do anything Eli Stevens
- Magic system that can do anything matt hellige
- Magic system that can do anything John Buehler
- Player Goals rayzam
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Delphine T. Lynx
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Matt Mihaly
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Federico Di Gregorio
- Value in the Economy of the MOG J C Lawrence
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Federico Di Gregorio
- Value in the Economy of the MOG J C Lawrence
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Dave Rickey
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Derek Licciardi
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Dave Rickey
- Value in the Economy of the MOG J C Lawrence
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Michael Tresca
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Ashen Temper
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Marian Griffith
- Value in the Economy of the MOG J C Lawrence
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Ashen Temper
- Re[4]: List rituals Travis Casey
- Re[4]: List rituals J C Lawrence
- Re[4]: List rituals Travis Casey
- Re[4]: List rituals Travis Nixon
- Player run systems (was Player run reputation system) John Hopson
- Player run systems (was Player run reputation system) J Todd Coleman
- Player run systems (was Player run reputation system) J C Lawrence
- Player run systems (was Player run reputation system) David Bennett