December 1999
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD?
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD?
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Marc Bowden
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Lo, Kam
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Marc Hernandez
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Kræn Munck
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD?
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Andrew Norman
- Neural Networks as the AI system for a MUD? Mik Clarke
- New member IronWolf
- Scenarios Chris Lloyd
- ColdStore J C Lawrence
- ColdStore Miroslav Silovic
- ColdStore Cynbe ru Taren
Miroslav Silovic <> wrote:
| J C Lawrence <> writes:
| > ColdStore is a gigabyte-scale persistent object store ...
| Ok, I did more extensive research into this (mostly because I know the
| authors).
Thank you for a very informative post!
I've been watching ColdStore out of the corner of my eye
without having had time to take a serious look at it.
I'm particularly interested because I'm planning on converting
Muq to using mmap() next year. Your comments suggest that
perhaps I should retain the ability to run non-mmap()ed when I do.
| With mmap, you're limited to the largest contiguous segment in
| your address space, which really is about 1 gb on most OSes.
Did you mean "most 32-bit OSes"?
I don't mean to carp, but outside of Intel x86 boxes, 32-bits
seems basically dead, and I'd presumed that the 64-bit world
was roomier than this?
| - bug recovery is nonexistent. If your broken C++ code hits mmaped
| memory, you can say goodbye to the entire db.
You obviously have alternatives in mind, but they aren't clear to
I'd guess broken C++ code hitting memory could in principle trash
any db, but you see the risks as several orders of magnitude greater
when the entire db is memory-mapped, vs just a cache of it?
Or do you have solutions in mind for doing bug recovery well in
mmap()ed implementations, which ColdStore merely isn't implementing?
| - db format is highly non-portable. It's not just architecture
| dependant, it's C++ compiler dependant (as object layout may change).
Is the db format COFF? Or what was the relationship to COFF? Or
am I misunderstanding completely some of the ColdStore-related
traffic I vaguely remember?
| BTW, has there been any discussion on the list on incremental/generational
| GC? (that works best for MUDs by far, IMHO - you can really bump up your
| realtime response once you implement incrementality properly).
You sound knowledgable: I'd be interested to hear you comment further.
In Muq, I'm currently using a plain-jane mark-and-sweep monolithic
gc I hacked together one weekend just to have something rather than
I've been contemplating going to a two-generation system and/or
implementing Dijkstra's three-color incremental algorithm.
(I believe Muq's architecture, based on soft pointers indirected
through in essence a software MMU, should make Dijkstra's algorithm
particularly easy to implement.)
Is there prior mud art with other approaches? Are there working
systems or good references I should be boning up on before proceeding?
Once again, thanks for taking time to make a very informative post!
Cynbe - ColdStore Miroslav Silovic
- ColdStore Cynbe ru Taren
- ColdStore J C Lawrence
- ColdStore Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- New AI Engine released Fabian
- New AI Engine released Steve Houchard
- New AI Engine released Bruce Mitchener, Jr.
- New AI Engine released Elysium
- AI's in MUDS and Online Gaming IronWolf
- AI's in MUDS and Online Gaming Matthew Mihaly
- AI's in MUDS and Online Gaming IronWolf
- AI's in MUDS and Online Gaming Ryan P.
- Garbage Collection Miroslav Silovic
- Capture of players. (was: Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Kræn Munck
- Capture of players. (was: Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) J C Lawrence
- Capture of players. (was: Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Chris Lloyd
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Richard Ross
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Philip Loguinov -- Draymoor
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Mik Clarke
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) J C Lawrence
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Greg Miller
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Dundee
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Travis S. Casey
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Douglas Couch
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Marc Hernandez
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) J C Lawrence
- Biosystems (was Fair/Unfair? Scenarios) Mik Clarke
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Nolan Darilek
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Chimera
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Ilya, Game Commandos
- Ideas for dynamic worlds J C Lawrence
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Nolan Darilek
- Ideas for dynamic worlds Joe Kingry
- Ideas for dynamic worlds David Morgan
- The GTS Library J C Lawrence
- Combat systems Neil Edwards
- Combat systems Kylotan
- Combat systems Kylotan
- Combat systems Chris Lloyd
- Combat systems J C Lawrence
- Combat systems Marc Spoorendonk
- Combat Systems Ben
- Combat Systems Raph Koster
- Metakit J C Lawrence
- Commercial Online Roleplaying Games (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Mud-Dev FAQ Marian Griffith
- Mass bannings (was The grass is always greener in the other field) AR Schleicher
- Game Balance: Statistical Analysis in MPORPGs Lovecraft
- Game Balance: Statistical Analysis in MPORPGs Koster, Raph
- Biosystems & simulation [RAMBLE] Ben Greear
- Souveniers Douglas Couch
- Souveniers Lovecraft
- Souveniers J C Lawrence
- Souveniers Raph & Kristen Koster
- Souveniers J C Lawrence
- Souveniers Raph & Kristen Koster
- Ideas for dynamically generated worlds Cynbe ru Taren
- Ideas for dynamically generated worlds J C Lawrence
- Balancing between anxiety and boredom (was Fair/Unf air? Scenarios (fwd) ) Sellers, Michael
- Online Migration and population mobility in a virtual gaming setting - Ultima Online J C Lawrence
- lockpicking Matthew Mihaly
- Optimized Object Storage Ian Macintosh
- Optimized Object Storage Sellers, Michael
- Optimized Object Storage Matthew Mihaly
- Optimized Object Storage J C Lawrence
- Optimized Object Storage Ian Macintosh
- Optimized Object Storage Ian Macintosh
- Optimized Object Storage Sellers, Michael
- Optimized Object Storage Ian Macintosh
- The Habitat Papers are missing J C Lawrence
- Waving Hands -- Debian's Spellcast for Linux J C Lawrence
- Waving Hands -- Debian's Spellcast for Linux Dan Shiovitz
- Waving Hands -- Debian's Spellcast for Linux Travis Casey
- Waving Hands -- Debian's Spellcast for Linux J C Lawrence
- Upload to J C Lawrence
- Farewell again Ilya, GC
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks method
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks J C Lawrence
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks Ilya, GC
- Telnet Protocol and Winsocks J C Lawrence
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) Ben Greear
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) Christopher Allen
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Proper liscense for MUD source? Perhaps not GPL... (fwd) Christopher Allen
- MUD source licensing: beyond GPL? (fwd) J C Lawrence
- MUD source licensing: beyond GPL? (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Classes and Races and more (a BIG list) (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Originality/Points of Reference (was Classes and Races and more (a BIG list) (fwd)) Richard Ross
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Justin Rogers
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Justin Rogers
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Christopher Kohnert
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Matthew Mihaly
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Jon A. Lambert
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Wesley W. Terpstra
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Wesley W. Terpstra
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Greg Miller
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) Rahul Sinha
- Collecting ideas for a MUD server... (fwd) J C Lawrence
- Originality/Points of Reference Ian Klimon, Esq.
- Job Openings - Mud Engineering Christopher Allen
- PGP player certificates (was: collecting ideas...) Wesley W. Terpstra
- PGP player certificates (was: collecting ideas...) David Bennett
- Re[4]: The grass is always greener in the other field Travis Casey
- Re[4]: The grass is always greener in the other field J C Lawrence
- Re[4]: The grass is always greener in the other field Adam Wiggins
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) Wesley W. Terpstra
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) J C Lawrence
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) Marc Bowden
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) Greg Miller
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt
- Two threads forced to one CPU? (was: Collecting ideas for a MUD server...) cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- PGP confusions hopefully resolved (was: collecting ideas ...) Wesley W. Terpstra
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #237 - 9 msgs Dr. Cat
- MUD-Dev digest, Vol 1 #237 - 9 msgs J C Lawrence
- MUD relevant references (was: The grass is always greener...) Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Re[6]: The grass is always greener in the other field Travis Casey
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Joe Kingry
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Laurent Bossavit
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Kevin Littlejohn
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. J C Lawrence
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. J C Lawrence
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Jay Carlson
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Jay Carlson
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. J C Lawrence
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack.
- Embedded languages, object persistance... ack. Kevin Littlejohn
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Rahul Sinha
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Kevin Littlejohn
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Phillip Lenhardt
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Dominic J. Eidson
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Chris Jones
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence
- Storing tokens with flex & bison cg@ami-cg.GraySage.Edmonton.AB.CA
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Per Vognsen
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Chris Turner
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Christer Enfors
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Jon A. Lambert
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence
- Storing tokens with flex & bison Greg Miller
- Storing tokens with flex & bison J C Lawrence