December 1999
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD?
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD?
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Marc Bowden
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Lo, Kam
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Marc Hernandez
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Kræn Munck
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD?
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Andrew Norman
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Mik Clarke
- New member IronWolf
- Scenarios Chris Lloyd
- ColdStore J C Lawrence
- New AI Engine released Fabian
- New AI Engine released Steve Houchard
- New AI Engine released Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- New AI Engine released Elysium
- AI's in MUDS and Online Gaming IronWolf
- AI's in MUDS and Online Gaming Matthew Mihaly
- AI's in MUDS and Online Gaming IronWolf
- AI's in MUDS and Online Gaming Ryan P.
- Garbage Collection Miroslav Silovic
- Capture of players. (was: Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Kræn Munck
- Capture of players. (was: Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) J C Lawrence
- Capture of players. (was: Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Chris Lloyd
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Richard Ross
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Mik Clarke
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) J C Lawrence
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Greg Miller
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Dundee
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Travis S. Casey
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Douglas Couch
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Marc Hernandez
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) J C Lawrence
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Mik Clarke
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Nolan Darilek
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Chimera
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Ilya, Game Commandos
- Ideas for dynamic worlds J C Lawrence
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Nolan Darilek
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Joe Kingry
- Ideas for dynamic worlds David Morgan
- The GTS Library J C Lawrence
- Combat systems Neil Edwards
- Combat systems Kylotan
- Combat systems Kylotan
- Combat systems Chris Lloyd
- Combat systems J C Lawrence
- Combat systems Marc Spoorendonk
- Combat Systems Ben
- Combat Systems Raph Koster
- Metakit J C Lawrence
- Commercial Online Roleplaying Games (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Mud-Dev FAQ Marian Griffith
- Mass bannings (was The grass is always greener in the other field) AR Schleicher
- Game Balance: Statistical Analysis in MPORPGs Lovecraft
- Game Balance: Statistical Analysis in MPORPGs Koster, Raph
- Biosystems & simulation [RAMBLE] Ben Greear
- Souveniers Douglas Couch
- Souveniers Lovecraft
- Souveniers J C Lawrence
- Souveniers Raph & Kristen Koster
- Souveniers J C Lawrence
- Souveniers Raph & Kristen Koster
- Ideas for dynamically generated worlds Cynbe ru Taren
- Ideas for dynamically generated worlds J C Lawrence
- Balancing between anxiety and boredom (was Fair/Unf air? Scenarios (fwd) ) Sellers, Michael
- Online Migration and population mobility in a virtual gaming setting - Ultima Online J C Lawrence
- lockpicking Matthew Mihaly
- Optimized Object Storage Ian Macintosh
- Optimized Object Storage Sellers, Michael
- Optimized Object Storage Matthew Mihaly
- Optimized Object Storage J C Lawrence
- Optimized Object Storage Ian Macintosh
- Optimized Object Storage Ian Macintosh
- Optimized Object Storage Sellers, Michael
- Optimized Object Storage Ian Macintosh
- The Habitat Papers are missing J C Lawrence
- Waving Hands -- Debian's Spellcast for Linux J C Lawrence
- Waving Hands -- Debian's Spellcast for Linux Dan Shiovitz
- Waving Hands -- Debian's Spellcast for Linux Travis Casey
- Waving Hands -- Debian's Spellcast for Linux J C Lawrence
- Upload to J C Lawrence
- Farewell again Ilya, GC
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks method
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks J C Lawrence
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks Ilya, GC
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks J C Lawrence
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) Ben Greear
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) Christopher Allen
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) Christopher Allen
- MUD source licensing: beyond GPL? (fwd) J C Lawrence
- MUD source licensing: beyond GPL? (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Classes and Races and more (a BIG list) (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Originality/Points of Reference (was Classes and Races and more (a BIG list) (fwd)) Richard Ross
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
------- Forwarded Message
From: "Daniel A. Koepke" <>
Subject: Re: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 11:44:57 -0800
On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Wesley W. Terpstra wrote:
> Our plans (at present) are to make a compiler/interpreter for a custom
> OO language and build the actual MUD completely in this language. As I
> understand it, MOO already takes this approach. What I would like to
> gather is a list of features that people consider essential to a MUD
> programming language.
As do LPMUDs, Pike-based MUDs, ColdMud, CoolMud, and a handful of others.
There's no shortage of Mud drivers, really. Although new entries are
always welcome.
As to what people consider essential to a MUD programming language, that's
heavily dependent upon what you're intending to express in that language.
Regardless, the language should:
* be high level and provide good string and list management;
* not have pointers;
* have a consistent, clean syntax;
* eliminate superfluous syntax constructions, especially those that
give the coder "artistic freedom" with the code;
* for OO languages, multiple inheritence is nice;
There are a number of other features the language should have. My reasons
for the above core requirements:
* strings and lists are integral to any Mud; simplified handling of
them over C is important. A character type is less important, and
could safely be eliminated given an expansive-enough string and
list implementation.
* pointers are not always bad things, but here they are. Too much
trouble for what they're worth, and with built-in string and list
management, there should be no reason for them.
* try to eliminate keywords/operators that shift in meaning by context
as this leads to confusing code. Keep the purpose and priority of
each operator very clear; avoid reusing operators for different
purposes. I.e., using '+' for arithmetic and for concatenation is
sometimes confusing, and usually bad form.
* e.g., in a C-based language, eliminate the semi-colon and force
statements to appear on separate lines. Be much less flexible than
C (to demonstrate how flexible C is, try:
char abc[4] = "abc";
printf("%c\r\n", 1[abc]);
and see what you get). My rationale here is that Muds are much
more controlled environments underwhich to program; while artistic
and obfuscated code is a great diversion, there's no reason to
permit such abominations in a Mud. Enforce good style (to a point)
in the language; leave other matters to a Mud's style guide for its
* to make a Dwarf Fighter mobile, I should inherit instances of a
Dwarf object, a Fighter object, and a mobile object. These are
abstract interfaces (i.e., these objects do not appear as instances
within the game world by-themselves) and can be used to construct
the attributes of new entities of several types with a minimum of
code repition. One of the major benefits being that if I have a
Shovel which inherits the classes Steel_Spade and Wood_Shaft, and
I decide to make Pitchfork (which derives from Steel_Fork and
Wood_Shaft) stop working if its in a fire (i.e., we destroy the
Wood_Shaft), I implement this new feature in Wood_Shaft and then
Shovel and Pitchfork share this feature, without both having to
reproduce the Wood_Shaft code and having completely different
player actions (provided by the utility of the Spade or Fork).
Of course, better than implementing an entirely new language, etc., etc.,
you might go the course of using an existing extension language. Scheme
is a nice language (if you've got a Lisp fetish, anyway). There are many
> I also wanted to know of what MUDs currently implement any of the
> following: multithreading,
Hrm. I can't think of any off the top of my head. I'm pretty sure a few
do, of course.
> guis,
That's a client-side issue. At least, if you mean to say a graphical
interface to playing the game. There are several things out there that
fit this bill, possibly too numerous and varied to list. There's a list
of graphical Muds at The Mud Connector.
> exploiting client processors,
Again, that's a client-side issue. It's relatively trivial to offload
some of the work of the main Mud to the client. Also, however, it's
relatively pointless with the vast majority of Muds. I've seen very few
Muds running over 5% of the CPU with good reason. Which isn't to say
yours won't be one of those few; just insure that you have a purpose in
the exploitation, and aren't just introducing network lag on cheap
> pgp certificates about players so their characters can move from one
> server to another w/o the two servers ever talking directly.
None (that I know of). There are Muds that allow passing of players to
other servers. Uber/Unter, Cool/Cold might be valid research.
A better thing to do than listen to me, here, is to check the Mud-Dev
archives, located at Follow the appropriate, and
logical links, to the Mailing list archives.
- -dak : Remove my SPAMGUARD to e-mail me. Yeah, it's silly...
------- End of Forwarded Message - Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Justin Rogers
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Justin Rogers
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Christopher Kohnert
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Jon A. Lambert
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Wesley W. Terpstra
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Wesley W. Terpstra
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Originality/Points of Reference Ian Klimon, Esq.
- Job Openings - Mud Engineering Christopher Allen
- PGP player certificates (was: collecting ideas...) Wesley W. Terpstra
- PGP player certificates (was: collecting ideas...) David Bennett
- Re[4]: The grass is always greener in the other field Travis Casey
- Re[4]: The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- Re[4]: The grass is always greener in the other field Adam Wiggins
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) Wesley W. Terpstra
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) J C Lawrence
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) Marc Bowden
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) Greg Miller
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- PGP confusions hopefully resolved (was: collecting ideas ...) Wesley W. Terpstra
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #237 - 9 msgs Dr. Cat
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #237 - 9 msgs J C Lawrence
- MUD relevant references (was: The grass is always greener...) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Re[6]: The grass is always greener in the other field Travis Casey
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Joe Kingry
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Laurent Bossavit
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Kevin Littlejohn
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. J C Lawrence
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. J C Lawrence
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Jay Carlson
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Jay Carlson
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. J C Lawrence
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack.
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Kevin Littlejohn
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Rahul Sinha
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Kevin Littlejohn
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Phillip Lenhardt
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Dominic J. Eidson
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Chris Jones
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Per Vognsen
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Chris Turner
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Greg Miller
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence