October 1997
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides Koster, Raph
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides Nathan Yospe
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides Chris Gray
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides ##Make Nylander
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides ##Make Nylander
- Usability and interface and who the hell is supposed to clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- 101 Spells Not Worth Memorizing clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- more classes (Usability and interface and who the Brian Price
- more classes (Usability and interface and who the Matt Chatterley
- more classes (Usability and interface and who the coder@ibm.net
- Stranger in a Strange Land (was Usability and interface and Maddy
- Tablets. Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Stranger in a Strange Land (was Usability and interface clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- Usability and interface ... Marian Griffith
- Usability and interface ... Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Usability and interface ... Broly
- Usability and interface ... Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Usability and interface ... Derrick Jones
- Usability and interface ... coder@ibm.net
- Usability and interface ... Derrick Jones
- Usability and interface ... coder@ibm.net
- Usability and interface ... coder@ibm.net
- Usability and interface ... Marian Griffith
- Turn-based Combat Jon A. Lambert
- Turn-based Combat Travis Casey
- Turn-based Combat John G.
- OT: I'm moving! coder@ibm.net
- (fwd) New mud release coder@ibm.net
- Riddles for games clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- Riddles for games Chris Gray
- Riddles for games coder@ibm.net
- The Trap Collection clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- Learning through failure Jon A. Lambert
- Learning through failure Maddy
- The Trap Collection - Volume II clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- (fwd) New MUD software wanted? coder@ibm.net
- (fwd) New MUD software wanted? Felix A. Croes
- (fwd) New MUD software wanted? coder@ibm.net
- META: File attachments as list postings. coder@ibm.net
- More Riddles... Jon A. Lambert
- More Riddles... Jon A. Lambert
- multiple intelligences Brandon J. Rickman
- multiple intelligences Travis Casey
- multiple intelligences Brandon J. Rickman
- multiple intelligences S001GMU@nova.wright.edu
- multiple intelligences Travis S. Casey
- multiple intelligences coder@ibm.net
- OT: Usability and interface and who the hell is suppo coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Michael Hohensee
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- The Official T$R Book of Adventure Suggestions coder@ibm.net
- Mud governance Koster, Raph
- Mud governance Felix A. Croes
- Mud governance Mike Sellers
- Mud governance Travis Casey
- Mud governance coder@ibm.net
- Mud governance Mike Sellers
- Mud governance coder@ibm.net
- Mud governance S001GMU@nova.wright.edu
- Mud governance coder@ibm.net
- Mud governance Koster, Raph
- Mud governance coder@ibm.net
- OT: Usability and interface and who the hell is su Jon A. Lambert
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Nathan Yospe
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Sauron
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Brandon J. Rickman
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Jon A. Lambert
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Adam Wiggins
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Sauron
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Jon A. Lambert
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Vadim Tkachenko
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Sauron
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Stephen Zepp
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Matt Chatterley
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Vadim Tkachenko
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Stephen Zepp
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Matt Chatterley
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Alex Oren
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Alex Oren
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Koster, Raph
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Chris Gray
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Richard Woolcock
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Stephen Zepp
- META: List burp coder@ibm.net
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) Derrick Jones
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) Matt Chatterley
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) coder@ibm.net
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) coder@ibm.net
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) Derrick Jones
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) coder@ibm.net
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) Derrick Jones
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) coder@ibm.net
On 02/11/97 at 09:43 AM, Derrick Jones <gunther@online1.magnus1.com> said:
>On Sat, 1 Nov 1997 coder@ibm.net wrote:
>> On 29/10/97 at 11:02 PM, Derrick Jones <gunther@online1.magnus1.com> said:
>> >On Wed, 29 Oct 1997 coder@ibm.net wrote:
>> Yup, there are all sorts of logical conundrums under there. I attempt to
>> side step most of them by defining that while the two locations now share
>> the same space, their coordinate systems are still logically continuous
>> with their original systems. The result is that by default, event tho
>> there are objects from two different locations sharing the same space,
>> objects from different locations won't affect other objects from other
>> locations in the same space.
>Okay..now I see it. For some reason I pictured the exit area being
>superimposed upon the reality of the entrance. The two places would then
>separate, taking with it the mage and some of the local 'flavor' of the
>entrance, (that's what I thought you meant by 'affinity') and leaving
>some of the exit's 'flavor' at the entrance location. Thus my argument
>for Universal Affinity...Oh well.
Actually your "flavour" bit is almost exactly right, the bit about the
superimposition is off.
>> Hurm. Another side piece I hadn't really thought of adding an explanation
>> for, is that the new affinity the two locations have for each other is
>> unique in character. Its not a question of a generic affinity stat which
>> every location or location relation possesses to some extent, but that
>> there are uniquely coded affinity values between points which can be
>> detected on the basis of that affinity signature. Helpfully, that
>> signature is partially a product of (flavoured by?) the creator of the
>> affinity (ie the one who teleported).
>Yes, in your system the affinity can be described as an arrow pointing to
>(or from) the other location.
Its bi-directional.
>Just out of curiosity, how do you parse
>stepping across such a connection?
For the caster it is atomic. He initiates the teleport spell, the spaces
are meged, the emerge, and he's in the new location. There's no
interaction required or even possible,
For others, its a little more interesting.
>Mine is easy since there is a
>physical portal in the area, 'enter portal' works, or just 'enter' if the
>portal is the most/only obvious entrance.
I don't have a portal, or any other concept of a localised, locatable,
isolatable entity which can be entered, avoided, etc. Or to put it
simply, teleporting does not open a door which may then be traversed.
Teleporting instead transports the teleporter with no other motion
required. Push the button. Blink! You are somewhere else. Push the
button again. Blink! You are somewhere else.
>With yours, it seems that you
>give travelling in a certain direction two possible outcomes(going north
>down road #1, or going north down road #2.). Is there a special verb
>such as 'cross' to differentiate between the two?
There are really two parts here:
A mage may teleport, which creates the relation, the mage elects to
belong to the other side of the merge, and the warp instantly deconstructs
leaving the mage on the other side. The result is that nobody else can
follow thru the same "portal" (if I had such a concept), or even
participate in the process. Its atomic. For an outside watching a
teleporting mage, he just seems to vanish. Pop! There's no activity
involved in vanishing, he merely vanishes.
A mage may create a more permanent warp/mapping, thru which others can
funnel or pass objects. Again, this is not a portal type of construct.
Instead it is more analagous to the Unix stdin/stdout file handle model.
A character, or even an object has a defalt coordinate system which it is
a member of, and has a location within. Given the presence of a warp, the
object may elect to swap its current coordinate system mapping for the
other one that shares his current location. This is analagous to:
fp = dup (stdin);
close (stdin);
open (new_location); // occupies the stdin slot
done atomically.
Were the warp to be displayed graphically there would be the image of the
current location, and then overlaid on that, ghosted, would be the image
of the other location that is currently warped there. The image with the
sharpest display would be the location in the current default coordinate
system. The lesser images (presuming multiple warps, which are possible),
would be the other possible mappings from this point.
The character or object then merely elects which of the multiple
coordinate systems he wishes to be a member of. He instantly vanishes
from his old location, and appears in the new.
At the command level I was going to use a "warp" command which iterated
thru the current set of possible coordinate systems. I don't like this
solution, but it works for now. I'd prefer some sort of preview method
which allowed the multiple possibilities to be scanned, viewed, and
causitively selected from. Not sure how to do that tho.
Note: There are expenses to teleporting or warping. Consider the case of
two locations, one atop a cliff, and one at the bottom, which are then
warped together. Were this to be left alone, and object warped to the top
wouldhave gained a massive amount of potential energy for no cost.
Conversely, an object coming down would have lost the same without using
As I run a resource based system I cabn't have this. Thus I require that
the resource imbalance be made up in some way such that the balance is
maintained. If you can't make up the difference, you can't teleport. Its
part of the cost of teleporting.
Thus a mage teleporting to a lower resource position might leave behind
him a very bright flash of light and heat as he expends the energy needed
to achieve the lower resource level. To keep this simple however I've
just extended this into the mappings of particle type translations. As
such a mage merely consumes of creates enough particles of the appropriate
type to balance the equation.
>> >accomplices can stick around the exit-portals and give faulty information
>> >to the guards, or even make it seem that the mage did in fact use the
>> >wrong portal (dropping a hat simular to the one worn by the mage, etc).
>> Precisely. Bingo.
>Still, its going to be a tricky implimentation...probably take me a month
>to program the guards from scratch (although I'll get some cool reusable
>subroutines worked out in the process).
Yeah, that's always the problem with neat and flexible systems. They grow
on you, literally and figuratively, and in both senses.
J C Lawrence Internet: claw@null.net
----------(*) Internet: coder@ibm.net
...Honourary Member of Clan McFud -- Teamer's Avenging Monolith...
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) coder@ibm.net
- CODE RELEASE: [mush mux] Portable Space Engine v0.8.3 RELEASED! coder@ibm.net
- ANNOUNCEMENT: [graphical commercial] Mystic Realms coder@ibm.net
- CODE RELEASE: [server] New Mud Software (SunderMUD 1.0) coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Jon A. Lambert
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Jon A. Lambert
- string parsing Adam Wiggins
- string parsing Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Nathan Yospe
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Nathan Yospe
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Nathan Yospe
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Adam Wiggins
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Sauron
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Derrick Jones
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Michael Hohensee
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Brandon J. Rickman
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Derrick Jones
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Skill Listing - Part II Jon A. Lambert
- Skill Listing - Part II Derrick Jones
- Skill Listing - Part I Jon A. Lambert
- Poison List - Part II Jon A. Lambert
- Poison List - Part III Jon A. Lambert
- Poison List - Part IV Jon A. Lambert
- Poison List - Part I Jon A. Lambert