October 1997
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides Koster, Raph
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides Nathan Yospe
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides Chris Gray
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides ##Make Nylander
- Carnage, scripting newbie guides ##Make Nylander
- Usability and interface and who the hell is supposed to clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- 101 Spells Not Worth Memorizing clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- more classes (Usability and interface and who the Brian Price
- more classes (Usability and interface and who the Matt Chatterley
- more classes (Usability and interface and who the coder@ibm.net
- Stranger in a Strange Land (was Usability and interface and Maddy
- Tablets. Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- Stranger in a Strange Land (was Usability and interface clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- Usability and interface ... Marian Griffith
- Usability and interface ... Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Usability and interface ... Broly
- Usability and interface ... Caliban Tiresias Darklock
- Usability and interface ... Derrick Jones
- Usability and interface ... coder@ibm.net
- Usability and interface ... Derrick Jones
- Usability and interface ... coder@ibm.net
- Usability and interface ... coder@ibm.net
- Usability and interface ... Marian Griffith
- Turn-based Combat Jon A. Lambert
- Turn-based Combat Travis Casey
- Turn-based Combat John G.
- OT: I'm moving! coder@ibm.net
- (fwd) New mud release coder@ibm.net
- Riddles for games clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- Riddles for games Chris Gray
- Riddles for games coder@ibm.net
- The Trap Collection clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- Learning through failure Jon A. Lambert
- Learning through failure Maddy
- The Trap Collection - Volume II clawrenc@cup.hp.com
- (fwd) New MUD software wanted? coder@ibm.net
- (fwd) New MUD software wanted? Felix A. Croes
- (fwd) New MUD software wanted? coder@ibm.net
- META: File attachments as list postings. coder@ibm.net
- More Riddles... Jon A. Lambert
- More Riddles... Jon A. Lambert
- multiple intelligences Brandon J. Rickman
- multiple intelligences Travis Casey
- multiple intelligences Brandon J. Rickman
- multiple intelligences S001GMU@nova.wright.edu
- multiple intelligences Travis S. Casey
- multiple intelligences coder@ibm.net
- OT: Usability and interface and who the hell is suppo coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Michael Hohensee
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- The Official T$R Book of Adventure Suggestions coder@ibm.net
- Mud governance Koster, Raph
- Mud governance Felix A. Croes
- Mud governance Mike Sellers
- Mud governance Travis Casey
- Mud governance coder@ibm.net
- Mud governance Mike Sellers
- Mud governance coder@ibm.net
- Mud governance S001GMU@nova.wright.edu
- Mud governance coder@ibm.net
- Mud governance Koster, Raph
- Mud governance coder@ibm.net
- OT: Usability and interface and who the hell is su Jon A. Lambert
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Nathan Yospe
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Sauron
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Brandon J. Rickman
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Jon A. Lambert
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Adam Wiggins
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Derrick Jones
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Sauron
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Marian Griffith
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Jon A. Lambert
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Vadim Tkachenko
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Sauron
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Stephen Zepp
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Matt Chatterley
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Vadim Tkachenko
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Stephen Zepp
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Matt Chatterley
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) coder@ibm.net
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Alex Oren
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Alex Oren
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Koster, Raph
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Chris Gray
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Richard Woolcock
- Fear of magic (was:Usability and interface) Stephen Zepp
- META: List burp coder@ibm.net
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) Derrick Jones
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) Matt Chatterley
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) coder@ibm.net
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) coder@ibm.net
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) Derrick Jones
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) coder@ibm.net
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) Derrick Jones
- To catch a mage (was fear of magic) coder@ibm.net
- CODE RELEASE: [mush mux] Portable Space Engine v0.8.3 RELEASED! coder@ibm.net
- ANNOUNCEMENT: [graphical commercial] Mystic Realms coder@ibm.net
- CODE RELEASE: [server] New Mud Software (SunderMUD 1.0) coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Jon A. Lambert
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Jon A. Lambert
- string parsing Adam Wiggins
- string parsing Ola Fosheim Grøstad
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Nathan Yospe
- string parsing Felix A. Croes
- string parsing Nathan Yospe
On Fri, 31 Oct 1997, Felix A. Croes wrote:
:Nathan Yospe <yospe@hawaii.edu> wrote:
:> I've written quite a bit on this topic in the past. While my current
:> parsers are in Java, and the rules of the lexical system are a little
:> different, there are similarities... I have finally implemented sentance
:> completion. As soon as there is a possible completion, the completed
:> sentance is printed in gray text ghosted off of the typed text. Hitting
:> tab completes a current gray segment, hitting enter submits black only.
:If there is an archive of previous postings on the subject, I would
:be very interested.
:Your parsers are in Java... does that mean that it is the client which
:does the parsing?
:Felix Croes
Yup. The client does the parsing of both input (as here) and output (meaning
what you see when you look around, what you smell, etc, etc, etc), and the
host runs everything in a raw 3D event/object/time prediction field. I don't
know how else to describe it. The host implements the physics, and negotiates
transfer of the only form of text it sends and recieves - communication. The
rest of the text (or potentially graphics, or whatever else) is actually
retrieved from, and submitted to, a seperate port, which I am still working
on security for. You can see why I'm developing this completely offline... In
any case, there is no way I'd be able to handle a seperate copy of this sort
of thing for every user on the _server_...
"You? We can't take you," said the Dean, glaring at the Librarian.
"You don't know a thing about guerilla warfare." - Reaper Man,
Nathan F. Yospe Registered Looney by Terry Pratchett
yospe@hawaii.edu http://www2.hawaii.edu/~yospe Meow
- string parsing Nathan Yospe
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing Nathan Yospe
- string parsing Chris Gray
- string parsing coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Adam Wiggins
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Sauron
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Derrick Jones
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Michael Hohensee
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Brandon J. Rickman
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster Derrick Jones
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Idea: Hive-mind monster coder@ibm.net
- Skill Listing - Part II Jon A. Lambert
- Skill Listing - Part II Derrick Jones
- Skill Listing - Part I Jon A. Lambert
- Poison List - Part II Jon A. Lambert
- Poison List - Part III Jon A. Lambert
- Poison List - Part IV Jon A. Lambert
- Poison List - Part I Jon A. Lambert