Death cup toxin This toxin appears only in the form
of powder, as it is made from a
RARE form of mushrooms. Once a
victim has been toxified by this
substance, the effects will not
begin to show until 10 to 20
(1d10+10) hours after the initial
introduction. This toxin kills by
disolving the red blood cells in
the blood stream, as such the
victim must save vs. death (at -3)
or they die. This requires a
to recover the victim
Death dog toxin A poison which the victim must save
vs. poison or become sick and die
in 1 - 4 days
Death-A Save at +2 or go into a coma for 1
- 4 days
Death-B Save at +1 or go into a coma for 1
- 6 days
Death-C Save normally or go into a coma for
1 - 8 days
Death-D Save at -1 or go into a coma for 2
- 12 days
Deathwine Odorless, burgandy colorless
liquid. Often mistaken for wine.
May be used both ways, as
insinuative (Blade venom) or as
ingestive (Food poison). It is
tremendiously leathal. A save is
allowed (at -5), and if it fails,
death occurs in 1 round. If the
save is successful, the victim
still takes 25 damage, 12 points of
damage in the first round and 13
points in the second round. If an
antidote is to be used, it must be
administered within six segments or
it will not be effective.
Deathwine and it's antidote are
EXTREEMLY RARE. This poison will
effect ANY humanoid even trolls and
the like
Deathwing poison (Bite) Save vs. poison or take 8-80(8d10)
damage, a save indicates half
Deathwing poison (Stinger) Save vs. poison or take 8-64(8d8)
Delusionary Recipient has effectivly one half
of their Intellegence, they get no
save vs. illusions, and will also
"see things" 50% of the time
Demon locust poison Does 6-48(6d8) damage and causes
blindness for 11-16(1d6+10) turns
with no save. Hobbits are not
effected by this poison in any way
Depressent Recipient is suprised 3 in 6 times,
they are also -1 to hit due to
relaxation which also makes them
one armor class easier to hit
Devil-Ale Odorless liquid, very light orange
color. Does a flat 60 points of
damage, Starts in 1 - 3 rounds
after ingestion, runs it's course
in 2 - 5 (1d4+1) turns. No saving
throw, Antidote is only hope
Diffenbachia Save vs. poison or this toxin
causes total and complete
relaxation of the vocal chords.
Lasts for 3-12 (3d4) rounds
Disease Causes a random disease (Weigh roll
towards the virulent diseases)
Dog demon poison Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6)
Dracolisk acid Does 4-24 (4d6) damage, save for
half damage
Dragonfish poison Save vs. poison at -1 or die else
take 1 - 6 damage
Dream juice Green, black or white fluid. Does
3-24 (3d8) damage, starts
immediately, runs it's course in 1-
10 (1d10) rounds. Causes it's
victims to fall down and become
catatonic and have vivid
pleasentdreams while dying. Save
for no damage
Droon poison Does 1-6(1d6) to 3-18(3d6) damage,
save for half damage
Drow toxin Save vs. poison at -4 or fall
unconcious for 1 - 3 days
Dus poison This poison paralyzes the victim
and then they must save or take 1-
4(1d4) damage every round until
Dust poison Damage is usually 1d4 to 8d4, but
this poison will not kill. It just
leaves the victim at zero hit
Dwarf poison Kills only Dwarves, all else take 2
- 12 (2d6) damage
Dwarfbane This is a rare gummy oil that is
poisonous only to dwarves. Used
insinuatively, it is commonly
smeared upon weapons. It will not
dry out, but prolonged exposure to
air will lesson it potentcy (+2 on
save). Upon contact, it does 1-8
(1d8) damage with a pain "like
blazing skewers" and a further 1-6
(1d6) points of damage on the next
three rounds. A sucessful save
indicates half damage
E Causes 41 - 50 points of damage
(7d6, 6d8, 8d6, 5d10)
Elephant-fly poison Save vs. poison or take 6-36 (6d6)
Elven poison Kills only Elves, all else take 2 -
12 (2d6) damage
Ettercap poison Does 1 - 8 (1d8) damage (No save)
Eye killer toxin Made from the eyes of an EyeKiller,
the recipient must save vs. poison
or die, else the victim takes 3 -
18 (3d6) damage
F Causes 51 - 60 points of damage
(9d6, 7d8, 6d10, 3d20)
Fighterbane A very simple poison though it is
magical based. The effect simply
moves the body's center of gravity
one foot higher than normal and
shortens the arms by one foot.
Duration: 4 - 24 (4d6) rounds.
(Note: While under the effect of
this poison, all attacks are at -
4/-4 and the recipient's armor
class is at -4)
Fire snake venom Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
2 - 8 (2d4) turns
Flumph acid toxin An acidic toxin that does 1d8
damage, then 1d4 damage per round
for 2 - 8 (2d4) rounds
Flydance A green odorless liquid. Can be
made into a gas, otherwise used as
Chayapa. Acts in 1 - 3 rounds.
Causes convultions that knock the
victim off their feet and cause
them to shake and twitch around.
Lasts for 1 - 6 rounds. Save for
no effect at +2
Formian poison Does 4-16 (4d4) damage, save for
half damage
Freeze bee poison Does 2-16(2d8) damage (Cold
damage), Save for half damage
Frin A pale green liquid or powder,
smells like apples. Does 3 - 30
(3d10) damage, starts in 1 - 3
rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 8
rounds. Save for no damage
Frog oil poison Created from large river toads,
this poison does 5d6 points of
Fungoid mushroom poison Save vs. poison or this mushroom
dust will act as a FEEBLEMIND spell
upon the victim
Fungus poison Does 2d8 to 7d8 points of damage
Fuzzy poison Save vs. poison or take 2-12 (2d6)
damage and be paralyzed for a like
amount or rounds
G Causes 61 - 70 points of damage
(8d8, 11d6, 7d10)
Gaboon A unique venom, as it is very
powerful but slow (save at -2). If
a save is not made the victim will
seem to be under a SLOW spell, the
next day,the victim will be totally
paralized. The following days, the
victim will take 5 points of damage
a day (cumulative: 5, 10, 15, 20,
...) until the poison is
Galas Pale blue liquid or powder, smells
like horse sweat. Does 4 - 40
(4d10) damage, starts in 1 - 3
rounds, runs it's course in 2
turns. Save for no damage
Galtrit saliva Anestitises the body and causes the
loss of 1d4 constitution points
(Regained at the rate of 1
Garbug toxin Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
1 - 6 turns
Ghoul poison Save vs. poison or take 4d6 damage
and begin to rot at 1 point of
damage per turn until healed, or
the poison is neutralized, or a
REMOVE CURE is case upon the
victim. A save indicates that no
damage will be taken, but the
victim still rots
Ghoul sweat A scummy green gel, used like
Chayapa. Smells like rotten meat.
It's effects are to paralyze for 5
- 10 (1d6+4) rounds. It acts
immediatly. Save for no effect at
Giant Hornet poison Save vs. poison or take 5 - 30
(5d6) damage and be incapacitated
for 2 - 12 (2d6) days, a save
indicates half damage and no
Giant ant poison This acid does 1-3(1d3) to 20-
60(20d3) damage, save for half
Giant lizard poison Save vs. poison or take 2-6 (2d3)
to 20-60 (20d3) damage. A save
indicates half damage
Giant scorpion poison Save vs. poison or die
Giant sea spider venom Save vs. poison or take 1-4 (1d4)
Giant snake venom Save vs. poison or take 1-4 (1d4)
to 20-80 (20d4) damage
Gila monster venom Save vs. poison or take 1-6 (1d6)
damage per round for 10 rounds (or
until cured). Save each round for
half damage
Gila poison Does 1-8(1d8) damage
Gnome poison Kills only Gnomes, all else take 2
- 12 (2d6) damage
Goldbug poison Save vs. poison or DIE!
Golden fool Gold powder. Touch does 4 - 48
(4d12), starts in 1 rounds, runs
it's course in 1 - 8 rounds. Save
for half damage. Completely
indetectable on gold items,
otherwise it leaves a gold
discoloration after application
Gom Jabbar Does damage equal to the victims
hit points (minus 1) and kills that
victim with no save
Greenback mushroom poison Made from a VERY RARE form of green
mushrooms, the victim must save vs.
poison or sucumb to the effects of
Grell poison Save vs. poison or be paralyzed for
20 rounds (Less the victims
constitution, Min of 5 rounds)
Grey horror Appears as greyish powder, does 4-
32(4d8) to 8-64(8d8) damage and
paralyzes victim. Save vs. poison
for half damage and no
paralyzation. Hobbits dissolve at
3-18(3d6) damage per round until
Grey horror poison Save vs. poison (-2) or take 8-48
(8d6) damage and be paralyzed for
that many rounds
Grond poison Save vs. poison or take 3-18 (3d6)
Ground golden mushrooms This mushroom powder is not a
"true" poison, but it does have
value to an assassin. If placed on
a piece of stone it will turn to
flesh, also if placed on flesh, the
flesh will turn to stone.
Duration: Until magically dispelled
Ground panther whiskers Consuming this substance is
comparable to eating ground glass,
the substance does 4d8 damage
Ground rakasta whiskers Similar to ground panther whiskers,
this substance is also very deadly.
This poison works only when
ingested and it does 5d10 damage
Gurch Dark green liquid or powder, smells
like wax. Starts in 1 round does a
flat 75 points of damage over 1 -
10 turns. Very painfull; victim
disabled after taking 15 points of
damage, cannot walk, fight, barely
able to talk. Save for half damage
at -4
Gyronite poison Does 8-32(8d4) to 15-45(15d4)
damage, save at +4 for no damage
H Causes 71 - 80 points of damage
(9d8, 12d6, 13d6, 8d10, 4d20, 10d8)
Hangman's acid Does 3-12 (3d4) damage, lasts for
2-4 (1d4, treating all 1's as 2's).
This acid will wash off with water,
but if alcohol is applied to it, it
Harvestman poison Save vs. poison or take 3-24 (3d8)
Hell moth poison Does 1-8(1d8) damage
Hellebore Causes the following effects:
--Extreem salivation
--Abdominal pain
--Paralisys of extremities
If the save is made, the symptoms
vanish after 2-12 (2d6) rounds,
else the victim dies after a like
amount of time
Hemlock poison Causes internal bleeding, doing 1d8
damage per day until death or a
CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS or better spell
is cast upon the victim (or a
Hobbit poison Kills only Hobbits, all else take 2
- 12 (2d6) damage
Huecuva poison Save vs. poison or catch a cardio-
vascular-renal disease (Very
acute), a save indicates 1 - 4
(1d4) damage
Huld Also known as "Leap" or
"Deathdance". This is an odorless
oil that is effective on non-
humanoid creatures - except for
humans and demi-humans. It works
only by insinuation. It's effects
are the same regardless of dosage
and appear 1-4 (1d4) rounds after
application. Huld causes severe
muscle spasms involving nausea and
the loss of motor control, balance,
and speech - lasting for 1-6 (1d6)
rounds. During this time the
victim is helpless, but by no means
an easy target since he/she/it is
thrashing around wildly and
unpredictable. Mental processes
are totally uneffected (IE:
Psionics or other communication can
be initiated or continued, and in
some cases a psionic ability can be
used to control or stop the poisons
effects). A peticular individual
will be 95% resistant to Huld for a
period of 10-21 (1d10+9) days after
exposure to it, and thus repeated
doses will not be effective. Huld
will effect all individuals
Humbaba poison Save vs. poison or take 10-80(10d8)
damage. A save indicates 2/3rds
I Causes 81 - 90 points of damage
(14d6, 11d8, 9d10, 15d6)
Ikaheka venom Lose 1-6 (1d6) points of
constitution. They are regained at
the rate of ONE per week. A
RESTORATION spell will replace all
of them.
Imp poison Save vs. poison or die else take 1
- 4 damage
Ink coprinus Comes from a very common mushroom
as it is only toxic when consumed
with alcoholic beverages. Does 5-
20 (5d4) damage, save for half
Insanity Causes a random insanity for 1 - 4
J Causes 91 -100 points of damage
(12d8, 16d6, 10d10, 5d20)
Jameson's mamba venom This venom causes the victim's
pulse rate to double what it is
normally for 1-6 (1d6) rounds,
causing 1-12 (1d12) damage per
round. Also if a save is not made,
the victim will suffocate in 3
rounds (plus constitution bonus)
Jeteye This is a glossy (reflective) black
liquid that effects all mammals
upon ingestion, it is ineffective
as a insinuative poison. Save for
half damage. It causes the pupils
of the eyes to go black (although
this does not effect vision in any
way) and causes 1-8 (1d8) damage to
the neural system immediately. No
pain is felt by the victim however,
for Jeteye kills all pain and
tactile sensation for a period of
9-16 (1d8+8) rounds (the "black
eyes" sign will stay for the same
duration). Jeteye is sometimes
used voluntarily before torture or
immediately after battle injuries
(preventing a system shock roll).
It has a bitter walnut-like taste
and is hard to disguise in food or
Jima A light red powder or liquid,
smells like papaya. Does 8 - 48
(8d6) damage, starts in 1 - 10
rounds, runs it's course in 1 - 3
turns. Save for half damage at -3
Khargra toxin This poison causes 3 - 18 (3d6)
damage, the side effect of this
poison is that it will dissolve any
metal that it is applied to
Kill kitten poison Save vs poison or die, else victim
is paralyzed for 1-6(1d6) days
Killer bee poison Save vs. poison (at -2) or die
King cobra poison Save vs. poison or take 1-6 (1d6)
damage per round for 10 rounds (or
until cured). Save each round for
half damage
Kolas A thick brown liquid, smells like
roses. Does 8 - 48 (4d12) damage,
starts in 1 - 8 rounds, runs it's
course in 1 - 4 turns. Save for no
Kotra A clear oily fluid. Does 5 - 30
(5d6) damage, acts in 1 round, runs
it's course in 1 - 10 rounds. Save
for half damage at -1
Krag poison Save vs. poison (at -3) or turn to
stone. A save indicates that the
victim is slowed for 2-12(2d6)
rounds less their constitution
bonus (Minimum of 1 round of
Kumba Odorless, colorless liquid. Starts
is 1 - 6 rounds, death follows one
round thereafter. Save for no
damage at -3, Failed save means
Kuurus Named after the Assassin that
invented it, Kuurus does 1-6 (1d6)
damage per constitution point that
the victim has. Save (-3) for half
Kuyss poison Causes leprosy, and until a CURE
DISEASE is cast upon the victim, no
other cure spells will work on that
Land urchen toxin Save vs. poison (-1) or be
paralized for 6 turns
Lhurdas (Also known as "Yellow Death" and
"Beltyn's Last Drink") This is a
wine based poison. It has a sharp
dry white-grape taste and will
readily mix with any such wine. It
reacts with the digestive acids of
the stomach (Effective in any of
the player races) to eat away the
internal organs and tissues.
Ingestion produces rapid (within
two rounds) nausea, convultions,
and terrific internal cramps with
burning pain. It does 1-6 (1d6)
damage in the first round, 2-12
(2d6) damage in the second round,
and 1-4 (1d4) damage in the third
and final round. Thereafter it
will do no more damage, regardless
of dose, and further exposer to
Lhurdas will cause discomfort and
failure to heal, but no more
damage. This resistance lasts for
3-25 (3d8) days. This is an
ingestive poison only. Save for
half damage