October 2000
- Interactive Fiction Competition 2000 Aaron Mitchell
- trade skill idea msew
- trade skill idea Josh Olson
- trade skill idea Koster, Raph
- trade skill idea Josh Olson
- trade skill idea Koster, Raph
- trade skill idea Matthew Mihaly
- trade skill idea Koster, Raph
- trade skill idea Josh Olson
- trade skill idea Koster, Raph
- trade skill idea Matthew Mihaly
- trade skill idea msew
- trade skill idea Travis Casey
- trade skill idea Josh Olson
- trade skill idea Zak Jarvis
- trade skill idea John Buehler
- trade skill idea Dave Rickey
- trade skill idea Zak Jarvis
- trade skill idea Josh Olson
- trade skill idea Mordengaard
- trade skill idea Richard Tew
- trade skill idea Val Trullinger
- trade skill idea Phillip Lenhardt
- trade skill idea John Buehler
- trade skill idea Matthew Mihaly
- trade skill idea msew
- trade skill idea Wes Connell
- trade skill idea Matthew Mihaly
- trade skill idea Brad Wyble
- trade skill idea Vincent Archer
- trade skill idea Jeff Freeman
- trade skill idea Corey Crawford
- trade skill idea Yves K
- trade skill idea Koster, Raph
- trade skill idea Tamzen Cannoy
- trade skill idea Robert Zubek
- trade skill idea Patrick Dughi
- trade skill idea Koster, Raph
- trade skill idea Matthew Mihaly
- trade skill idea Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- trade skill idea msew
- trade skill idea Koster, Raph
- trade skill idea Matthew Mihaly
- trade skill idea Josh Olson
- trade skill idea Matthew Mihaly
- trade skill idea Koster, Raph
- trade skill idea msew
- trade skill idea Batir
- trade skill idea Arabis2000@aol.com
- Open Source 3D Interactive World Server Ian Macintosh
- Reactive keyboard J C Lawrence
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #243 - 14 msgs Dr. Cat
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Ananda Dawnsinger
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Madman Across the Water
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? sverre@munthe.net
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Jeff Freeman
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Matthew Mihaly
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Marc Bowden
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Ananda Dawnsinger
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Zak Jarvis
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Madman Across the Water
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Vincent Archer
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Dave Rickey
- Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Ananda Dawnsinger
- Mud / Web Integeration Lee Hulbert
- Mud / Web Integeration Wes Connell
- Mud / Web Integeration Bruce
- Mud / Web Integeration Bruce
- Mud / Web Integeration KevinL
- Mud / Web Integeration msew
- Mud / Web Integeration msew
- Mud / Web Integeration Richard Tew
- Mud / Web Integeration Nathan F. Yospe
Lee Hulbert <hulbert@superior.net> said:
> The idea of help files available on web pages ahs given me an
> interesting idea. Has anyone thought of giving new players a web page and
> a
> graphical
> (Java,cgi,perl, whatever) interface for creating a new character? Put the
> basic character creation functions into a web form, and allow the players
> to
> adjust their choices at will before creating a final character file. Maybe
> even a graphic that changes based on player choices. When final tweaking
> is
> done, the page could submit the completed character to admins(if that's a
> required step) or directly to the game server, to activate that account. A
> user-friendly character creation scheme, and a (slight) load off the game
> server, by relgating that function to the web server. Sound feasible?
> Admittedly, I am a lurker, and not even capable of coding a standard MUD
> engine, but the idea has merit(I think)
Take it a step further. Let me expound upon a method for coordinating a
web page and a mud (using an imbedded non-telnet text client-server with
either java or java applet architecture) in such a way as to allow parts
of the game to be run from the web interface without serious penalty and
with minimal slowdown. It does require three machines in the same local
network, which means it would be far more appropriate for the commercial
market, but...
Let's start with the servers. Technically, they don't have to be on the
different machines proposed. A smaller version could run comfortably on
a single headless Linux box...
The servers are as follows:
Engine/Database - Compiled core with database architechture of choice, a
means of communicating between that database and the web server. Should
not require extensive control of data integrity... a clone method would,
given a good design, suffice to allow collision resolution without large
discrepencies. Don't allow the web server to update anything that would
not be player-motivated - eg, if the player submits a change of armament
from the plasma rifle to the trumpet of ragnorak, the action queue would
be a database object and would get updated; alternately, the web changes
would be realtime, but would perform a check between removing the plasma
rifle and placing the trumpet to make sure the trumpet exists. If there
is a game event that destroys the trumpet, it should be destroyed at the
next point checked. Simple locking would solve the potential problem of
the trumpet getting destroyed, then reappearing weilded, having been, in
the wake of two colliding events, checked and found, destroyed, added to
the hand, and removed from the inventory sack. Of course, architecture,
ultimately, determines what potential problems might arise.
Web/Applet server - Applets link directly to the engine and sockets with
characters on them. They provide text I/O (possibly compressed?) and an
assortment of triggers to the pages themselves, possibly. A second set,
given the deign to support it, might be a downstream only trigger to any
number of graphical elements, served by a second web server. A special,
persistant cache could be stored on the client machine and run through a
plug-in to the browser to provide permanent graphical chaching.
Web pages are assembled by a library of cgi elements. I'd propose using
C++ and giving a broad path to the database machine. I've got a design,
that I've spent much time on, for a development system for C++ web based
binaries that can be compiled or assembled as sgml templates, which will
generate C++ classes when run through a precompiler, and reversed to the
sgml form with a command. They're pretty neat... rapid aplications, for
rapid deployment. I've been working on them for a couple of years, with
some nice results, which is fortunate, because I've just been introduced
to a commercial tool which purports to allow similar results by inferior
Submits on these pages regen the page and write to the database. What a
given submit writes is determined by another sgml template/C++ class set
that is loaded after the submit parsing executes.
Graphics/Data server - Optional third leg, allows intensive services the
luxury of their own machine and network connection. Requests originate,
and are responded to, on the client pages. Graphics, sound, data, which
the design might allow for, should not burden the gameplay...
nathan.yospe@isearch.com Born In Don't mind me, I'm just insane
New home page TBA The Year of there's someone else here,
Other contact info the Tiger in my brain.
available by request Riding it Forever After -wibble-
- Declaration of the Rights of Avatars sverre@munthe.net
- Declaration of the Rights of Avatars Matthew Mihaly
- Declaration of the Rights of Avatars Justin Rogers
- Declaration of the Rights of Avatars Andy
- OT: Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Brian 'Psychochild' Green
- OT: Banning Players for Off-Site Activities? Ananda Dawnsinger
- Grandmaster Nuclear Safety Technicion or Grandmaster Warrior ( was John Szeder
- Alternate Means of EQUAL Enjoyment (formerly trade skill idea) Geoffrey MacDougall
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Richard Tew
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Zak Jarvis
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Inq Admin
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Richard Tew
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Matthew Mihaly
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Koster, Raph
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Richard Tew
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Matthew Mihaly
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Richard Tew
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Inq Admin
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain William McCarroll
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Matthew Mihaly
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Mordengaard
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Justin Rogers
- Realistic travel times/virtual terrain Matthew Mihaly
- Grandmaster Nuclear Safety Technicion or Grandmaster Willowreed@aol.com
- [world-create] Progressive Aristocracy (fwd) J C Lawrence
- [world-create] Progressive Aristocracy (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- VRML Richard Tew
- Admin: System outage J C Lawrence
- absolute vs. relative coords KevinL
- absolute vs. relative coords Inq Admin
- absolute vs. relative coords Nathan F. Yospe
- ADMIN: More troubles I'm afraid, and the details of the recovery. J C Lawrence
- integrated character webpages ala Black and White creature pages msew
- integrated character webpages ala Black and White creature pages msew
- Admin: Kang.Nu troubles J C Lawrence
- Admin: Kanga.Nu troubles... J C Lawrence
- travel times (commercial/graphical vs grassroots/text) Fredfish {E. Harper}
- travel times (commercial/graphical vs grassroots/text) the_logos@www.achaea.com
- Admin: We're back in business J C Lawrence
- Triangular Damage Infliction System Ben
- Triangular Damage Infliction System Ben Chambers
- Triangular Damage Infliction System Travis Casey
- Fwd: absolute vs. relative coords Nathan F.Yospe
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? Christopher Allen
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? Chris Lloyd
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? tanis@mediacom.it
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? Christopher Allen
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? Federico Di Gregorio
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? Christopher Allen
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? Frank Crowell
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? Frank Crowell
- Opinions (even harsh) on Castle Marrach by Skotos? Christopher Allen