April 2001
- Camelot Beta 3 Dave Rickey
- Camelot Beta 3 Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Camelot Beta 3 Vincent Archer
- Camelot Beta 3 Derek Licciardi
- Camelot Beta 3 Darrin Hyrup
- Camelot Beta 3 Vincent Archer
- Camelot Beta 3 Dave Rickey
- Camelot Beta 3 Darrin Hyrup
- Camelot Beta 3 Auli
- Room Searching Jared
- Room Searching shren
- Room Searching Travis Casey
- Room Searching Eli Stevens
- Room Searching Derek Licciardi
- Room Searching Adam Martin
- Room Searching Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Room Searching Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Room Searching David Bennett
- Sims Online -- WAS: MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs Zak Jarvis
- Mera '01 report Cassandra
- Mera '01 report Jake Song
- Mera '01 report J C Lawrence
- Mera '01 report Jake Song
- Mera '01 report J C Lawrence
- Mera '01 report Cassandra
- Learning about MUDs (was: MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Learning about MUDs (was: MUD-Dev digest, V ol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) McQuaid, Brad
- Learning about MUDs (was: MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Derek Licciardi
- Learning about MUDs (was: MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Learning about MUDs (was: MUD-Dev digest, V ol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Learning about MUDs (was: MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Jim S
- Learning about MUDs (was: MUD-Dev digest, V ol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Freeman, Jeff
- Learning about MUDs (was: MUD-Dev digest, V ol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Learning about MUDs (was: MUD-Dev digest, V ol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Vincent Archer
- www.innbetweenworlds.com Klimon, Ian
- MERA '01 followup: Success critera Zak Jarvis
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #303 - 17 msgs Dr. Cat
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #303 - 17 msgs Baron, Jonathan
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #303 - 17 msgs John Buehler
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #303 - 17 msgs Baron, Jonathan
- ADMIN: HTML email, the reasons against J C Lawrence
- Need for a departure from reality? Matt Mihaly
- Broken Economies (was Learning about MUDs) geoffrey@yorku.ca
- Broken Economies (was Learning about MUDs) Koster, Raph
- Broken Economies (was Learning about MUDs) Timothy Dang
- Broken Economies (was Learning about MUDs) Koster, Raph
- Broken Economies (was Learning about MUDs) Timothy Dang
- Broken Economies (was Learning about MUDs) Madman Across the Water
- Broken Economies (was Learning about MUDs) Derek Licciardi
- Broken Economies (was Learning about MUDs) Vincent Archer
- Broken Economies (was Learning about MUDs) Sellers, Michael
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Zak Jarvis
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Brian Hook
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Jerrith
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Brian Hook
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Jerrith
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Brian Hook
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Mod el Space Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space shren
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space shren
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Philip
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Hal Bonnin
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Kwon Ekstrom
- Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space rayzam
- RE:The Sims Online (was MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Sellers, Michael
- Sv: Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Nicolai Hansen
- ADMIN: Subject header maintenance (was: Broken currencies) J C Lawrence
- Broken currencies Matt Mihaly
- Broken currencies Jim S
- Broken currencies Koster, Raph
- Broken currencies Lars Duening
- Broken currencies Matt Mihaly
- Broken currencies Lars Duening
- Broken currencies Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Broken currencies Matt Mihaly
- Broken currencies Timothy Dang
- Broken currencies Phillip Lenhardt
- Broken currencies Matt Mihaly
- Broken currencies Phillip Lenhardt
- Broken currencies John Buehler
- Broken currencies Derek Licciardi
- Broken currencies Ben Sizer
- Broken currencies Adam Martin
- Broken currencies Ben Sizer
- Broken currencies Matt Mihaly
- Broken currencies Timothy Dang
- Broken currencies Michael Dekker
- Broken currencies Miroslav Silovic
- Broken currencies Matt Mihaly
- Broken currencies Timothy Dang
- [DGN] Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Ananda Dawnsinger
- [DGN] Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Travis Casey
Wednesday, April 04, 2001, 4:24:40 AM, Ananda Dawnsinger
<ananda@winterreach.com> wrote:
[snip lots of stuff I agree with]
> Here's the basic idea I'm thinking of proposing. Since combat
> mechanics aren't my strongest suit, feel free to point out glaring
> fallacies or potential for abuse.
I'd just like to point out a couple of things in here, and make a
couple of additional points on differences.
> Traditional bows and arrows:
> Arrows do not pierce metal armor except on a critical strike.
I'd narrow this to good-quality mail or better metal armor, if I
wanted to keep it simple. See the section on crossbows for how to
complicate it.
> Arrows have a reasonably high potential for critical strikes
> (again, perhaps equivalent to dagger).
> Aiming significantly increases the chance for critical strikes,
> but imposes a long RT (30 sec?) during which the archer is
> vulnerable.
> Critical strikes have the potential for massive damage,
> including one-shot cripples and kills on game-sized creatures.
> (I don't particularly believe in one-shot kills on player
> characters.)
These are nice guidelines for a simple system; see below for ideas on
a more complex one.
> Crossbows and bolts:
> Bolts do a reasonably high base damage (equivalent to
> longsword?)
Ig. I wouldn't put them nearly that high; in fact, I'd give them the
same sort of damage value as an arrow. See below for more.
> Bolts are fast to shoot, but very slow to load. Increased skill
> does not speed up the loading process.
Increased strength, however, might speed it up. If characters can
have superhuman strength, they might even be able to cock a heavy
crossbow quickly.
> Bolts have the potential to pierce metal armor, including heavy
> plate, even on an ordinary strike.
For a more complex system, it might be a good idea to separate
penetration and damage values for weapons. A heavy crossbow will have
much higher penetration ability than a bow, but the maximum damage it
can inflict isn't greater -- a half-inch hole all the way through your
body is a half-inch hole all the way through your body (well, barring
the possibility of hydrostatic shock, but there's disagreement in the
ballistics community over it, and, in any case, a crossbow doesn't
have enough force to cause significant hydrostatic shock).
Alternatively, or possibly in conjunction, you might want to use a
blowthrough rule -- namely, that there's a maximum amount of damage
that can be done with one hit, and any damage above that maximum is
lost. If you want to get really complex, you can have the possibility
that a shot that blows through can hit something else further along
its path.
> Crossbows are not as accurate as traditional bows -- they have a
> lower potential for critical strikes, and aiming has less
> effect.
One important distinction is in the mode of firing. Crossbows,
especially heavy crossbows, tend to be direct fire weapons -- you aim
directly at the target and loose the bolt. Bows are direct fire at
short distances, but indirect fire at long distances -- meaning that
you aim above your target to allow for the fact that the arrow will
arc in its path.
That's what makes a crossbow so much easier for an inexperienced
shooter -- it's literally a point-and-shoot weapon. Shooting a bow
requires learning how far above your target you have to aim for a
given distance (actually, at very short distances, you have to aim
below your target, but that's another story).
This distinction can become very important in some situations. For
example, in a dungeon environment with ten-foot ceilings, a bow's
range becomes very restricted compared to that of a crossbow. On the
other hand, if you're outdoors, an experienced bowman will easily be
able to fire over a nearby group of friendly troops into a distant
enemy group, while a crossbowman will not.
On aiming, a graphical game might be able to use a system like that of
the paper RPG Millenium's End. That game uses a set of clear plastic
overlays for ranged weapons. The shooter places the overlay on a
shillouette of his/her target to indicate the point being aimed at,
then makes a skill roll to try to hit. The difficulty of the shot
(based on range, how the target is dodging, wind, and other factors)
is then subtracted from the roll. The overlay has a set of points,
each marked with numbers; the difference between the roll and the
difficulty determines which of those points is the actual spot hit --
which, with the shillouette of the target, determines where the target
was hit.
This allows the player to choose where to aim, while still keeping the
results at least partially dependent on character skill.
> Critical strikes are appropriately brutal.
> You cannot keep loaded crossbows in your backpack.
I don't think these last two are distinctions, really -- critical
strikes should be "appropriately brutal" for all weapons, and you
can't keep a loaded bow in your backpack either.
> There are other things that affect archery -- some of which are
> already part of the combat system as it stands -- but that's the
> general way I'd like to see archery work.
> (I guess this is what happens when you play a forester as your
> primary character for three years...)
Yep... ranger is my second-favorite xD&D class, myself...
|\ _,,,---,,_ Travis S. Casey <efindel@earthlink.net>
ZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ No one agrees with me. Not even me.
|,4- ) )-,_..;\ ( `'-'
'---''(_/--' `-'\_)
- [DGN] Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space Travis Casey
- Broken currencies Matt Mihaly
- The Sims Online (was MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Baron, Jonathan
- The Sims Online (was MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Sellers, Michael
- The Sims Online (was MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Baron, Jonathan
- The Sims Online (was MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Dave Rickey
- The Sims Online (was MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) F. Randall Farmer
- The Sims Online (was MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Lee Sheldon
- The Monad (was: Broken Economies) shren
- The Monad (was: Broken Economies) Matt Mihaly
- The Monad (was: Broken Economies) John Buehler
- The Monad (was: Broken Economies) Matt Mihaly
- A User's Guide to TCP Windows J C Lawrence
- Balance J C Lawrence
- Economic & Derek Licciardi
- Economic & Matt Mihaly
- Economic & Timothy Dang
- Money supply in game economies (formerly Broken economies) Matt Mihaly
- Money supply in game economies (formerly Brokeneconomies) geoffrey@yorku.ca
- Money supply in game economies (formerly Broken eco nomies) Koster, Raph
- Money supply in game economies (formerly Broken economies) Timothy Dang
- [DGN] Balancing Melee/Ranged Combat Kwon Ekstrom
- Room Searching - how about doors? Gavin Doughtie
- Tracking Hulbert, Leland
- Online Games get an overview Koster, Raph
- [DGN] Money supply in game economies (formerly Brok en economies) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- [DSG] Concrete idea behind currency (was: The Monad and Broken Economies) Paul Schwanz
- Majestic (was The Sims Online) Matt Mihaly
- Majestic (was The Sims Online) Baron, Jonathan
- Majestic (was The Sims Online) Matt Mihaly
- Majestic (was The Sims Online) Baron, Jonathan
- Majestic (was The Sims Online) Sellers, Michael
- Majestic (was The Sims Online) Matt Mihaly
- Majestic (was The Sims Online) Matt Mihaly
- Identity and Economies [was Money supply in game economies (formerly Broken eco nomies) ] Joe Andrieu
- Virtual Suicide (Was: Money supply in game economies) Dave Rickey
- Virtual Suicide (Was: Money supply in game economie s) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Virtual Suicide (Was: Money supply in game economies) Dave Rickey
- Virtual Suicide (Was: Money supply in game economie s) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- The Sims Online (was MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #301 - 15 msgs) Baron, Jonathan
- Distributed Muds Jim Craig
- [DSG] Money supply in game economies (was: Broken Economies) Paul Schwanz
- TECH DGN: (was Broken currencies) Nathan F.Yospe
- [DESIGN] Economic & Marian Griffith
- [DESIGN] Economic & Derek Licciardi
- [DESIGN] Economic & Marian Griffith
- [DESIGN] Economic & John Buehler
- [DESIGN] Economic & Travis Nixon
- [DESIGN] Economic & Travis Casey
- [DESIGN] Economic & Matt Mihaly
- [DESIGN] Economic & Travis Nixon
- [DESIGN] Economic & Matt Mihaly
- Author Unknown (was: Money supply in game economies) Emil Eifrém
- TECH: Distributed Muds Emil Eifrém
- TECH: Distributed Muds Jim Craig
- TECH: Distributed Muds Frank Crowell
- TECH: Distributed Muds Colin Coghill
- TECH: Distributed Muds Vincent Archer
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds Vincent Archer
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bruce
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Vincent Archer
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds Brian Hook
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds Brian Hook
- TECH: Distributed Muds Adam Martin
- Shattered World's economy John W Pierce
- Shattered World's economy Erik Jarvi
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) J C Lawrence
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Frank Crowell
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Lars Duening
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Vincent Archer
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Dave Rickey
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Matt Mihaly
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Vincent Archer
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) shren
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) John Buehler
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Ian Macintosh
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Matt Mihaly
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Matt Mihaly
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) J C Lawrence
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Travis Casey
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Matt Mihaly
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Vincent Archer
- [BIZ] Advertising sprawl (yahoo) Matt Mihaly
- RG Interview Cassandra
- NEWS DGN Wired News article about EQ Zak Jarvis
- [DESIGN] Economy goals (was: Broken currencies) Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Economy goals (was: Broken currencies) shren
- [DESIGN] Economy goals (was: Broken currencies) Freeman, Jeff
- [DESIGN] Economy goals (was: Broken currencies) Derek Licciardi
- [DESIGN] Economy goals (was: Broken currencies) Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Economy goals (was: Broken currencies) Freeman, Jeff
- [DESIGN] Economy goals (was: Broken currencies) Adam Martin
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Bob McFakename
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Lynx
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Matt Mihaly
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Bob McFakename
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Matt Mihaly
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Phillip Lenhardt
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Matt Mihaly
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Travis Casey
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Mordengaard
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Michael Tresca
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Trump
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Dave Rickey
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich Effect' Michael Tresca
- Movie grosses Matt Mihaly
- Movie grosses Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- Movie grosses Koster, Raph
- Movie grosses Matt Mihaly
- Movie grosses Myschyf
- Movie grosses Matt Mihaly
- StarPeace (was Money supply in game economies) Michael Dekker
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bobby Martin
- TECH: Distributed Muds Adam Martin
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bruce
- TECH: Distributed Muds Vincent Archer
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds Brian Hook
- TECH: Distributed Muds Nick Walker
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds Brian Hook
- TECH: Distributed Muds shren
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Brian Hook
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds shren
- TECH: Distributed Muds Eli Stevens
- TECH: Distributed Muds John Buehler
- TECH: Distributed Muds Kevin Littlejohn
- TECH: Distributed Muds John Buehler
- TECH: Distributed Muds Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Matthew D. Fuller
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds Vincent Archer
- TECH: Distributed Muds Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: Distributed Muds Christopher Kohnert
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds Jon Lambert
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: Distributed Muds Jon Lambert
- TECH: Distributed Muds Matthew D. Fuller
- TECH: Distributed Muds Owen
- TECH: Distributed Muds Jon Lambert
- TECH: Distributed Muds Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: Distributed Muds shren
- TECH: Distributed Muds Jon Lambert
- TECH: Distributed Muds Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: Distributed Muds Jon Leonard
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bruce
- TECH: Distributed Muds Kevin Littlejohn
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bruce
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Kwon Ekstrom
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bruce
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bruce
- TECH: Distributed Muds Kwon Ekstrom
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bruce
- TECH: Distributed Muds Neil Brown
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bruce
- TECH: Distributed Muds Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: Distributed Muds Derek Snider
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds shren
- TECH: Distributed Muds John Buehler
- TECH: Distributed Muds Steven Fleischaker
- TECH: Distributed Muds Jon Lambert
- TECH: Distributed Muds Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- TECH: Distributed Muds Christopher Kohnert
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Chris Gray
- TECH: Distributed Muds Kwon Ekstrom
- TECH: Distributed Muds Bruce
- TECH: Distributed Muds Vincent Archer
- TECH: Distributed Muds Brad Roberts
- TECH: Distributed Muds Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Economic & Currency Solutions Phillip Lenhardt
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich' Effect Bob McFakename
- Curtailing the 'Super-Rich' Effect Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- TECH: Flash Crowds and overflow control Gavin Doughtie
- TECH: Flash Crowds and overflow control Marc Bowden
- TECH: Flash Crowds and overflow control Vincent Archer
- TECH: Flash Crowds and overflow control Koster, Raph
- TECH: Flash Crowds and overflow control J C Lawrence
- TECH: Flash Crowds and overflow control Marc Bowden
- TECH: Flash Crowds and overflow control Justin Rogers
- BUSINESS: I need Online Gaming Revenue Projections. F. Randall Farmer
- [DESIGN] Economic & Currency Solutions Vincent Archer
- [DESIGN] Economic & Currency Solutions Timothy Dang
- [DESIGN] Economic & Currency Solutions Taylor Daynes
- [DESIGN] Economic & Currency Solutions Vincent Archer
- ADMIN: Moving... J C Lawrence
- UO and eBay figures Koster, Raph
- MUD for sale Chris Gray
- MUD for sale Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- MUD for sale Dave Rickey
- MUD for sale Bruce
- MUD for sale Chris Gray
- MUD for sale Kevin Littlejohn
- ADMIN: The move and current status J C Lawrence
- Virtual Suicide (Was: Money supply in game economies) Martin Burke
- TECH: Java ARMI Bobby Martin
- TECH: AmigaMud DB questions Bruce
- TECH: AmigaMud DB questions Chris Gray
- TECH: AmigaMud DB questions Bruce
- TECH: AmigaMud DB questions Chris Gray
- TECH: AmigaMud DB questions Jon Lambert
- Kuro5hin: What can games teach us about human-computer interaction? J C Lawrence
- Review of Galactic Emperor: Succession in LumTheMad's Forums Christopher Allen
- [BIZ] New EQ Expansion Daniel.Harman@barclayscapital.com
- Twisted Python J C Lawrence
- [TECH] Distributed MUD Kwon Ekstrom
- [TECH] Distributed MUD Jeremy Noetzelman
- [TECH] Distributed MUD Kwon Ekstrom
- [TECH] Distributed MUD J C Lawrence
- EQ: what makes a zone interesting? Frank Crowell
- EQ: what makes a zone interesting? J C Lawrence
- EQ: what makes a zone interesting? shren
- EQ: what makes a zone interesting? J C Lawrence
- EQ: what makes a zone interesting? Elia Morling
- Imaginary Realities - April 2001 David Bennett
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent bruce@puremagic.com
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Jessica Mulligan
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Bruce
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Frank Crowell
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Kwon Ekstrom
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent John Robert Arras
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Jon Lambert
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent John Buehler
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Frank Crowell
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Travis Nixon
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Marian Griffith
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent John Buehler
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Dave Rickey
- [BIZ][TECH] worlds.com gets patent Derek Licciardi
- called shots Josh Rollyson
- called shots Matt Mihaly
- called shots Mordengaard
- called shots Ling Lo
- called shots shren
- called shots John Buehler
- called shots Kwon Ekstrom
- called shots Travis Casey
- called shots Travis Casey
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Brad Roberts
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Dominic J. Eidson
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Bruce
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Derek Snider
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Bruce
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Derek Snider
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Alex
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) shren
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Derek Snider
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) John Buehler
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) John Buehler
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Kwon Ekstrom
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Derek Licciardi
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) John Buehler
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) John Buehler
- TECH: reliablity (was: Distributed Muds) Kwon Ekstrom
- TECH: prefetching/madvise (was: Distributed Muds) Bruce
- TECH: prefetching/madvise (was: Distributed Muds) Matthew D. Fuller
- TECH: Distributed Muds J C Lawrence
- TECH: Distributed Muds Scion Altera
- Re:called shots Eric Lamy
- Where are we now? Greg Munt
- Where are we now? Ronan Farrell
- Where are we now? Matt Mihaly
- Where are we now? Greg Munt
- Where are we now? Ronan Farrell
- Where are we now? Adam Martin
- Where are we now? Bryce Harrington
- Where are we now? Deidril
- Where are we now? Bryce Harrington
- Where are we now? Elia Morling
- Where are we now? Matt Mihaly
- Where are we now? McManus, Susan
- Where are we now? Matt Mihaly
- Where are we now? Kwon Ekstrom
- Where are we now? Brian Hook
- Where are we now? Kwon Ekstrom
- Where are we now? Michael Tresca
- Where are we now? S. Patrick Gallaty
- Where are we now? Greg Munt
- Where are we now? S. Patrick Gallaty
- Where are we now? Matt Mihaly
- Where are we now? Koster, Raph
- Where are we now? Greg Munt
- Where are we now? Matt Mihaly
- Where are we now? Greg Munt
- Where are we now? Matt Mihaly
- Where are we now? Bruce
- Where are we now? Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Where are we now? Koster, Raph
- Where are we now? Richard A. Bartle
- Where are we now? Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Where are we now? Bruce
- Where are we now? Greg Munt
- Where are we now? Koster, Raph
- Where are we now? rayzam
- Where are we now? Madman Across the Water
- Where are we now? Bryce Harrington
- Where are we now? Madman Across the Water
- Where are we now? Freeman, Jeff
- TECH: DBM vs BDB speeds (was: AmigaMud DB questions) Bruce
- fault tolerance and character files Steven Fleischaker
- fault tolerance and character files Kwon Ekstrom
- fault tolerance and character files Bruce
- fault tolerance and character files Kwon Ekstrom
- fault tolerance and character files Vincent Archer