June 2001
- Distributed mud, testers needed Geir Harald Hansen
- Fwd: FW: The MERA Confrence Dragoness
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Travis Nixon
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Kwon Ekstrom
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Derek Licciardi
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Derek Licciardi
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Matt Mihaly
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Christopher Kohnert
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Marian Griffith
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Matt Mihaly
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Scion Altera
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Vincent Archer
- Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) John Buehler
- Time articles on Lineage Koster, Raph
- Article: Korea, Lineage.. SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Article: Korea, Lineage.. Marc Fielding
- [Article] Time Article on Lineage Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- off-line pk msew
- off-line pk Matt Mihaly
- off-line pk Freeman, Jeff
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Matt Mihaly
- off-line pk Matt Chatterley
- off-line pk David Loeser
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Dave Rickey
- off-line pk Phillip Lenhardt
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Phillip Lenhardt
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- off-line pk Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- off-line pk Jon Lambert
- off-line pk Willowreed@aol.com
- off-line pk Dave Rickey
- off-line pk Jeremy Noetzelman
- off-line pk Kroh, Clayton
- off-line pk The_Druid
- off-line pk Marc Fielding
- off-line pk Dave Kennerly
- off-line pk Matt Mihaly
- off-line pk David Loeser
- off-line pk Lee Sheldon
- off-line pk Matt Mihaly
- off-line pk Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- off-line pk Koster, Raph
- Where Does Fantasy End? Ling Lo
- Where Does Fantasy End? Koster, Raph
- Localisation (was: Maintaining fiction.) Vincent Archer
- Buying benefits [was business models] Matt Chatterley
- Buying benefits [was business models] Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits [was business models] Lars Duening
- Buying benefits [was business models] Matt Chatterley
- events per second? KevinL
- Hiding the Numbers/avatar representation rayzam
- Hiding the Numbers/avatar representation Koster, Raph
- Why are we all making RPGs? Andrew Kirmse
- Why are we all making RPGs? Freeman, Jeff
- Why are we all making RPGs? Sellers, Michael
- Why are we all making RPGs? Koster, Raph
- Why are we all making RPGs? Freeman, Jeff
- Why are we all making RPGs? rayzam
- Why are we all making RPGs? Dave Rickey
- Why are we all making RPGs? Trump
- Why are we all making RPGs? Baron, Jonathan
- Why are we all making RPGs? Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Why are we all making RPGs? Lee Sheldon
- Why are we all making RPGs? Neil Brown
- Why are we all making RPGs? Lee Sheldon
- Why are we all making RPGs? Travis Casey
- Why are we all making RPGs? Lee Sheldon
- Why are we all making RPGs? Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Why are we all making RPGs? Matt Mihaly
- Why are we all making RPGs? Lee Sheldon
- Why are we all making RPGs? Koster, Raph
- Why are we all making RPGs? SeronisROTv3@aol.com
- Why are we all making RPGs? Koster, Raph
- Why are we all making RPGs? Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- Why are we all making RPGs? SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Min/maxing rayzam
- Buying benefits Corey Crawford
- Buying benefits Neil Brown
- Buying benefits Corey Crawford
- Buying benefits Kevin Littlejohn
- Buying benefits Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Peter Tyson
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Marian Griffith
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Marian Griffith
- Buying benefits Tess Lowe
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Buying benefits Marian Griffith
- Buying benefits Kevin Littlejohn
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Neil Brown
- Buying benefits Corey Crawford
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Kevin Littlejohn
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Freeman, Jeff
- Buying benefits Vincent Archer
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Peter Tyson
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Peter Tyson
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Peter Tyson
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Vincent Archer
- Buying benefits shren
- Buying benefits Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Buying benefits Mathue Moyer
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Lee Sheldon
- [Biz] Worlds Apart's THE ETERNAL CITY joines the Skotos Community Christopher Allen
- Buying benefits Bruce
- Buying benefits Matt Chatterley
- Buying benefits shren
- Buying benefits Lars Duening
- Definition of permadeath (was: Maintaining fiction) Christopher Kohnert
- Definition of permadeath (was: Maintaining fiction) Madman Across the Water
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Adam Martin
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Sean Kelly
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Adam Martin
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Security in MUDs - MMORPGs Jon Leonard
- Buying benefits Timothy Dang
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers (was Koster, Raph
- [TECH] Abrash's book available online Bruce
- Player control of NPCs Mordengaard
- Player control of NPCs Travis Casey
- Player control of NPCs rayzam
- Player control of NPCs Sanvean
- Player control of NPCs Matt Chatterley
- Player control of NPCs Matt Chatterley
- Korean Govt. joins the revolution. SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- Korean Govt. joins the revolution. Sean Kelly
- Korean Govt. joins the revolution. Matt Mihaly
- Korean Govt. joins the revolution. Jake Song
- Neverwinter Nights Trent Oster
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers (was Maintaining fiction.) Adam Martin
- [TECH] Cplant Bruce
- Summary of PvP attempts? Brian Hook
- Summary of PvP attempts? Koster, Raph
- Summary of PvP attempts? Frank Crowell
- Summary of PvP attempts? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Summary of PvP attempts? Matt Mihaly
- Summary of PvP attempts? Frank Crowell
- Summary of PvP attempts? Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- Summary of PvP attempts? Matt Mihaly
- Summary of PvP attempts? Brian Hook
- Summary of PvP attempts? Trump
- Summary of PvP attempts? Brian Hook
- Summary of PvP attempts? Trump
- Summary of PvP attempts? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Summary of PvP attempts? Matt Mihaly
- Summary of PvP attempts? Corey Crawford
- Summary of PvP attempts? Neil Brown
- Summary of PvP attempts? Matt Mihaly
- Summary of PvP attempts? Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Summary of PvP attempts? Batir
- Summary of PvP attempts? Vincent Archer
- Summary of PvP attempts? Koster, Raph
- Summary of PvP attempts? Steve {Bloo} Daniels
- Summary of PvP attempts? Freeman, Jeff
- Summary of PvP attempts? Brian Hook
- Summary of PvP attempts? Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Summary of PvP attempts? Dave Kennerly
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights Tamzen Cannoy
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights rayzam
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights Madrona Tree
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights Luc Van den Borre
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Nights Rob Ellis II
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Madrona Tree
- Physical tokens... The stone Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers Lee Sheldon
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers Dave Rickey
- The Permadeath of PvP (was Hiding the Numbers Lee Sheldon
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- The Sapience Group Matt Mihaly
- Aetolia Matt Mihaly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Sean Kelly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Brian Hook
At 09:26 AM 6/12/01 -0700, Sean Kelly wrote:
> topic that concerns me, which is how can a MMORPG maintain a
> sufficient level of new content without PvP?
Autogenerated/procedurally generated content and user generated
content both come to mind. Both, however, have their own set of
serious perils.
> This carries over fairly well into MUDs because the population
> densitity stays sufficiently low that the illusion that each party
> is exploring an area pretty much on their own is never violated.
Absolutely. Back in The Day, if you were a party of friends on the
Test Server in EQ you truly felt like you were the brave adventurers
in a cruel world. Awesome experience.
> While many players seemed to enjoy this, it left me with a feeling
> of "why bother, the bad guy doesn't stay dead, the world doesn't
> stay saved."
This is probably one of the biggest MMRPG bugaboos out there. How
do you let a single player affect the world without A.) affecting
all the other players and B.) having the world mutate in an
uncontrolled form?
> Resetting dungeons may provide entertainment for more players but
> they do so at the expense of purpose.
Depends on whether your purpose is entertain more players or not.
> Why play a MM online game if all the content is designed for a
> single small group of adventurers?
Because you can meet new people and develop new friendships that you
can't do by just finding your same old friends and playing a single
game all the way through? BG2 is fun for multiplayer (when it
works), but it ends after about 100 hours of play. Then what?
> In a MM world, not everyone can be heroes or adventurers. There
> will never be enough dungeons and the exceptional people are
> hardly exceptional if every person in the game is just as
> exceptional.
This depends on whether you're comparing yourself to every other
player or to the NPCs. By and large I would argue that your
rationale holds true for certain extreme cases, e.g. I don't think a
superhero MMPG is possible, but in EQ there is a definite feeling of
evolution and advancement vs. the world even without other players
> just as brave standing there with you? There is some fact of
> psychology where the more people who are present when something
> horrible happens, the less likely any of them are to help.
> "Someone else will handle it." Heroes are made by being the only
> ones suitable for a task. Not a face in the crowd.
This is the difference of being heroic by nature and being heroic by
circumstance. I would argue that the hero that steps to the front
when there are many others willing to help is a "truer" hero (or a
publicity hound =) ) than the one that steps up because he has no
choice (the proverbial reluctant hero).
> masses, but there is a strong potential for a vast array of small
> personal worlds instead of a single (or multiple) large
> interconnected pieces.
That's the problem with a network of small scale operations -- you
don't get a feeling of vastness. You have this with Quake servers
-- there are many running, yet very few have players on them,
because you need a critical mass to get interest (no one wants to be
the one player standing there like a dork).
Having a single large world really helps bind a community together.
Brian Hook - Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Derek Licciardi
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? rayzam
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Sean Kelly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Matt Mihaly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Sean Kelly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Matt Mihaly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Sean Kelly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Matt Mihaly
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Travis Nixon
- Alternatives to PvP for sustainable fiction? Brian Hook
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Malcolm Tester
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s rayzam
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Malcolm Tester
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Derek Snider
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Neil Brown
- Viewpoint and motion sickness was:Neverwinter Night s Kwon Ekstrom
- Buying benefits Phillip Lenhardt
- Buying benefits Matt Mihaly
- Buying benefits Ian Collyer
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Matt Chatterley
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Wes Connell
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Edward Glowacki
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Federico Di Gregorio
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Sean Kelly
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Madman Across the Water
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Corey Crawford
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Adam Martin
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Matt Chatterley
- Focus on Hocus Pocus rayzam
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Matt Chatterley
- Focus on Hocus Pocus rayzam
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Bruce
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Travis Casey
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Trump
- Focus on Hocus Pocus S. Patrick Gallaty
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Adam Martin
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Ian Collyer
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Vincent Archer
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Michael Tresca
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Travis Casey
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Tamzen Cannoy
- Focus on Hocus Pocus David Pemberton
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Peter Tyson
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Hulbert, Leland
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Michael Tresca
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Hulbert, Leland
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Troy Fisher
- Focus on Hocus Pocus J C Lawrence
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Eli Stevens
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Kwon Ekstrom
- Focus on Hocus Pocus azeraab
- Focus on Hocus Pocus Eli Stevens
- Viewpoint and motion sickness Sean K
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Jon Lambert
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Adam Martin
- On socialization and convenience Paul Schwanz - Enterprise Services
- On socialization and convenience Marian Griffith
- On socialization and convenience Sean Kelly
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- On socialization and convenience Peter Tyson
- On socialization and convenience Timothy O'Neill Dang
- On socialization and convenience Dave Rickey
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Brian Hook
- On socialization and convenience Dave Rickey
- On socialization and convenience SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- On socialization and convenience Dave Rickey
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Travis Nixon
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience shren
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Brian Hook
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Brian Hook
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience Travis Nixon
- On socialization and convenience Sean Kelly
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience John Buehler
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience John Buehler
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience John Buehler
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience rayzam
- On socialization and convenience Michael Tresca
- On socialization and convenience Sean Kelly
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience Travis Nixon
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Dave Rickey
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Bruce
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Travis Nixon
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Lee Sheldon
- On socialization and convenience Dave Kennerly
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Ian Collyer
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Ian Collyer
- On socialization and convenience Jay Carlson
- On socialization and convenience Ian Collyer
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Ian Collyer
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience Jay Carlson
- On socialization and convenience Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- On socialization and convenience Auli
- On socialization and convenience rayzam
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience Michael Tresca
- On socialization and convenience Adam Martin
- On socialization and convenience Michael Tresca
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Paul Sage
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Marian Griffith
- On socialization and convenience rayzam
- On socialization and convenience Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- On socialization and convenience Derek Licciardi
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Peter Tyson
- On socialization and convenience Jon Lambert
- On socialization and convenience Michael Tresca
- On socialization and convenience SavantKnowsAll@cs.com
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Timothy O'Neill Dang
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Alex Kay
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience Vincent Archer
- On socialization and convenience shren
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Daniel A. Koepke
- On socialization and convenience Richard Aihoshi aka Jonric
- On socialization and convenience Geoffrey A. MacDougall
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience Freeman, Jeff
- On socialization and convenience Geoffrey A. MacDougall
- On socialization and convenience Marian Griffith
- On socialization and convenience Auli
- On socialization and convenience Brian Hook
- On socialization and convenience Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience Koster, Raph
- On socialization and convenience grafx@innovativestudios.com
- On socialization and convenience Matt Mihaly
- On socialization and convenience J C Lawrence
- 3rd person text MUDs Colin Coghill
- 3rd person text MUDs Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- 3rd person text MUDs Matt Owen
- 3rd person text MUDs Richard A. Bartle
- TEC in PC Gamer Bruce
- Language Parsing for NPCs Aaron Mulder
- Language Parsing for NPCs Robert Zubek
- Language Parsing for NPCs Aaron Mulder
- Language Parsing for NPCs Troy Fisher
- Language Parsing for NPCs Robert Zubek
- Language Parsing for NPCs Robert Zubek
- Language Parsing for NPCs Bruce
- Language Parsing for NPCs Robert Zubek
- Language Parsing for NPCs Sanvean
- PK headaches Matt Mihaly
- PK headaches Ian Hess
- PK headaches Matt Mihaly
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Alex Kay
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Brian Hook
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Dave Rickey
- When the interface becomes the challenge. J C Lawrence
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Travis Nixon
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Lee Sheldon
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Brian Hook
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Ling Lo
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Dave Rickey
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Brian Hook
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Dave Rickey
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Adam Martin
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Travis Nixon
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- When the interface becomes the challenge. J C Lawrence
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Koster, Raph
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Andrew Wilson
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Edward Glowacki
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Andrew Wilson
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Edward Glowacki
- When the interface becomes the challenge. J C Lawrence
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Edward Glowacki
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Matt Owen
- When the interface becomes the challenge. Alex Kay
- NWN and pay for play Geoffrey A. MacDougall
- NWN and pay for play Freeman, Jeff
- Definition of a character (was: Maintaining fiction.) Ian Collyer
- Definition of permadeath (was: Maintaining fiction.) Ian Collyer
- Anyone going to GENCON 2001 Derek Licciardi
- Anyone going to GENCON 2001 J C Lawrence
- Identity Theft and MUDding Anthony R. Haslage
- Identity Theft and MUDding Matt Mihaly
- Identity Theft and MUDding Robert Fleck
- Identity Theft and MUDding Matt Mihaly
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) shren
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) Matt Mihaly
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) Matt Mihaly
- Absolute Death (legalese mode on) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- NWN- Pay for play Trent Oster
- Interpersonal Relationships Ronan Farrell
- Interpersonal Relationships Michael Tresca
- Interpersonal Relationships Ronan Farrell
- Interpersonal Relationships quzah
- Interpersonal Relationships J C Lawrence
- Interpersonal Relationships quzah
- Interpersonal Relationships Marian Griffith
- Interpersonal Relationships Freeman, Jeff
- Interpersonal Relationships Matt Mihaly
- Interpersonal Relationships Marian Griffith
- Interpersonal Relationships Matt Mihaly
- Interpersonal Relationships Ronan Farrell
- [PVP] Another essay on PVP Frank Crowell
- Speech to Text, Eli Stevens
- Speech to Text, John Buehler
- Speech to Text, J C Lawrence
- Speech to Text, Adam Martin
- Speech to Text, Madrona Tree
- Speech to Text, John Buehler
- Speech to Text, Travis Casey
- Speech to Text, Adam Martin
- Website Live Lee Sheldon
- Address change notification Vincent Archer
- Real lawsuit over virtual property Dave Rickey
- UDP vs TCP/IP Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- UDP vs TCP/IP J C Lawrence
- UDP vs TCP/IP Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- UDP vs TCP/IP J C Lawrence
- UDP vs TCP/IP Andrew Kirmse
- UDP vs TCP/IP J C Lawrence
- UDP vs TCP/IP J C Lawrence
- UDP vs TCP/IP Jon Lambert
- UDP vs TCP/IP Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- UDP vs TCP/IP Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- UDP vs TCP/IP Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Permadeath definition thread J C Lawrence
- List rituals Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- List rituals Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- List Rituals John Robert Arras
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals Travis Casey
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- List rituals Marian Griffith
- List rituals yospe@kanga.nu
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- List rituals yospe@kanga.nu
- List rituals J C Lawrence
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay rayzam
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Ashen Temper
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay J C Lawrence
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Matt Mihaly
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Trump
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay holding99@mindspring.com
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay John Buehler
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay J C Lawrence
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay holding99@mindspring.com
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Travis Casey
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay John Buehler
- Non-combat advancement and roleplay Michael Tresca
- When is the game a game? Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- When is the game a game? Travis Casey
- When is the game a game? Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- When is the game a game? Travis Casey
- When is the game a game? Phillip Lenhardt
- When is the game a game? Matt Mihaly
- When is the game a game? J C Lawrence
- When is the game a game? F. Randall Farmer
- Definition of a character II, permadeath and "who's running this show anyway?" Ian Collyer
- TECH: ColdStore and MUDs ryan daum
- TECH: ColdStore and MUDs Phillip Lenhardt
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Travis Nixon
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Brian Hook
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Brian Hook
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Travis Nixon
- Trust systems and Player-Run Reputation Phillip Lenhardt
- Magic system that can do anything Eli Stevens
- Magic system that can do anything matt hellige
- Magic system that can do anything John Buehler
- Player Goals rayzam
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Delphine T. Lynx
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Matt Mihaly
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Federico Di Gregorio
- Value in the Economy of the MOG J C Lawrence
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Federico Di Gregorio
- Value in the Economy of the MOG J C Lawrence
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Dave Rickey
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Derek Licciardi
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Dave Rickey
- Value in the Economy of the MOG J C Lawrence
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Michael Tresca
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Ashen Temper
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Marian Griffith
- Value in the Economy of the MOG J C Lawrence
- Value in the Economy of the MOG Ashen Temper
- Re[4]: List rituals Travis Casey
- Re[4]: List rituals J C Lawrence
- Re[4]: List rituals Travis Casey
- Re[4]: List rituals Travis Nixon
- Player run systems (was Player run reputation system) John Hopson
- Player run systems (was Player run reputation system) J Todd Coleman
- Player run systems (was Player run reputation system) J C Lawrence
- Player run systems (was Player run reputation system) David Bennett