Lisssteeen A liquid that when found will
always be labeled:
This yellow liquid has no smell but
it will make your mouth water, it
tastes spicy hot (like tabasco
sauce), and works only when
swallowed (Only ingestive type
poison). There is no discernable
effect to or on any creature within
100 feet of the imbiber. BUT to
any creature more than 100 feet
from the imbiber will hear the
voice of the imbiber due to the
"effect" on the imbiber's vocal
coards. This fluid causes the
imbiber's vocal cords to transmit
on a ultrasonic as well as a
subsonic level making all within a
mile of them hear the imbiber.
This sound level permiates ALL
planes and dimensions also. Any
diety's name which is spoken has a
50% bonus of hearing and any
creature within 300 feet CANNOT be
surprised under any circumstances!
Lasts 25 rounds - imbiber's wisdom
Lomat An odorless, colorless powder or
liquid. Does 5 - 30 (5d6) damage,
starts in 1 - 6 turns, runs it's
course in 1 - 4 turns. Save for
half damage at -2
Longlicker toxin This poison lasts for four rounds,
starts instantly, save vs. poison
for the first three rounds or take
3-18 (3d6) damage (take 1-6 (1d6)
damage if save is made). On the
fourth round, take 3-18 (3d6)
damage automaticaly (No save)
Lotus dust, black Causes instant death
Lotus dust, brown Encases the victim in wood
(Required 20 strength to break out)
Lotus dust, clear Burns for 1-6 (1d6) damage per
round when it comes in contact with
flesh. Lasts for 1-6 (1d6) rounds
Lotus dust, copper Encases victiim in copper (Requires
a 21 strength to break out)
Lotus dust, emerald Paralizes victms lungs/gills for 2-
12 (2d6) rounds
Lotus dust, metalic Blinds victim and causes lung
failure for 2-12 (2d6) rounds
Lotus dust, red Causes objects to turn to stone
Lotus dust, yellow Causes victims to fall asleep (Yes,
Even elves!)
Luptak A nerve toxin that may be injected
or rendered into a gas. It appears
to effect dexterity, causing the
victim to stumble, be unable to
fight, cast spells, etc...; However
it does NO direct damage. There is
a 50% chance of a victim taking
physical damage from a fall while
affected by the toxin. A victim
who was poisoned in melee would be
quite helpless. It's effects last
from 3 - 6 (1d4+2) turns. Save for
no effect
Magebane A very stable liquid that can be
disguised as any other potion
(Commonly disguised as potions of
HEROISM). The effect is one of
severe mental sluggishness and
effectively causes the victim to
have one third of their actual
intellegence.. Lasts one round per
intellegence point "lost"
Malange toxin Causes tunnel vision, allowing +1
to hit for any opponent not
directly in front of the poisoned
creature {Or not in direct line of
sight}. A creature that has this
introduced into the bloodstream
will develop deep blue eyes in 1 -
4 days. The poison will last for 1
- 6 + 4 days (A total of 5 to 10
Man skorpion poison Save vs. poison or die instantly
Mantri poison The victim subtracts their
constitution from 25 and takes the
difference in damage (minimum of 5
points of damage)
Marine spider venom Save vs. poison or be paralized for
2-12 (2d6) rounds
Megalo-centipede This is an acidic toxin, it burns
the skin for 1-8 (1d8) damage.
Save for half damage
Mental Depressent-A Causes a loss of Psionics for 4-48
Mental Depressent-B Causes a chemically induced Psionic
Milkweed Causes a severe intestinal disorder
that makes the victim regurgatate
anything that has been eaten, lasts
for 5-10 (1d6+4) days. The victim
will starve to death if the toxin
is not neutralized
Mistletoe poison Destroys red blood cells, victim
takes 1 point of damage per day
(Cumulative). Example: Day 1, take
1 point. Day two, take 2
Mold poison Causes 1d12 or 2d12, a rare form is
said to cause 4d20
Monkshood This poison causes accute vomiting
and diarreha for 1-4 (1d4) and if
a save is not made (+1), the victim
will have intense convoultions and
die in severe pain in 2-8 (2d4)
Morphus A clear citrus-smelling liquid.
Fumes will cause victim to sleep
for 1 - 6 turns (After a round of
contact). Morphus is used like
chloroform for abductions and the
like, and is a potent gas when
mixed properly. Even works on
elves. Save for no effect at -2
Mufa Odorless, colorless liquid. Starts
in 1 - 10 rounds, throws victim
into painfull twisting convultions,
then does 15 points of damage per
round until victim dies.
Convultions have a 50% chance of
causing an extra 1 - 6 points of
damage in each round. No saving
Myconid-H Save vs. poson or begin to
hallucnate for 2-16 (2d8) rounds.
Roll below:
- 01 - 10 : Cower & Wimper
- 11 - 15 : Stare into nothngness
- 16 - 18 : Run in a random direction
- 19 - 20 : Attack the nearest creature
Myconid-P Save vs. poison or be totally
passive. Victim may only watch,
cannot take any actons, even if
they are being attacked. Lasts for
2-6 (1d6, treatng all 1's as 2's)
Naral poison Save vs. poison or take 6-36 (6d6)
Narcosis Once introduced into the body, is
takes effect for 1 - 4 rounds, this
poison causes severe nitrogen
narcosis (Similar effect to comming
up from 300' underwater to the
surface in 1 second). Save for
half damage. Poison lasts until
dispelled. Does 7 - 12 (1d6+6)
damage per round and victim cannot
Nettle A light brown powder that causes
extreem skin inflamation. The
burning, itching & stinging can
last up to 20 days. This causes -3
to hit and -2 to damage and armor
Nibon An odorless colorless liquid. Does
6 - 48 (6d8) damage, starts in 1
round, runs it's course in 1 turn.
Save for half damage made at -4
Nightcrawler poison Save vs. poison or take 7-56 (7d8)
damage and be paralyzed for that
Nightseeker poison Save vs. poison or take 3-12 (3d4)
Ninthla poison Anything under 12 hit dice must
save or die, any that does save
will fall into a catatonic state
for 1-20(1d20) days
Nyosan butterfly poison Save vs. poison or take 2-12 (2d6)
OOPS! A clear liquid that is often
mistaken for Holy Water. While
under the influence of this poison,
any type of spell which divulges
color (such as TRUE SIGHT, or
DETECT ALIGNMENT) will reveal the
exact opposite color!. This poison
is sometimes called ColorBlind.
Duration: 2-12 (2d6) days
OUCH! A very deep ruby red gel or liquid
that tastes like listerine. This
"poison" holds damage, that is the
next SIX times the imbiber takes
damage, the fluid will "hold" the
damage so that the body does not
really take it. This damage can be
cured before the body really takes
the damage. This is only good for
SIX hits, for on the SEVENTH hit,
the fluid's power is dispelled and
the imbiber takes ALL damage taken
in the previous seven hits that
hasn't been cured yet!
Oliander poison Save vs. poison or the victim's
heart stops and death ensues
Opia A brown powder with a honey/almond
smell. When drunk (it dissolves
into liquids instantly), it causes
blindness within 1 - 6 rounds.
This is temporary, lasting 1 - 10
rounds. Save for no effect
Optical-A Causes blindness equal to the 30 -
characters constitution
Optical-B Causes double vision for 30 days
less characters constitution
Optical-C Causes inflamation of the
characters tear ducts, makeing the
character susceptable to taking
damage from bright lights
Orvas This is a translucent liquid with a
green cast and a bitter-sweet
taste. It does 1-6 (1d6) damage
upon entering the bloodstream
(immediately if introduced into a
wound or scrape, or in 18-24
{1d6+17} turns if introduced by
ingestive means), and 1-4 (1d4)
points of damage on the next two
rounds. A successful save vs.
Orvas means that it is ineffective
against that creature. Orvas is an
antidote to Varrakas if introduced
into the bloodstream before
Varrakas has run it's course (Both
counterace each other) Orvas works
only on mammals
Pain Causes severe pain making the
victim -1 to hit for 2 - 12 (2d6)
days (Cumulative)
Paralasys Causes paralasys for 1 - 4 turns
Phraint poison Save vs. poison or take 2-7 (1d6+1)
Phraint venom Also called "Hive Drink", This is
VERY POTENT, does 1d100-1 damage
(0-99), a save indecates that 2-20
(2d10) points can be subtracted
from the total poison damage
Pink lightning Pinkish fluid, Does 5-20 (5d4)
damage, starts in 1-6 (1d6) rounds,
runs it's course in 1-3 (1d6/2)
rounds. Save for half damage at -4
Pit viper venom Save or die else take 3-18 (3d6)
Poison Ivy toxin Causes a skin rash that makes the
creature -1 to -4 to hit and -2 to
armor class
Poison ivy hedge toxin Save vs. poison (-3) or take 1-6
(1d6) damageand be at -3/-3 for 28
turns - constitution because of
Poison pie This mushroom powder is always off-
white and smells like radishes.
When consumed, it causes
destruction of the gastrointestinal
tract. Save vs. poison or take 4-
32 (4d8) damage
Pollen poison Damage done is in d4, the number of
dice damage done is equal to 20
minus the victims constitution.
This poison does NOT break down, so
it will effect the victim every
hour until neutralized (Death does
not neutralize a poison)
Praka Small blue & white speckled
pellets. Starts in 1 - 4 rounds,
does 20 points of damage each round
until death. Causes vivid,
monsterous hallucinations; 25%
chane of permenant insanity in
victim somehow survives. Save in
each round for half damage at -5,
but still eventually fatal
Prespa (Also called "Mother's Bane")
This is an odorless, colorless
liquid that mixes readily with any
drinkables except for milk and it's
byproducts (from which it seperates
almost instantly). Effective only
in humans, and only if it is
ingested. It causes sudden dizzy
spells and visual disorentation,
beginning 1-3 (1d6/2) rounds after
ingestion and lasting 1-12 (1d12)
rounds. During this time the
victim moves unsteadily and fights
at -2 to hit and +2 worse on armor
class if having normal vision. If
the victim has infravision, the
effect is only -1/+2. At the same
time, the victim endures 1-2
(1d4/2) damage per rounds as
surface blood vessels burst all
over the body (Giving a blotched,
reddenedappearance to the skin).
Each round a successful saving
throw will avoid the damage, but if
the victim suffers injury through
combat or misadventure during the
round, no saving throw is allowed
Pseudo-Dragon poison Save vs. poison or fall into a
catatonic state for 1 - 6 days
Purple worm poison Save vs. poison or die else take
2d4 damage
Pybra poison (Bite) Take 3-18 (3d6) damage (No save!)
Pybra poison (Spit) Take 2-7 (1d6+1) damage
Pybra poison (Sting) Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6)
Pybra venom Does 1d2 to 6d2 damage, this is an
acidic venom, so if a save is NOT
made, the victim will take double
damage from the acid.
Quaggoth toxin Save vs. poison (-4) or be stunned
and walk in a random direction.
The victim will walk 1 round for
each point that they missed their
save by. If the victim cannot walk
in the rolled direction, they will
simply move off in another untill
the toxin wears off
Quiggly toxin Save vs. poison (-2) or the toxin
causes a painful form of arthritis
that manifests itself in the hands.
Every time a dexterious action
(pick pockets, remove traps, spell
casting...) is attempted, the
victim mst save vs. paralization or
fumble the action. The toxin lasts
untill neutralized or the arthritis
is cured
Recursion This poison causes an initial 1
point of damage and then the victim
must save vs. poison. If they
miss, they will take 1 more point
of damage and must save again.
This will continue until the victim
dies or a save is made.
Red Slaad pellets When these pellets come in contact
with bare skin, the person must
save vs. poison or die in 3 - 36
(3d12) hours (Only a CURE DISEASE,
BARKSKIN will affect this "poison",
any of the above will stop it)
Red Urched poison Save vs. poison or sleep for 1 - 4
Red fang toxin Does 3-12(3d4) to 8-32(8d4) damage.
This toxin will paralyze all elves
for 3-8 (1d6+2) turns
Red mamba venom Save vs. poison (-3) or take 2-12
(2d6) to 6-36 (6d6) damage
Redback mushrooms This mushroom powder has the same
chemical makeup as the potion used
in the IDENTIFY spell, when
consumed, the same effect occurs
Redbog poison When comming into contact with the
air, this poison oxidizes into a 60
foot could of redish opaque gas.
Anyone or thing that is under 12
hit dice must save or fall into a
deep sleep for 1 - 100 (1d100)
rounds. Anyone over 12 hit dice
that does not save is slowed. This
poison will even put elves to
Retch Derived from the retch plant, this
toxin has NO saving throw. Any
victim will vomit and heave for 1-3
(1d6/2) rounds and lose 50% of
their current strength for 6 turns
(1 hour)
Rhododendron Save vs. poison or this poison
causes vertigo and headaches,
watering of the eyes and fluttering
of the heart that is followed in 2-
8 (2d4) rounds by irregular and
slow pulse convoultions and
paralisys of the arms and legs.
The victim will die 12 rounds after
the slowed pulse begins
Rhubarb poison This poison shuts down the victims
kidneys, so that each day after
poisoning, the victim must roll 3d6
under their constitution or die.
Each successive day adds 1 to the
die roll (cumulative)
Rock poppy Save vs. poison or turn to stone as
per FLESH TO STONE spell
Rockworm acid Does 7-32(5d6+2) damage
Roper poison Save vs. poison or lose one half
strength for 1 - 4 days
S Sleep Poison, After two rounds,
acts as a SLEEP spell upon the
victim (Causes No damage, but this
will even put elves asleep)
Salt spider poison Save or Die!
Sand poison A RARE FORM of poison made by dune
stalkers that does 1d6 damage and
if a save vs. poison is not made,
the victim takes 2d6 more damage
Screamin' scarlet poison Causes a scarlet rash that has
intense itching. The victim will
commense to itch the rash causing -
3 to hit and -3 to armor class.
This will last until neutralized.
To neutralize it requires a
NEUTRALIZE POISON and one pint of
holy water
Sea demon poison Does 4-24(4d6) damage and paralyzes
victim for 1d6 days unless victim
is an elf or an undead, in which
case they dissolve for 2-24(2d12)
points of damage per round (No
Shaggy beast fluid (Bite) Causes 2-12 (2d6) damage
Shaggy beast fluid (Stinger) Causes 1-8 (1d8) damage
Sheet ghoul acid Does 2 - 7 (1d6+1) damage (No save)
Silver Urchen toxin Save vs. poison or this poison will
shut down the central nervous
system of the victim, putting the
creature in a comatose state for 1
- 3 days
Silver lightning Silvery liquid. Does 5-40 (5d8)
damage, sets in immediately, runs
it's course in 1-6 (1d6) rounds.
Save for half damage at -3
Silver lotus Light silver liquid or powder,
smells like lotus flowers. Does 7
- 42 (7d6) damage, starts in 1 - 2
turns, runs it's course in 1 - 6
turns. Reduces victim's
constitution by 1 point for every
10 points of damage taken. System
shock roll is required for every
point lost; Failure means instant
death. Constitution points can
only be regained by rest. Save for
half damage
Skorpadillo poison Paralyzes victim and does 6-36(3d6)
damage, Save for no damage
Skorpoon poison Does 1-4(1d4) to 4-16(4d4) damage,
save for no damage
Skyzorr'n poison Save vs. poison or take 2-5 (1d4+1)
damage and lose one point from
strength and dexterity for 2-8
(2d4) turns
Slowness Causes effects similar to a SLOW
spell cast by a Magic User of the
same level as the person that made
the poison
Sluggoth acid Does 3-18(3d6) to 8-42(8d6) damage
Snig venom Save vs. poison or take 8-64 (8d8)
damage. Save indicates half damage
Snow snake venom Save vs. poison or the victim will
freeze solid. If a save is made,
the victim will take 4d8 damage.